Rules and systems:
The place to go if you're new on the site and looking for how to... well. Get started!
The OOC and IC rules of the game you'll want to familiarize yourself with and follow for a happy Passing
Strange experience!
Where does Passing Strange take place? What's life like? Learn it all here!
It's not about experience points, but it is about experience!
Your luck around here is a roll of the dice. Literally!
Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gunna do...
Come face to face with our faces!
Work work work work work!
Species and their mechanics:
Learn about the more human but still very powerful segment of the population: humans and psychics!
Human? Animal? The balance differs from were to were, but let's just say the beast isn't just inner.
Life after death can go on for a long, looooong time... if you know what you're doing.
Explore the many magical power options available to psychics and vampires!
Magic, how it manifests itself in the Strange universe, and the ways it affects the people living there.
The birds, bees, and beasts. Learn all you need to know about these subjects on Passing Strange, no NSFW
tag required!
In-game groups:
While these supernatural found families typically fly under the radar of human society, they often serve
as a means for better survival chances - and besides, misery loves company.
How the hierarchies of vampire and were societies keep things running smoothly. (Usually.)
Do great things, win pretty profile images!
Not sure how to link a link, bold a bold, or image an image? We'll teach you!
Giving thanks to some of the touches that make Passing Strange so dang strange!
When you TRY YOUR BEST, but-
Two trucks holding hands, two trucks holding hands...
Send me on my way (on my way), send me on my way (on my way), send me on myyyyy way-
As we goooo onnnn, we rememmmberrrr, all the times weeee, had togeeetherrr...