Sinkhole Spookyfest hypnodancer

outfit plus wavy blonde wig

It was the busiest time of year for Taeyeon, booked practically daily from October 1st right up until New Year's Eve, so it kind of seemed only fair that he got to give himself one day off to enjoy the festivities himself! It was no coincidence that he chose the night of the Barn Bash. An opportunity to get dressed up and strut his stuff on the dancefloor, a place where he felt entirely in his element, the age of humanity he had clearly been waiting for ever since his turning. Dance and party spirit were his craft every bit as much as DJing was and the former was much easier to perform when he wasn't tending to decks and keyboards.

He had attempted to rope some colleagues he considered decent acquaintances into joining him in a group costume
He'd been thinking Spice Girls, 90s nostalgia. None of them had taken him up on the offer, the majority working this evening, though he suspected that a couple who'd claimed they were working simply did not want to dress up. How miserable!

So here he was, centre of the dancefloor, adjusting his wig and testing out his rigged... chest enhancements. He gave the trigger at his side a press, and the cones ejected a gentle spray of glitter that drew... no attention. Hm. Okay so he had to make the trigger louder, right? If anyone nearby was paying any kind of attention, perhaps they would have seen the bright electric purple glint in his eyes as he focused his metaphysical attention on the trigger mechanism maybe a little too hard before pressing it again. A loud, sharp clunk-bang clatter sound cut through the music briefly, enough to startle the vampire himself and quash the purple colour of his irises as more glitter gently sprayed insidiously into the barn, on its way to get stuck on absolutely anyone who'd even looked at the building in the last hour. Such was the nature of glitter.
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