Tatiana was on her last show of the evening, she had her hair pinned back with black stars and moons that would stand out against her stark silvery-white hair. It just added to her looks. She refreshed her crimson lipsticks before taking the
Sparkly Dress. It meant little to her that she was basically wearing gemstones over fabric, it was a job that paid the bills and she could dance and have fun.
Once in the dress, she would slip into her heels and step out on stage. An upbeat Latino salsa music started to play for those on stage, Tati standing out with the other girls wearing black and she the only one in white dancing with a gentleman in a black vest and pants. The young woman smiled as she danced with him, her hips swaying as her body moved easily with the music and for the time she was lost.
Tati stepped out front as the music changed and just the females started to dance, the music went from salsa to a hip-hop style that the ladies could do on their own without the aid of a partner. For the time, she was happy, randomly locking eyes with various customers at the casino as she danced until her glittery skin had the added sheen of sweat to her body. The mix of dances were all upbeat and exciting, meant to keep the customers excited and active and to not think about what they were doing and she would entertain them all for close to forty-five minutes of dancing until she was able to step off of the stage.
Once she went backstage and clocked out, she would just grab her bag and slip into lower heels. She needed a drink after that, so she would pull a black shawl on over her shoulders as she walked out to the casino bar and leaned against it,
"One vody," she told him in a soft Russian accent before smiling a little as she had to think for a moment,
"H, two, O?" she tried again, making the bartender laugh a little and go and fill her a glass of ice water and a lemon,
"Thank you," she said with a bit of a smile as she sipped her water and sighed at the coolness, her body leaning into the bar as she looked down it and would offer a little smile to the well-dressed gentleman before she looked down to hide the eye change as she made her glass slide back into her hand. The distance was subtle but she was feeling a little lazy after all that dancing and once in a while kept it under control and from sudden outbursts happening.