Cliff Douglas Advanced Were Bear Inactive
Basic Information
Name Clifford James Douglas
Pronouns He/Him
Age 42
Birthday March 4
Height 5'6
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Ricki Hall
Residence Location Camp Baron
Occupation Location Camp Baron
Occupation Owner — Douglas Carpentry & Pine Peak Sanctuary
Vehicle Blue 1996 Ford F-250 Four Door
Vampire Stats
Age turned 27
Supernatural Eye Color Black
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned 27
Supernatural Eye Color Black
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Third Ability None
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned 27
Supernatural Eye Color Black
Animal Appearance -Kodiak Brown Bear
-7ft at shoulder, 12ish on hind feet, 1,950 lbs. H E F T Y
-Denim, plaid, leather
-Hair and beard fluctuate in length, but typically never past his shoulders.
-Right eyebrow has a notch in it from a scar he received when he was changed. No, he doesn't shave it like that.
-Too Many Tattoos
-Amiable & Humorous
-Stubborn & Decisive
-Compassionate & Forgiving
-Realistic & Reserved
-Self-critical & Childish
-Capable & Handy
-Moralistic & Ambitious
-Born in Ouray, Colorado in 1983.
-Pretty nice upbringing until mom and dad split when he was 14, mom took his older half sister to live in Colorado Springs. Still sorta resentful about it.
-Stuck with his dad, so he grew up basically at the lumber yard his dad owned and ran.
-Took to carving and carpentry at an early age. Started his own carpentry business at 18.
-Dad died of cancer when he was 24, he inherited everything including ownership of DLC.
-Tried the whole office job thing for a while, but the stress and grief make him turn to drink, drugs, and anything bad for you.
-Decided to hire out someone to run things for him at the lumber yard, and lost sight of his passion for carving.
-Pretty much a grade A asshole for a while, family and friends stopped talking to him.
-Things got bad, his business plummeted.
-Stumbled around a forest one night, drunk off his ass.
-Bear. Two bears. Huge bears.
-Wakes up in some stranger's bed, half naked, with mostly healed wounds all over.
-Congratulations, its a were-bear! He is immediately pulled into the sleuth of the two bears who take responsibility for his turning.
-It was a huge adjustment, but it forced him to focus on something. The sleuth was a group of good people not entirely unlike himself, and they helped him get back on his feet.
-The Sleuth was a good experience and helped him grow, but the whole ordeal made him want to turn a new page and start fresh. So after a couple of years, he struck out to Ridgefield to figure out where to go from there.
--In Ridgefield County--
-Moved into Graupel Canyon, and shortly became wrapped up in the Cobalt Ridge Sleuth.
-Eventually, disagreements and impulsiveness found him leaving with his closest friend, Maxine, and moving to Lauderhill
-Stuck it out with her, and then alone when she chose to move away. Rogue life, baby.
-Eventually found other bears who seemed to like him, began taking the steps to open Pine Peak Sanctuary in Camp Baron.
-Moved to Camp Baron, and formed a little ragtag Sleuth of his own.
-Somehow he's a King now, with a live-in girlfriend and two cats. His cup runneth over.
-Has two cats, Mapel and Rosa
Threw Were-kind Off Hell in a Cell
Threw Were-kind Off Hell in a Cell
08-14-2020 at 11:25 PM

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05-27-2020 at 08:32 AM