Dax Bailey Inactive
Basic Information
Name Dax Bailey
Pronouns He
Age 37
Birthday July 18
Height 6
Eyes Blue
Face Claim Stephen Amell
Residence Location Graupel Canyon
Occupation Location Ridgefield
Occupation head of security at MUSE, Police (suspended)
Vehicle 2016 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6 R
Vampire Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Third Ability None
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
Animal Appearance
Built like a shit brickhouse Dax stands 6ft1 tall. He has very short ash blonde hair and blue eyes. Usually he sports a bit of stubble and dresses in casual clothes like jeans, t-shirt and hoodie if not in uniform.
Unfortunately his morals aren't the best. By his friend he is known to cross a few lines as long as he feels it's getting him ahead. It's a miracle that nobody could pin anything on him so far. Perhaps nothing has made it into his record because of a great 'connection' to his superior who sweeps things under the carpet for the right kind of 'payment'. Since she's not unattractive Dax easily agrees to that. He loves to have his fun, enjoys women, fast bikes, anything that gets the adrenaline going. Very agile, enjoys parcour, martial arts and fights in general. Good marksman. Has a temper. Very seldom there's a spark of regret and conscience surfacing when he crosses a line to get the job done but is usually pushed back down quickly.
Dax grew up poor in the bad parts of town. His dad lived of petty theft, his mother had a severe drinking problem. Despite bad cards in life he dreamt of making his own future and that of his fellow citizens better. Dax is actually quite smart and managed to have the right grades to qualify for the police entry exam. Combined with great coordination and a nack for working out, he scored high on his tests. For the first ten years of his career he was doing well but grew more and more frustrated at regulations and how little he could actually do against crime. Some criminals complain about unneccessary force but none of that has made it into his file. Nor have any of his other actions. In the past few years he also got very frustrated by how rich some criminals got and how badly the justice system worked. How many times did they have to let thiefs or dealers go due to technicalities? His desire is to do go good but his methods are questinable. He's still on the force but who knows for how long. Update: Dax is currently suspended which put him emotionally in a bad place. His former partner, Camilla Kemp, doesn't feel the same affection for him due to personal reasons, and Dax is weary about their friendship now. That put him on a downward spiral. After about two months of self loathing and feeling like shit, Dax is making an attempt to turn his life around. He applied for a job at the new gay club MUSE and became head of security. Personally things are looking up as well since he met the clubs resident DJ Caliope.
Home: [img]https://media.vrbo.com/lodging/32000000/31380000/31376300/31376281/96e9988e.f10.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.vrbo.com/lodging/32000000/31380000/31376300/31376281/fa8ac2db.f10.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.vrbo.com/lodging/32000000/31380000/31376300/31376281/c27e2765.f10.jpg[/img]
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