After power practice in the cemetary, Heather and Delphine talk about their lost loved ones and decide to take whatever this is slow. Could there be fweelings??
Malaya and Dakila have a chance encounter that leads to them sweetly discussing their interests, their shared culture and were life. Fao and Jesk finally have a romantically inclined duo that aren't secretly a nightmare.
Harrison reaches out to Bree for a little guidance on what to do concerning Suki's pending transformation. She gives him plenty, and also confesses she almost went the same way.
After spending days apart after a chaotic evening, Bree returns home and states that she wants to remain human. Waylin asks what that means for them—and well, no more Breelin.
While out for an evening hike, Eden runs into a familiar fox. Mild shenanigans and exploration ensue and Eden ends up covered in wet fur with some big intrusive thoughts to muse over maybe later.