The Empire fire up that loud (nsfw)


It was the promise of food soaked in alcohol that drew him to the Empire that evening. Casino-goers were not known for their inhibitions and if he could find someone with a staggering blood alcohol level maybe he could actually enjoy the whole endeavor. This time, however, he'd been smart. Uninterested in causing a scene, he'd taken a bit of a blood from a bag just before the hunt. Because he was going to learn how to hunt properly on his own, god damn it.

Still, for all he hated the sport, he had to admit - the bagged blood just didn't have the same oomph as taking directly from the vein and he grew peckish again.

It was an almost absent tour of the first floor that brought him into the area with the dancing girls. The sight of their writhing bodies themselves did not heat his blood in any particular way but the proximity of human prey here had his head on a swivel. Deciding this was where he would set up camp, the vampire drifted to the bar and ordered a drink for show, simply telling the bartender to surprise him. Of course, he was presented with something decidedly fruity, but he simply took it with a shrug. After some time of fake-nursing the drink, he found himself watching the dancers, simply admiring the sheer skill it took to move their bodies in such precise and practiced ways. That could hold his attention for some time.
Tatiana was on her last show of the evening, she had her hair pinned back with black stars and moons that would stand out against her stark silvery-white hair. It just added to her looks. She refreshed her crimson lipsticks before taking the Sparkly Dress. It meant little to her that she was basically wearing gemstones over fabric, it was a job that paid the bills and she could dance and have fun.

Once in the dress, she would slip into her heels and step out on stage. An upbeat Latino salsa music started to play for those on stage, Tati standing out with the other girls wearing black and she the only one in white dancing with a gentleman in a black vest and pants. The young woman smiled as she danced with him, her hips swaying as her body moved easily with the music and for the time she was lost.

Tati stepped out front as the music changed and just the females started to dance, the music went from salsa to a hip-hop style that the ladies could do on their own without the aid of a partner. For the time, she was happy, randomly locking eyes with various customers at the casino as she danced until her glittery skin had the added sheen of sweat to her body. The mix of dances were all upbeat and exciting, meant to keep the customers excited and active and to not think about what they were doing and she would entertain them all for close to forty-five minutes of dancing until she was able to step off of the stage.

Once she went backstage and clocked out, she would just grab her bag and slip into lower heels. She needed a drink after that, so she would pull a black shawl on over her shoulders as she walked out to the casino bar and leaned against it, "One vody," she told him in a soft Russian accent before smiling a little as she had to think for a moment, "H, two, O?" she tried again, making the bartender laugh a little and go and fill her a glass of ice water and a lemon, "Thank you," she said with a bit of a smile as she sipped her water and sighed at the coolness, her body leaning into the bar as she looked down it and would offer a little smile to the well-dressed gentleman before she looked down to hide the eye change as she made her glass slide back into her hand. The distance was subtle but she was feeling a little lazy after all that dancing and once in a while kept it under control and from sudden outbursts happening.
The fruity drink the bartender had presented him was melted down into a slushy mess by the time the dancing was over. When the lights went down, he swiveled in his chair and suddenly remembered it with a small grunt of dismay. He was sliding it back across the bar top when the scent of sweet psychic blood drifted across his senses. He let his eyes slide closed in something approaching exasperation. Did he... want to contend with a psychic this evening? Did he have a choice?

The young woman's voice drew his attention and he glanced over at her. Their eyes met just long enough for him to spot the shift in her irises. Likewise, the sudden movement of the glass across the counter caught his eye... Well it could be attributed to the slickness of the surface, but it seemed a bit too purposeful. Directly into her hand. One side of his mouth quirked up in a grin. Even better, this was the dancer he'd seen on the stage, the one he couldn't help but admiring both for her skill and the way the dress clung to her curves. It was very sparkly after all. Couldn't miss it.

He leaned in so he could be heard over the crush of voices. "I saw that." He teased, voice pitched low as he jutted his chin towards the glass.
Tati was relaxing, she had pulled her phone out from her bag and looked over her new schedule that was given. She had a good chunk of time off and on and she was happy with it. Nodding a little, she would drink the water before noticing movement out of the corner of her eye. Hm, was he coming over or leaving? And when he approached her, she knew her answer. Tati was about to flirt when he dropped that bomb on her, her grip tightening around the glass before she turned to fully face him now. She let her green eyes stare right up into his, a small challenge in them as she didn't move.

"I do not know what you are talking about," She said in a sweet tone but her accent got a touch thicker as she spoke. She tried to not look concerned or worried but her heart pounded nonetheless. She barely was ok with herself doing this and hadn't even told her family what happened to her once she moved to America and this stranger had seen her.

"New to the casino or not here often?" Tatiana would ask her, her body leaning into the bar a bit as she did let her eyes boldly look him over. How had he even noticed her using her abilities anyways? It was crowded and so many things were happening- was he just watching her that intently. A part of her almost wanted to ask him if he had been watching her this whole time but she had been just on stage, she had glitter and sweat but also the sweet subtle scent of vanilla on her body.
The big man simply hummed in thought at her denial. He was never certain why psychics liked to deny their gifts. Then again, these days more than ever, it seemed that strangeness needed to be hidden or otherwise they would find themselves outcast. That or it appeared entirely selective or random on who was allowed 'to fly their freak flag'. Gokiburi thought was funny how over the course of time expectations loosened on the world while other nooses tightened. The man was no sort of puritan, but he remembered how people courted 300 years past, and now... he could feel her eyes on him, sizing him up. Wasn't he supposed to be the predator here?

All the same, he perched close by, elbow on the bar and gaze turning out to the milling crowd. Heartbeats drummed within his hearing, a pleasant chorus to the susurration of conversation. Her words, whorled and pitched by her accent drew his narrowed attention back.

"This is my first visit." He rumbled. He'd been an avid gambler and could be again, but he wasn't certain he'd enjoy cards or slot machines. It was a moment before he returned the question, feeling foolish having seen her working the stage, but hell. She could be a guest dancer, new to the city. "You?"
She would never openly admit to her abilities out in public, at least not where she was working. She didn't know how her coworkers felt and maybe they might want her gone should they learn. No, she was going to keep it quiet. If he wanted to ask her somewhere else, he might get a totally different answer but as they were at a bar in a busy casino and she didn't have all the senses needed to figure out if anyone was watching her or not- she could thank her paranoia from her parents.

Tati was not one to shy from looking a man over, did that mean she was jumping into the sack with them? No, but she could tell from how his suit clung to him he was fit and it made her wonder what he did to keep himself toned in such a way.

His question made the corner of her lip rise a little bit, "I work here on ze beeg nights, it's fun to be able to go and dance for hours wizout a care in ze world." she told him. It was rather obvious that she was trying to not let her accent take over but sometimes, she just couldn't help it with certain letters that made it difficult to articulate.

"Did you enjoy it?" she asked him curiously, her green eyes now just looking up into his as she lifted the water to her lips and drained it before handing it to the bartender, "Vat is it you do zat keeps you fit? You look to have ze body of a dancer but I could be wrong, you could be an athlete with how you hold your body." She told him as she would turn and tuck her phone into her bag so as to not loose it.
The dips and twists of her accent were actually rather pleasant, even though it made her difficult to understand with all the ambient noise. Despite his preternatural sense of hearing, ducked a little closer, although that was partially to scent a bit more of the bouquet of psychic blood.

She lifted her eyes to meet his and, as always, the temptation to suggest her into his lap seized him. But he was growing better at resisting the urge. Until he learned how to control it, that blade was sheathed.

And well, she was leading the conversation anyway, and he turned his body fully to her, still leaning against the bar. "You’re a beautiful dancer." he said with a deep nod of genuine respect, indicating he’d recognized her from the stage. Her asking after him made one corner of his mouth hook up into a smirk. He slipped a finger under his lapel, pulling the tailored fabric away to tease her with a better view and then let it drop.

"Martial artist. I’m a swordsman." Easy enough to play it off as being some kind of performer. He didn’t need to say he learned his tricks back in feudal Japan. "I can’t place your accent."
Thankfully, he didn't seem to bothered when her accent took over. Sometimes it was like her psychic abilities, doing what it wanted when it wanted without a care towards her but she was able to adapt better with her words than her gift.

His compliment of her skills made her smile, the years of practice since she was a toddler paying off it seemed. "Spasibo." she told him before biting her lip and just smiling at him and bowing her head instead in thanks, hoping he understood that much at least, "Ze English words sometimes just don't come naturally to me," she told him in a slight apology- it was the same with many things as English was vastly more tricky than her mother tongue.

As he moved his coat some from his body, she would look and give a smile at the peak he gave. So, she had been right and that suit looked marvelous on his body. Her head would nod, "It looks good on zu," she said with a smile.

Hearing that he was a martial artist made her eyes go a little wide, "Zat is a hard skill to gain- boz of zem I mean. No wonder you are so fit," she told him with a smile, "Russia. I vas born in a port city called Murmansk. Are you from America?" she would ask him curiously. The noise was slowly getting to her- especially with how often she was here, she wanted to leave but not leave the pleasant company of this man, "Want to walk away from all the sounds? " she would ask him, it was also an excuse for her to take her heels off as her feet were aching at this point.
That felt nice, a compliment so freely given. Her apology got an easy nod. Having been in that position more than once, he understood.

Russia was intriguing to him. He'd approached the border while traveling through Asia, but had never had the opportunity to cross the border. It explained the accent and maybe even a bit of her looks, which... Well, she probably already knew that she was a stunning beauty, as pale as the sinful dress she wore.

The man took her invitation gladly, tilting his head towards the entrance to the dance hall and the less-crowded areas beyond, although he was ready to switch directions if she had a better idea. "I'm from Japan originally." He told her in his usual even rumble as they walked, slowing his gait to keep pace with her. Her head came up to just above his shoulders, but he did note she was wearing heels, and he figured he was at least a full head taller than her. "Have you ever been?"

He'd found that Europeans were often far more traveled than Americans tended to be. The man imagined that was because the place was so big, they never ran out of places to go within their own borders.
A smile rose to her lips at the nod of understanding, it was nice to not be teased about it- even if it was good-natured most of the time, she was glad to not be teased.

When he agreed, she would wave to the bartender and lift her bag up onto her shoulder as she would walk with him to the entrance of the dance hall and once there, she would slip out of her heels and drop down about five inches. A soft sigh left her as she went into her bag and pulled out a pair of flats and slipped them onto her feet, in them, she would bend and flex her toes to remove the stiffness from being stuck in heels for so many hours.

"I did a modeling show in Japan once, during the uhm the pink flowers, really beautiful but it only happens for a short time..." she said, that word in English was always weird but if he was from Japan, " Ze Sakura no hana season," she told him in Japanese but with an obvious Russian accent to it, "From traveling I did get to learn a few more languages but English words...zey are trickier." Tati would explain to him.

"I only just moved here to America a few years ago," she would tell him as she would point to a different direction that would lead them outside. She would let out a small sigh at finally getting out of there, her eyes closing as she just breathed in the cool air. The cool night air didn't bother her, her body used to such temperatures but once out here with him she would face him with a raised brow, "How did you see what I did in all ze chaos going on in zer?" Tati would ask him, her body shifting as she crossed her arms in a slightly defensive manner, she had thought of just dropping it but how could he had seen? That was nagging her at the back of her mind and now that they were alone she had to ask.
What a pleasure it was to hear his mother tongue, even if the accent still dogged it. It left an ache in him for the tiny cluster of islands he'd called home for the past three centuries, but he listened diligently to her explanation. A model, a dancer, several languages... On some level, Gokiburi knew he was mildly outclassed, but he also knew he'd never been a very smart man. He had his strengths and he stuck to them!

He would open the door for her, letting in a gust of cool night air accompanied by the scent of tobacco smoke, and then follow her into the night. When his eyes returned to the woman, he found her wearing a very different demeanor, something that both surprised and delighted him. How fierce... Maybe it was unfortunate for her that he had a huge weakness for that.

Tilting his head, Gokiburi gazed down at her, pushing aside his coat to put his hands in his pockets. With an almost lazy grin, he playfully shot her own words back at her. "I don't know what you're talking about."
No matter the language she spoke, unless it was her mother tongue, she was never able to stop it from having her accent. She knew she wasn't perfect in it but she liked knowing other various spoken languages. They were exotic and beautiful and fun to use when she had the chance and using Japanese sometimes was one of the fun languages. Tati stuck to what she knew but then again she was never afraid to look at a new goal and attempt to tackle that one as well.

Her green eyes watched him, he seemed lazy and yet he threw her words right back at her. Oh, it was a game to him and two could play. A little smile tugged at the corners of her lips at his casual reply, her head nodding some as she would motion for him to follow her.

"Using my words, how...kawaii." she said with a bit of playfulness in how she said the word. No, it wasn't perfect but she knew he probably understood since she was at least using a language he knew. "Vell, since we are out here, at least we should know each others names unless you want me to come up with a nickname that you might not understand." Tati said with a mischievous smirk as she kept her arms crossed to resist the temptation to flip his coat over his head just in the name of being a smartass.
Were he still a human man, he would've lit up a cigarette. It only felt natural to do so in the evening, basking in the glowing light from the casino. It was far grander than any tavern he'd ever haunted as a young man, but the feeling of casual indulgence was the same.

Being called 'kawaii' teased a low, wicked laugh up out of the man. Oh no, she was a daring one and she'd know that if she knew what he was. Looming over the diminutive woman, he slipped easily into Japanese. "Surprise me, tiny."
He seemed to be rather relaxed at the moment, which honestly was nice since she was too- even if he knew her little secret. She would look at the lights from the casino, the colors illuminating the shimmer off of her skin some as she walked alongside him.

The laugh that came from him made her just smile and laugh a little bit in return to his own as he seemed to enjoy her teasing of him, "Tiny? I am not zat small." she countered with a little laugh, " You are, as we say in Russia, Umnyy." she told him with a little smile. She was complimenting him, he was smart and clever but she didn't want it to go to his head so saying it in Russian seemed much better, "What name do you have for me- besides tiny." she said, shrinking her hands together some as she spoke before she adjusted her bag.
"Small to me." He retorted with an easy shrug.

He didn't know what that word meant, having precious little knowledge of Russian, but if he looked it up later, he would probably laugh. Her question, had him tilting his head back in thought. So, Tiny didn't work for her then. He thought Chīsana was fairly pretty, if one didn't know exactly what it meant. Humming, the man reached out and would catch a strand of her silvery white hair between his fingers.

Then, after a moment. "Chīsana-chan." He said with a pretty broad smirk, as if adding the diminutive would make it better.
"I am small to most, women in Russia are not tall," she told him with a little smile, a teasing tone in her voice as she spoke.

If he asked, she would tell him what the word meant but until then, she would let it hang in the air right now. She felt it suited him, he seemed to be clever and smart to her- at least first impressions wise. When he reached out for her hair, she didn't stop him. He would find her hair was silky soft from the care she took into herself.

When he changed the word just slightly, her lips pursed together as she reached up to press a hand to his chest, "You changed it...but at least it doesn't sound as bad, Umnyy." she said with a little smirk. He spoke Japanese well, then again he should since it was his home country. Her fingers splayed over his chest, boldly just feeling him there but a slightly puzzled look crossed her face as he felt cool, not warm like she was.

He could see the question on her face, she didn't think she had to say anything about it since her hand just rested there, "Are you like me?" she asked him curiously, her voice soft as she asked her question, wondering if other psychic gifts could do that to others.
"I think it's pretty, like you." He protested lightly, returning her smirk. He liked her name for him as well, and liked the way every word rolled off her tongue. However, the man grew very still as she drew into his personal space, her warm hand pressing against his chest. This close, she smelled divine and his throat bobbed with need. But the question on her face froze him further and he sensed that their tête-à-tête might very well be at an end. That saddened him a bit. He was having a nice time, but he wasn't about to suggest her into staying.

Lifting one large hand to press it over hers, his fingers even colder for the temperature of the air. They would curl gently around her palm if she let him. "I guess I was, once," he tried. The vampire's eyes flared crimson as the skin over the back of his exposed hand blackened and hardened to something shiny and invulnerable. "I'm a bit better off now." He shrugged his broad shoulders, grinning. There was a flash of fang past the split of his lips. "Or worse, I guess, depending on your perspective."

He watched her steadily now, wondering just how daring she was.
Oh he was a flirt but it was an endearing sort of flirt and she liked it- what girl didn't like nice words on occasion and right now she appreciated it. He didn't pull from her but he also wasn't answering her yet. She didn't pull her hand from him as she boldly just stayed put as he seemed to mull things over or on what to say to her questioning gaze. Tati didn't think things were over but then again he might not like sharing so there is that.

Tatiana couldn't stop the sudden inhaling gasp at his cold hand over hers, it was like jumping into the river in winter and just shocked her system a bit. Little goosebumps rose along her skin from the touch for the first time since she walked outside with him, every intention of worming an answer out of him about how he knew but instead she was looking for a different one. The sudden change in his eyes made her foot slide back slightly before recalling her own eyes changed as well, she would then look to his hand that looked like polished black marble almost to her. Slowly, her other hand would move to touch and feel the hardness there, "Protection?" she asked him, not really sure of any other word to use on it.

Her green gaze would look up into his red eyes, relaxing for a moment before she saw the fang. Oh hell, what trouble did she just land herself in? Mentally she could hear her mother scolding her for being so careless. Her heart would start to beat a little faster, her breathing picking up some and causing her chest to rise and fall, "Everyzing is about perspective...if it is a boon to you zen great." she told him, her accent growing a little thicker as she now was trying to think calmly but she was well aware that she was outmatched in terms of strength, "Vy did you come here tonight, Umnyy?"

Did she want the answer? No, but she needed to ask before she reacted further. For the time she wouldn't move away from her, watching his eyes while dropping her free hand from his.
Gokiburi could hear her heartbeat as it picked up the pace, a tantalizing tempo to a predator, and his fangs ached against his gums. Still, he forced his grip on her hand to remain gentle. If she ran, he would not chase. He was a vampire certainly, and a hungry one, but he was not some kind of barbarian.

He nodded to confirm her guess at his power and the black shell faded a moment later. It was strangely wonderful to him that while she stepped away, she didn't fully pull away, even going so far as to ask a question they both knew the answer to. Very daring and he liked that quite a lot. He liked less hearing her name for him and thinking that'd be the last time she said it.

"I got lost." He deflected with a wry chuckle, "Do you want to see where this takes us, Chīsana-chan? Or will you run?" It was said like a challenge, as if he felt like continuing to test that ferocity he kept catching glimpses of.
Self-preservation told her to back off slowly to get away, yet curiosity and the wild part of her told her to just take another step into this to see where this might go. She didn't know what sort of man he was, would he even let her go? Or did he want to just keep her here and toy with her like a cat and mouse game? She wasn't entirely sure yet and wasn't going to just pass judgment on the man yet.

She would watch the black fade from his hand and the nod, so he could protect himself- now that ability was rather useful and she wished she could do that so as to not risk breaking a bone. She never wanted to stop dancing but new one bad step could be a career-ender. Tati didn't feel like she was in danger from him, not yet at least but the nagging fear was there. She had heard of vampires but meeting one by chance? She didn't think that would happen- she hadn't even met another psychic besides the one in front of her.

"Your dress say you are either lying or a date stood you up." she countered, a bit of a smile showing on her lips again. Tati didn't miss the challenge in his tone and damn him for it because she had yet to back down from a challenge. "I am not going to run, that's not my nature." she told him simply. That much was true, she didn't run away, she stood up and faced challenges and fears head on- right now he was a mix of fear and curiosity for her.

"Where do you want this to go Umnyy? I am curious about zu still, even if I do not trust zis." she told him as she lifted her hand to tap on his lower lip. A slight tease on her part to him but also to show she wasn't scared of the pointy things in his mouth.
The brazen way she tapped her finger against his lips was unspeakably attractive, lighting a fire that felt like a fist in his chest. He wasn’t certain if he wanted to be swept up like this but the smell of her, the sharp tongue, the teasing, all made a dangerously potent mixture.

Jaw opening, upper lip drawing back, he shifted his head and gently pressed a long sharp tooth against the side of her finger. His free hand moved forward to settle on the curve of her hip.

"I can be a gentleman." he assured her, voice going a little husky. "Or not, if that’s how you prefer it."
Tati would be lying if she said she didn't feel attracted to him. First from just his bold nature but somehow now, it felt like she was playing with fire that would eventually lead to her getting burnt but yet the flame was too tempting to ignore.

She would inhale a bit sharply at the fang touching her but she didn't pull from him, instead her finger touched it rather curiously in response as his other hand rested on the curve of her hip. Tati would move to take that little step forward to him now, leaving still a few inches between them.

A smile tugged at the corner of her lips, "Both." she told him with a little smile. As playful as she felt with him right now, a part of her was still scared of him, her finger slowly dropping down to his chin to then rest against his chest with her other hand, "I would invite you for tea at my apartment Umneyy, to see where this will take us both but I don't want to be rude and offer something that you can't have, unless you can?" she would ask him rather curiously. Would it be smart to take him to her place? Eh probably not but she was utterly curious to see what might come from this and doing anything too public at her place of work would probably get her in some form of trouble. As she stood there though, out of habit, her hips would start to sway out of habit while her fingers massaged his chest a little.
It was difficult not to chase her finger, his head dipping slightly, but the man caught himself before going he went for a nip on the digit. "Both, then." He growled, focused on her with deep intensity. The hand on hers dropped to her other hip to pull the psychic closer, the vampire drawn into her graceful sway. An invitation to her home felt very near permission and his fangs twinged again, eyes shifting a bit into that deep crimson red.

"You can have the tea." He hummed, playing as if he had to think about the answer for a moment. He really didn't, because he concluded with a sly little, "And I can have you?"

The man minutely mirrored her movement, very nearly doing an music-less swaying dance with her. Had he a beating heart, it would be speeding.
It was a bit fascinating watching him try to chase her finger, resisting the urge to do so just had a little smile on her lips. He seemed to be trying to behave, even as he pulled her small frame closer, she would just let her body press against his. He would be able to feel the warmth from her, her heart still pounding in her chest as she wondered if what she was doing was smart but her curiosity was winning. The deep crimson of his eyes made her own ruby red lips part a little, just watching the colors change was honestly beautifully exotic to watch. Just for her own fun, she would drop just one arm and as she did her eyes went from green to a brilliantly dark amber with gold and red tones in them. Her bag would just lower and then hover next to them as she gave a smile.

His question made her breath catch in her throat some, "Will it hurt?" she found herself asking, not telling him no but wondering about the feeling should she let him.

Her body moved easily with his, her heart pounding rapidly enough for the both of them as her long nails lightly scratched at him through his shirt while she did try and ponder out if she was crazy or not at this moment- she honestly felt crazy toying with a vampire but yet nothing screamed at her to run away and forget this man and just go back to her routine. No, she needed to take that daring risk every now and then or life would get stale.
As if she didn't already look like sin in a dress, to tempt both man and monster, she had to go and do that. The exertion of her power made the scent of her blood all the stronger and Gokiburi exhaled, eyelids fluttering closed. There was a surge in his chest and he shuddered, but one hand left her hip to slip around her wrist, leading it back up rest on his chest. As if that might stop her influence over the bag and stop her from smelling like fucking nirvana. "Stop that," he grumbled, "Unless you want me to take you here."

In an almost daze, one muscled arm looped around her waist and he would bend and if allowed, seek to nuzzle up against the side of her neck, to feel her pulse against his lips. At this point, he was torturing himself, his body taut, but he forced out a husky, "No. It won't. And I can heal you afterwards."
Tati had no clue what that would do to him or the fact that he could smell it in her blood like that. She would be lying if she said that the image of him in front of her right now wasn't enticing enough as it was, she etched that into her memory for sure. His touch around her wrist had her falter slightly on the mental hold she had on her bag, with both hands now just resting on his chest Tati would just bite her lip, "That vould be a smell it, don't you?" she asked him curiously, keeping her hold on her bag a bit longer before she lowered it down to the ground, her eyes slipping back to green.

A small gasp left her at the strong arm that suddenly just wrapped around her, pulling her into him further. She saw no reason to stop him at this point, she didn't think he would actually bite her here and now in such an open place. Her head would tilt to the side some, shivers running through her body as the black shawl she wore over her shoulders just dropped to loop against her backside. The idea of it hurting was a bit of a turn off to her and it made her groan a little.

"If it leaves a may have to go lower- I tend to show a bit of skin ven I dance Umneyy." she told him. Slowly she was slipping into more of a yes, it felt like the deadliest dance of her life right now, flirting with someone- well something- from stories that could kill her. Tati would though, slide her hand up to touch his own neck before slipping her fingers into his and dragging her nails along his scalp while she spoke, her own body trembling a bit against him.
"You smell like fucking heaven." He groused in confirmation, a shuddering breath escaping between his lips. He was getting very close to a weird kind of irritable with how much this woman was getting him. Drawing his head back, he admired the graceful curve of muscle where her neck met her shoulder, and spied her pulse fluttering just beneath her flesh. So willing, just trembling in his arms, God, he felt like he was going to fucking unravel. The arm around her tightened, pulling her against him where she'd probably feel his arousal if she didn't already, but his deep red eyes flicked up to the patio and to the others who occupied it.

They were getting a few glances but to onlookers, they probably simply looked like lovers, they couldn't know what they were planning, but no. No, he wouldn't be doing anything here.

At her request, his free hand slipped a bit lower, passing the curve of her rear to gently tickle fingers across the exposed thigh just below the hem of her dress. "Inner thigh?" He asked wickedly, turning his face back as her fingers passed through his hair. He'd hook his nose up against the side of hers, their lips only a breath apart.
A wicked idea popped into her head, hearing that it was like heaven to him she found herself wanting to just push him al little further- well as far she she dared in public right now. She would close her eyes so that he wouldn't be able to see her eyes changing colors, though with his face buried against her neck, she was pretty sure he wouldn't notice it since her bag was only up off the ground by a half an inch. A small sound left her as she felt his arousal and was pretty sure he could tell she was growing just as excited. It was dangerous and she still felt that slight bit of fear but Tati was embracing the adrenaline that was running through her veins at what was happening with a man she just met.

No one knew her well enough to know if she was single or not, so this probably did look like a couple just getting rather handsy after watching her dance.

The cool touch of his that trailed down over her backside and then to the hem of her dress made her gasp, he would get to feel the smoothness of her skin and then his wicked suggestion just made her inhale rather sharply at the idea of his face between her legs. Her hand would slide down to cup his cool cheek, her lips parting slightly, "Zis is dangerous-You are dangerous ...but... da- yes." she told him, giving him permission, "And yes...for my thigh." she told him before she would close that breath's distance between them and kiss him if he let her. She was shaking, from the mix of emotions running through her body that was caused by this one man.
Stomach doing little flips, his fingers tightened on her thigh, dimpling the pale skin and he rumbled, that heady smell firing right up into his nostrils and leaving him dizzy. "Stop that." The command came out as a rough whisper this time, but a moment later, her lips were on his, searing hot, and he leaned fiercely into it, very nearly lifting her off her own two feet. The hard lumps of his dropped fangs would press against her soft mouth, the movement of his own lips snarling with the points, but the vampire got the hang of it quickly. A part of him thought that she was pushing him and God, that was trouble, but he wasn't really thinking right then, was he?

The brazen yes, for the thigh, just yes in general - without a suggestion even - made his brain static for second or two as he simply lost himself in the liplock. But, with a tremor dragging up his spine, he pulled away with a sudden gasp. They needed to slow down or they wouldn't make it to her apartment. With a great deal of reluctance, he would unwind himself from her, slowly so she could find her balance, and then lean down to pick up her bag. "Where?" Was his simple question.
The tight grip made her stop for a moment but once she was kissing him, she didn't. She held onto that mental hold for just a few moments longer as her arms snaked around the back of his neck as she kissed him. Tati could feel his fangs against her lips and it sent a nervous shiver through her body as her fingers clenched the mix of his hair but also the collar of his shirt. A little moan left her and vibrated against his lips before he pulled from her, her lips parted as she panted softly while standing up on her tiptoes against him. Why on earth was she trying to push this man and tease him so much? Maybe she just needed a rush that dancing wasn't giving her all the time and he was giving her a while rush of new sensations.

Tati didn't want to let go of him as he pulled away but she knew they had to or things were going to get interesting by the casino. When her eyes opened they were-thankfully- green again for him. She would hold his arm to steady herself a bit as he picked up her bag, "My car is zis vey." Tati breathed out, her accent even thicker now from her own excitement that he caused. She mentally was telling herself that she might need a cold shower after his visit.

Wrapping an arm around his, she would lead him to her black ford mustang and reaching into her bag, she would pull out the keys and press a button to unlock it. Since he was going to be riding next to her, she would quickly use her ability to open the passenger door for him and the backseat door, "Can you toss my bag in ze back...I need to zit before my legs give out from zat kiss." she told him with a little smile but before he could pull away from her, she would pull him back down to her for one more kiss- if he let at least.

Once she was momentarily sated from his lips, she would slip into the driver's seat and lean back to close her eyes while she slipped the key in and turned it to wake up her car. Her heart was pounding in her chest still, her legs pressing together to at least try and alleviate the ache there- the slight addiction to adrenaline was driving her nuts at the moment and she needed to calm down so that she could actually drive and not crash them because her head was in her skirt.
It didn't seem like her car was far, somewhere in the staff parking lot and Gokiburi followed, happy to provide stability where she needed it. However, at some points, her proximity had him considering picking her up and having his way with her in a dark corner outside the building. Thankfully, the walk was cooling his jets a bit and he was able to rebuild a bit of resistance, brick by brick.

The casual use of telekinesis drew an admiring noise from the man, but his attention was almost immediately caught back on the woman, her hands, her grip had his attention narrowed back on her. And then the kiss kicked down his pathetic little wall. The bag did not make it into the backseat, because he was busy sandwiching her between himself and the car, leaning over her so she was forced to arch against the car. Here, in the semi-privacy of the parking lot, his hands wandered a little more boldly, hooking up under her to get a firm grasp of her ass. It was the sound of a car door closing only a few cars away that had him breaking the liplock once more with a ragged noise, but his eyes were searching her face for... Something. Permission again? Approval? God, he just wanted her, blood and more.

Letting her go so she could get herself situated, he leaned against the car for just a moment, trying to collect his thoughts in a shrinking cup of discipline. The starting car shook him out of it and he was quick to scoop up the bag, moving around the vehicle to finally toss the thing in the back seat and then slip into the passenger seat.

Once he closed the door, there was a momentary silence, his gaze solely on her, on the way her pulse thrummed in her exposed neck, her heartbeat pressing against his senses, the way she rubbed her thighs together. Then, something snapped in him, and in the rush at the very end of his rope, he growled, "Come here." Reaching across the console, the man would pull gently at her arm to tease her closer and then if she allowed him, hoist her without an ounce of effort into his lap.
Her car-thank whatever bloody gods were out that night- was close by thanks to the exit they had taken from the casino. The cool air did little to help her, he was just against her shoulder and her mind was wandering all over the place at what was in store for her tonight.

As much as she never wanted to admit her abilities, right now and the simple fact that it teased him, she couldn't resist using it. Was it a little mean? Oh, probably but she was willing to accept what would happen from her teasing. When he kissed her back, her eyes closed as her arm found it's way back around his neck as she pulled him into herself more. The feel of her cool metal against her back, coupled with his hungry hands slipping under her skirt to cup her ass, had her leg lifting to hook over his hip to pull him even closer to her body. Holding him like this, he could feel the warmth from her arousal as her skirt was well out of the way and her black panties were the only thing that stood in his way. The slamming of the door made her groan as she dropped her head back, her chest rising and falling as she tried to breathe normally.

Sitting in the car did little to help her, she would reach into her hair and pull out the star and moon clips to stop them from digging into her scalp- or they were just bugging her, she couldn't figure it out as he slipped into the car with her.

His growling order was met with no resistance, his grip on her arm just helped to guide her over to then nestle right on his lap. She was more eye level to him, her lips swollen from their kisses as her hands were roaming his chest and shoulders. Had she teased him too much? At this moment, probably and her apartment was painfully too far away right now. Tati would lean into him again, her eyes half-closed as she gently brushed her nose against his. It was a small bit of affection on her part, to her regular senses he smelt good to her and it just made her smile again, "Umnyy." she moaned softly against his lips before she was kissing him again. She couldn't remember the last time she kissed someone, her play was always limited but managed to push the right buttons to bring it out in her. She almost lost control and started to levitate things against her will but she found that tiny sliver of self control to keep from toying with his control further.
As she willingly tumbled into Gokiburi's embrace, whispered praise absently fell from his lips and, her weight nothing to him, he simply situated her atop his thighs, her legs draped up over the center console. The man's bulk filled the passenger seat, so as much as he would've liked, he didn't think he'd manage to get her slender legs around him. But this was fine, Chīsana-chan was close again, her warm body pooling against him, her scent in his nose. Tilting his head up to meet her lips once more, he let his eyes slide closed in some kind of languid contentment for the moment, the predator settling knowing his prey was not going anywhere.

One hand gently stroked up and down her thigh while the other tangled in her silken hair, teasing out the tangles from the clips. That nickname she'd chosen for him made the vampire smirk, lips parting around his aching fangs. He wouldn't notice things moving around in the car, but the scent of her, combined with the smell of her arousal grew stronger, making muscles twitch in his abdomen. The hand on her thigh tightened. "What's your real name?" He wondered, voice roughened.

He wasn't going to make it to the apartment, this was a foregone conclusion. The irritation that stumbled around in the back of his mind, he started to recognize it as that mindless hunger that broke his jaw. Fuck no, not tonight.

Taking the moment to speak parted their lips and his head dipped again to drag his trembling lips along her jaw, allowing her time to answer. The man did his level best to listen, but the hand on her thigh was slipping up her dress to start teasing the woman over her panties while his mouth traveled lower to her neck, fangs tracing over her pale flesh. His tongue flicked out to trace over her pulse, numbing the area while his fingers sought to distract her.
Tati was happily stuck against the man, her car and his body just keeping her nicely in place against his lap. If they were in the backseat they may have been able to manage more but the front allowed for little but Tati was honestly content right now to be sitting on him like this. She kissed him a little slower this time, the need still there but she wanted to savor this feeling she was getting from him, a feeling she didn’t want to just go away.

A soft little sigh left her as his hands worked in her thick hair, his fingers easily working out the knots in her hair to smooth it out some around his fingers. She loved the feeling of his fingers playing in her hair, the tight grip on her thigh had her shiver slightly, “Tatiana…but call me Tati, please...and yourz?” she asked him, her voice soft and breathless as her hands took to traveling along his chest to feel him through his shirt. The coolness didn’t startle her anymore, it just made her skin tingle from the stark contrast of his coolness to her warmth.

Whatever was going to happen, it was happening here in the darkness of her car. She could only just hope and pray that no one would come around to knock on her window or anything right now or she might start swearing at them in every language she knew.

As his lips dropped from her own to travel along her jaw, her eyes would just flutter shut, her breathing picking up even more than it was before. It felt sinful to allow this but she wanted this, every part of her did, so when his lips found their way back to her neck, Tati would just accept it. When she felt his thumb touch her through her soft panties, her hips would lift and buck against his thumb, her toes curling in her shoes as he wrung out a breathless moan from her. Her hands moved to just hold onto his shirt while his tongue worked over her rapidly beating pulse in her neck. The sharpness from his fangs sent a shiver through her body that made her clench and gasp, her hips rocking in his lap even more which caused the skirt of her dress to just hike up and around her hips from her movements.
"Tatiana." He rumbled, trying out the name, lips moving against her throat. "Tati..."

Gokiburi heard her ask his own name and wanted to answer but only managed to do so inside his own mind, his mouth now occupied, his thoughts going to pieces on the heat of her skin and the rush of her pulse. That the beautiful young woman was wiggling so wonderfully in his lap was a heart-stopping bonus. Well, it would be if he had a heart to stop.

His hand grew bolder, knuckle brushing up against her clit before he hooked the underwear aside and tested her readiness. He thought so, he could smell it and without further preamble, pushed a finger into her, gently and rhythmically curling the digit.

In the same moment, the vampire’s head snapped forward and he sunk his teeth deep into her pale throat, moaning himself as he drew in his first mouthful of hot red blood.

The high of psychic blood curled up behind his eyes like winding purple smoke, a heady taste musky at the back of his throat. A deep rumble of pleasure resonated between them and he took to feeding with gusto, his fingers working all the while.
Hearing her name on his lips sounded like heaven to her ears and all she could do was give him a small nod in approval to him saying her name.

A small pout did form on her lips for a moment when she didn't get his name but it was fading away as he continued to tease and touch her as she squirmed in his lap. This night was turning out far better than she could have ever imagined- even if she was spending her evening with a vampire.

Tati let out a small gasp as his knuckle brushed against her sensitive clit, her strong legs tightening against his in response to the jolt of pleasure he sent through her body. He could easily feel how warm and wet she was, her panties already damp from her own building arousal that he was causing her to feel. Her hands would grip his shirt tightly the moment his finger slipped into her snug body, her hips lifting as she let out a gasping moan as he worked his finger inside her.

She was so lost in the pleasure that the initial pain of the bite didn't register for a few quick heartbeats but when it did an aching whimper would leave her as her hands moved to just hold onto him now. She was letting him feed off of her and it brought on a crashing mix of emotions from her arousal to fear and then all the way back to excitement that she felt like she was doing something rather taboo.

Tati could only hold onto him at this point, her hips rocking and riding his finger while he drank from her. She was no longer in control of her own abilities as various items would start to float in the car, blocking the windows and doors as her head would just tilt to the side for him in submission. She had no clue what using her psychic abilities while he was feeding from her would do but she honestly couldn't stop herself at the height of this moment, the mix of his finger and each pull of her blood from her body had her utterly lost and she was loved it.
Grip tightening in her hair as he started feeding in earnest, Goki's hips strained up against her, seeking more from her, seeking friction, even as he got her mess all over his hand. Even as he drank down her blood and lost himself in the high. The vampire's mind was elsewhere entirely, cruising through a sea of limpid and swollen purple stars. Everything smelled of vanilla, every smelled like Tatianna's sweat and blood and wet and he was lost.

In his fervor, he let little dribbles of blood spill from the corners of his mouth, the crimson liquid streaming down his chin, down her neck to pool in her the bowl formed by her clavicle. Without the need to breathe, he didn't have to stop. He didn't want to stop, and something dark and ugly unfurled in the shadows of his mind, telling him he could have all of her.

She was his, she'd given herself so freely, a lamb trotting right into the lion's den, asking to be devoured, body and soul. His fingers continued to work inside her, the flat of his palm coming down to massage her clit. He could innately sense her pulse, sense if he was getting her close to climax, but, then... he was willing to try anything to keep her writhing and weak in his lap. Fortunately for her, it was this alone that let him sense the sudden butterfly flutter of her heart, the warning that he was going too far.

He stopped gulping her down, jaw trembling with need and then finally gently disengaged and let his head drop back against the head rest, gasping for all he didn't need to. As his fangs left her flesh, the wounds closed preternaturally quickly. Red eyes falling to the psychic, he asked in a husky, trembling voice, "Okay?"
Tati could feel his hips lifting up against her, she knew what he wanted and she did too but her mind was unable to make her hands cooperate and do what she wanted as he drank from her. She felt a warmth running down her neck and pooling before trickling down the swell of her breast and into her cleavage. The crimson color stained the silvery garment she was wearing from the inside and seeped out to leave its mark as well.

Her lips would just part as she panted, the mix of pleasure and pain swirling inside her as she felt him pulling her blood from her body. Her pulse was fluttering as her hips rocked and ground against his hand, her sex clenching and throbbing from the intensity of these sensations. Tati felt lighter than air at the moment as she registered that her own blood was dripping down her body, while one hand clenched his shirt and the other snaked up to grip his hair. Her hips were rocking and grinding into his finger and palm, coating both his hand and her panties in her juices. Right now, she was all his- both body and blood were his.

For the first time since she started flirting with him after learning what he was, she felt fear. The knowledge that she didn't really know him but had just let her desires and curiosities run the show had her let out the softest of whimpers that could be mistaken easily for that of pleasure. Her amber eyes fluttered open and closed, her legs gripping his a bit tighter as he danced her ever closer to the edge of a climax but her body was standing on that blissful edge that she couldn't tumble after. Her body felt heavy, her vision didn't want to focus and slowly would slip back to their natural green color. She ached for him still and wanted him to continue but her survival senses were kicking in and putting her focus in her fluttering heart and quick shallow breaths.

Tati felt an odd sensation of frustration as she couldn't orgasm, her body feeling tight and achingly ready but yet she felt like she went through a hellish work out that drained her within an inch of her life. The dancer barely felt him pull from her neck, her head lolling as she would just lean- well fall- into him. Her hands slid down his chest and head, "Umn...yy..." she whispered softly, her accent muddling her words some. She felt all too aware of everything around her-and inside her but she couldn't, " 'ead is...spinning." she told him softly, her face pressed against his chest as she let out a soft little moaning groan. How was she even going to get to her apartment now? She couldn't drive in this state- honestly, she could barely think at the moment.
Not okay. Nothing could've roused him from his stupor better than her scared little plea. After the way she'd so freely given herself to him, fear was the last thing he wanted. Likewise, he'd told her he would help her and Gokiburi was not a liar. It took an effort of will to focus past the soaring high and the languid contentment of his satiation, but he managed it, although the seconds flashed by like a slide show, slow and incomplete to his perception.

Gently pulling his fingers out of her searing heat, he simply wiped the mess on his pants and then lifted his hand to his mouth, puncturing his own thumb with one fang. Easing her slight frame up with his other arm, he pressed his thumb and the welling gem of dark blood to her pale lips.

"Don't need much." He slurred, letting his spinning head drop back again. "Heal you... And we can... keep going."
Tati was rarely scared, she prided herself in being brave and adventurous but for the moment she felt fear. Her body felt strange and heavy but also achingly tight at the same time. He had her teetering on the edge of it but her body was simply just refusing to listen to anything at the moment. She felt him moving though, just slightly as her eyes opened up a little bit to look up at him. He looked more than content and honestly, she was a bit surprised he managed to pull away with how much he seemed to be enjoying himself with her but honestly she was glad he did.

A whimpering moan left her when he pulled from her, the sound in slight protest as she liked the feeling but also couldn't stop him at the moment as he cleaned his hand and then moved her slightly.

Green eyes looked up at him, he looked like he was drunk honestly and it brought a little smile to her lips. If her head was working properly, she might have asked what this would do to her besides healing but slowly she would open her mouth and take his finger between her lips. Gently, her tongue would lap against it, the taste metallic and strange but it didn't make her gag. She would let his blood pool in her mouth for several heartbeats of a moment before swallowing it. Slowly it would turn from her lapping at his finger for the blood he offered to her finding some perky strength to start licking his finger gently before pulling it from her mouth.

She would rest his finger against her lips, panting some as she looked up at him. So many questions were in her eyes but all of that faded away again as she cupped the side of his face to look at him and her blood that was staining his lips and chin. She must be out of it because at that moment because she didn't think twice as she kissed him again, wanting him to know that she was oddly starting to do better. She still felt a little weak and out of it but she was starting to feel rather perked up she kissed him.
The vampire let her take however much she needed, God knew he’d taken enough from her, but as she took his finger into her mouth he murmured in weak protest. Not that he didn’t like it, clear from the grin that sliced across his bloodied mouth, he just wasn’t finished picking up all the pieces of his brain.

The high didn’t last long, it never did, but he was beautifully, comfortably full, the little itch for food temporarily scratched. But that really only solved half of their problem, didn’t it?

He groaned into her mouth as her lips found his again, his body twitching and getting back with the program real quick. Likewise, he was gaining the wherewithal to start thinking about positioning. He didn’t think she was strong enough yet to be on top but the backseat would not fit him.

Lifting his hands, he let his fingers drift through Tatiana’s hair again, while the other tickled down her bloodied neck, slipping down to her chest, large hand cupping a breast through the beaded dress. It was lovely that it was so short, so tantalizing. The hand that was in her hair dropped to pull up the back of her dress while he guided her to sit with her legs in the footwell, cradled with her back to his chest.

With his free hand, he started to undo his own trousers, although without the need to feed pressing on him he was willing to hear an alternative should she protest.
Tati didn't know if it was a good or bad protest but she also knew she didn't want to take a lot from him- he did seem to need blood more than she did. Her own mind was just wild and slow and only focusing on base instincts and desires with him right now, the fear slowly ebbing away as she did realize-slightly- that he hadn't hurt her just scared her a bit with how much he took from her body.

Her lips moved against his, her hands rubbing against his chest and working a bit at the buttons as she wanted to just feel his skin under her fingers. It would take her fingers a few fumbling moments to actually undo about four of them before her warm hands would splay across his chest as she let out a content little sigh.

She sadly was not strong enough to be able to take the lead- as much as she would have enjoyed taking charge like this, he had her body still feeling a bit heavy. Her fingers would roam his chest and up to his neck gently, just touching and feeling him right now as her body slowly rocked against him.

His head would return much faster than her own, his hands roaming her body and then resting on her full breasts. The hand in her hair, had her head tilt back some into his touch, "Veel's good," Tati purred out softly before a little gasp left her as he turned her around on his lap. She wouldn't protest this, in fact, it made her smile a little bit as he would get a clear view of her exposed back.

With the slowly building energy that she had, she would slip her flats off and then give a little wiggle to get her panties off for him and drop them onto the floor with her shoes. Tati would turn her head to look at him, her teeth tugging at her lip some as she tucked her legs on either side of him so that she was on her knee's against him again. It would afford both of them some leverage in her car, "If you need to move me...into a better position you can...I am flexible," Tati would tell him, the playfulness returning to her as she would take one of his hands and move it to the clasps of the back of her dress for if he wanted to undo it and let it fall. She no longer cared if anyone saw, she was going to enjoy this wild evening to it's fullest. "You vont...change me...vill it?" Tati found herself asking, a part of her at least needing to know this bit of information.
Warm fingers splaying across his chest made him squirm a bit, the frantic energy rebuilding quite quickly. She was eager and the man could do nothing but match that energy, shuddering when her fingers smoothed over the skin of his neck. That was a funny reversal but he wasn’t particularly opposed.

A chuckle rumbled up out of him at the offer and he ran his free hand over the silky smooth skin over her back, teasing at the mussed silvery hair that spilled down between her shoulder blades. God, she was a fantastic view from here, there was no denying that. He obediently undid the clasps and leaned forward to kiss the back of her neck and then grab her full naked breast. Like her, the vampire had zero concern for if anyone might see them - he’d had enough time to get over being caught doing worse.

However, once he got his trousers undone and pulled himself out - with no small amount of relief, since he’d been straining against the fabric for some time - he then slipped his arm around her to gently lean her back against him, giving her time to extend her legs again.

"Just relax." he said, pressing his cheek up against hers and wrapping both arms around her middle. "You’re still weak."

Her next question made him pause, one of her earlobes in his mouth. "No..." He assured her, licking over the shell of her ear. "It will only heal you, although..." This was a tough thing to explain when he was pressing up against her naked bottom, aching to bury himself in her but he did his level best! "If you were to... ah, die before the next new moon, it would."
The feel of his cooler skin against her much warmer skin. She did like the feel of him under her fingers, even if he was cooler than herself she liked it. Her fingers would touch gently, just feeling him and then lightly dragging her nails lightly along his skin.

The touch up her back had her shivering a little, her chest arching forward some as her spine curved in as he left little goosebumps along her back. When he undid the clasps, her dress easily loosened from her body and slid down, her arms pulling from the thin straps. There wasn't a mark on her body pale body- at least that he could see from the angle of just her back. A small moan left her as he kissed the back of her neck, her head tilting forward as her hand lightly covered the one over her breast. Tati's fingers would play over his hand that was massaging her breast, her hips rocking against his lap a bit.

She felt the cool skin against her backside, jumping a little but then relaxing as he pulled her back against him. Her legs would straighten back out as her head lolled against his shoulder, she did feel out of it still but it wasn't as bad, she mostly felt like she had gotten drunk without the drinking.

"I veel like I've been drinking but ze 'angover is going to be rather interesting tomorrow," Tati said with a little smile as she looked at him but she would be fine with this position as well, she trusted that he could easily lift her if he needed to.

A soft little moan left her as he licked and nibbled on her ear, her body relaxing against him as he told her that she would be just fine. As she heard that, her hips would start to rock and rub her warm backside against him, "I 'ave no intentions of dying but thank you, for honesty." she told him softly, her hand reaching up to cup the side of his face while her body started to rock against him even more. She was comfortable with the answers given and now had one thing on her mind and she wanted them both to feel good and her body was still wound up from his earlier attentions.
"Good." Goki said, and meant it. Why 'good', he wasn't sure, perhaps he was just in the moment, but it would be a shame for her to die before her time. "Just... eat well tomorrow..." He mumbled, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck, opposite the side he'd already taken a nibble out of. "You'll be fine."

Her warm breath played across his cheek, cooling quickly, but all the more enticing for the drop in temperature. That was only a tantalizing aside, though, to the way she was simply wriggling against him, the sensation making him gasp. Although he wanted to just go for it he tried to cool his heels.

He'd claimed to be a gentleman and while that was a fairly tenuous claim to begin with, Goki was well aware he'd rushed part one. So, tightening his arms around Tatiana's waist, one hand looping behind a thigh, he lifted her to line himself up at her entrance, but did the gentlemanly thing and let her lead the way. But with his mouth on the curve of her shoulder, fangs finding a bit of renewed vigor, he didn't know how patient he could be.
A little shiver ran down her neck, a smile on her lips as he spoke. "Lazy mmm cheat day tomorrow zen," she told him, her way of saying she will take it easy tomorrow so as to not risk anything crazy happening.

It was rather fun to have the differences in temperature between them, the coolness did help keep her more awake and aware of everything. Every little touch and his breath against her sensitive skin had her breathing picking up all over again but this time not for blood loss from him. The sound of his gasping from her movements though had her smiling as she would keep teasing him with her movements, she was calm and playful with him all over again as the fear she had felt faded away to just a memory for the moment.

A little gasp left her at the feel of his arm around her slim waist and him gripping her thigh to lift her up, her would snake her hand to the back of his neck to hold onto him as she waited until they were both still. Umnyy's fangs back against her neck though had her shivering and clenching a little, the feel just added a bit of danger to just enjoying her time with him. Not wanting to keep either of them waiting, Tati would tilt her hips and take just the tip of him inside her slick entrance, "Mmm please Umnyy...I vant you." Tati purred out softly, her head tilting to let him know he could keep his fangs there on her neck- if he bit her again, what harm could it do with his blood already in her system?
If he knew what she was thinking he would have to tell her how incredibly fucking and delightfully dangerous that line of thinking was. Instead, he was utterly distracted by the way she kept him poised at the very entrance, the heat of her almost too much. He set his teeth because goddamnit, there was only so much patience a man could have. Even a man with three centuries behind him!

"Gokiburi." He growled, the nickname pricking a foggy memory in the back of his mind that she'd wanted his real name. "That's my name."

That done, the vampire decided he'd waited the polite amount of time. His hips bucked and he buried himself into her, muffling his groan with her shoulder in his mouth. He paused momentarily, to make sure she was comfortable, but true to his word, he would let her relax and although if she set a rhythm he'd take the cue. The hand that didn't have a handful of her tits reached down between her legs again. It felt a proper travesty that the man had no heartbeat - were he human, she would know how much she got to him by his speeding pulse.
The danger was fun for her, she loved the rush of adrenaline and sometimes the fear- this was a whole different type of adrenaline that she found herself craving slightly. Her body took it's time, just wanting to savor the moment until her mind was too mushy to think anymore. His patience though, she had no clue how much she was pressing it right now, though he deserves it for just biting her here and instead of waiting.

"Gokiburri." Tati said, drawing out the R a bit but she would attempt it better when she wasn't distracted.

A small gasping moan left her at him just bucking up inside her, her nails digging into his neck as her hips pushed down into his lap and ground against him slightly. This was what she was wanting, it had been far too long since she indulged in anything like this with someone and she was craving it with him right now. Once she relaxed a bit more for him, she took whatever rhythm he set for them as she felt she could handle it- at least until he added his teasing hand into the mix too. The small female would just gasp and moan out even more as her hips bucked against him now, rocking and grinding as her nails dug into his neck slightly. Items would start to float around the car again as she would grind up against his lap, her free hand moving to grip his arm to just hold onto him as he had her panting and moaning in his lap while things bumped against the windows and doors.
Pinpricks of pain from her nails sent goosebumps cascading down his shoulders and back as signals crossed and the man moaned, the sound vibrating up against her back. Almost in playful chastisement, he tweaked one of her nipples in return, before cupping the full breast, simply rubbing his thumb across the sensitive mound.

The way she yelped and ground back against him was a terrible test of his restraint, but exhaling hard, he let go of her shoulder with his mouth and pressed his forehead to the back of her neck. Curling around her small frame, Goki was resolved to simply grind up into her until she came, his intent focus on what his fingers were doing between her legs.

Tatiana's pulse thrummed in his ears again and he listened to that, chest rising and falling out of habit now, puffing air across her bare shoulders. The urge to sink his teeth into her again was powerful but in an incredible show of strength, he managed to simply nibble.
The tweaking of her sensitive nipple made her gasp and smile, her nails digging in a little bit again in response to it. It didn't hurt, just sent a jolt of excitement through her body as she held onto him. His cool hands against her flushed skin was leaving her in a state of always having goosebumps and even more sensitive than before.

When he moved from her neck to press his forehead against the back of her neck, she would tilt her head back to just rest her head against his like this. Her hips were grinding against him, this position didn't allow for her to move a lot but where he was hitting and his fingers rubbing had her panting all over again.

Somehow, she managed to regain a little modicum of strength to force her brain powers to just stop so that she wasn't shoving that even more so into his nose- he seemed to have better control than she did with his little nibbles. Her fingers would grip the back of his neck tightly as with his arm, her hips starting to buck and grind against both his lap and fingers. Her heart rate was starting to flutter even faster, her breathing becoming short gasps before Tati finally fell over that blissful edge that he had teased her onto.

She didn't care if anyone heard her moan out in sheer pleasure from him, her head turning and if he let her, she would just kiss him while she kept rocking and grinding into him as her sex clenched and throbbed around him as she came.. She may be feeling amazing herself but she wanted him to as well or to move her as he needed so that he would get his own release.
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