Cupid Tesfaye New Were Jaguar Inactive
Basic Information
Name Cupid Tesfaye
Pronouns he/him
Age 24
Birthday May 13th
Height 5”6
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Mukasa Kakonge
Residence Location Alameda
Occupation Location Alameda
Occupation electronic shop cashier, freelance artist
Vehicle none
Vampire Stats
Age turned 21
Supernatural Eye Color Red
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned 21
Supernatural Eye Color Red
First Ability
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned 21
Supernatural Eye Color Red
Animal Appearance
  • Rather than sporting a typical tan jaguar coat, Cupid’s is near black.
  • His were form is lanky
  • Has a perpetually exhausted appearance, both in stature and expression. Always slumped over, has bags under his eyes, and half lidded.
  • His clothing choices are simple: plain, baggy t-shirts in the warmer months, long sleeved shirts when it’s cooler. He wears an array torn jeans no matter the weather. The most interesting item in his wardrobe is a light dark leather jacket with roses embroidered on the back.
  • Cupid is a trans man. When he goes out in public, he will usually bind his chest beforehand.
  • He will choose his own company over others whenever given the choice. Being around other people often drains him and makes him irritable. A solitary environment is where he thrives the most.
  • Most find it rather difficult to be in the company of Cupid. He won’t speak unless absolutely necessary, and what is usually said is cold, blunt, or passively (and in some cases not so passively) insulting.
  • He despises expressing his true feelings to others above all else and will allow them to fester inside him. He’ll usually relieve himself through art or various substances, but these methods only provide temporary happiness.
TW drug use, child abuse
  • Cupid is the son of his mother, Azalea, and his father, Zacharias, both human in the past. Zacharias, being the casanova he was, swept Azalea away from her disapproving family. Their relationship was casual — a friends with benefits type of situation — until Azalea accidentally got pregnant
  • Azalea decided to keep Cupid. Zacharias was reluctant to stay in their lives, but did so out of his petering love for his partner. But their relationship grew sour quickly. Cupid’s early childhood was filled with his parent’s constant arguments that became more physical. The couple payed little mind to their son and often berated him for the smallest things. This toxic environment slowly took its toll and his mental health.
  • When Cupid was a preteen, his father entered an affair with a with a were. It was unknown to his family until he was infected by his mistress and shifted during an argument with Azalea. The night ended with her being bitten and infected, Zacharias being taken away by police, and Cupid mentally scarred by the attack.
  • The relationship between him and his mother plummeted from there. Azalea began taking various drugs as a way to cope with her trauma, and Cupid would be the only one to care for her throughout his teen years. The drugs made her irritable often and she’d take her aggression out on Cupid both verbally and physically. On top of that, he had to be wary whenever she shifted, lest he be attacked and infected too. Whenever the full moon approached, he’d leave the house for his own saftey. The abuse only got worse when Cupid came out as trans at the age of 18. At this point the two would argue nearly everyday.
  • One night during a particularly heated argument, Azalea shifted unexpectedly and attacked him. After being bit he didn’t hesitate to pack whatever he could and leave for Alameda. It was there where he met up with Alarian, an internet acquaintance that had offered Cupid a place to stay. He’d been hesitant to accept up until that point.
  • became a kitty and moved out uhh I’ll write this later :)
10-13-2022 at 07:47 PM