Day Dreamers Spa eye see you

fit check

Seven had decided that if this was some kind of trap, she would happily burn this place to the ground.

That being said, it seemed the coast was clear as she entered. There weren't many people around, and she didn't sense anything but the lingering smell of incense and smell-good oils. And perhaps the sweet perfume of psychic.

Stopping at the front doors, Seven squinted around with her one uncovered eye.

im here

Kerze was ready if things went south.

Shirtw/ black work pants and flats. Hair up in a high pony tail

With it being Halloween season, she was wearing some fun shirts still and this one just made her giggle. Where was the fun, if you couldn't have some fun with your clothes? She was just signing some papers, humming in her office as she worked when her phone buzzed and she looked at it and smiled;

One moment, leaving my office,
She would send as she then tucked her phone away and picked up her normal notepad as if she was a regular spa client. No, she was a special one but that was here nor there honestly as she popped out and quickly landed on the woman with the eye patch.

Two guesses this was the lady she was to help.

Heading to her, she offered a friendly smile and held her hand out, "Hello, Michelle I presume? " she'd ask curiously, her eyes looking her over briefly but landing on the eye patch for a moment before looking at her. Sienna felt rather safe here in her own space, it was decently public so that lessened any fears.
Cute girl. Weird shirt. Definitely psychic. Seven took her in, pulling in the bouquet of her scent and the way she held herself. As if this were a normal appointment for a facial or something. Alright. She could play along. Sculpting a smile on her face that did not betray how strange it was to hear someone call her Michelle, she nodded.

"That's me." And stepped a bit closer, offering a hand. "Should we head straight back?" Or was she going to stall? Or demand last-minute some strange stipulation?

Eugh, she felt naked.
Sienna smiled and nodded to her question, her warm hand taking hers as she gave a shake of it.

"Yea, come on, I've got everythin' ready for yah, " she told her as she motioned for her to follow her to one of the single person spa rooms.

It was cozy and lightly scented to help someone relax. The spa bed itself was soft and plush looking all at once and the room even had a wall waterfall that fell into a small pond. It was small things to just make this place feel comfortable and relaxing.

"Alright, now we can relax a bit and I can take a look. Why don't you get comfy and take a seat? " she'd ask, a relaxed smile on her face as she set down the notepad and just relaxed.
She followed, taking in as much of the environment as she could through one eye. It was... elaborate. Far more luxurious than what she'd imagined for a sketchy, under-the-table medical procedure. It did little to quell her paranoia, but she reasoned with herself that this girl had to value her life and her reputation, so the likelihood of her trying to swindle her was slim.

She could take her life with half a thought. But what was worse, she could ruin her career in a single Tweet.


She eyed the actual waterfall as she took her seat. Feigned relaxation, propping her weight back on her arms, palms down on the cushy bed. Her feet swung as she asked, "So, walk me through this. You're going to... magically fix it? In an instant?" Skeptical.

She could scramble someone's mind with a few words, and conjure a cat made of flame, but this was too outrageous for her to wrap her head around. Perhaps it just sounded too good to be true.
Sienna let her get comfortable, and she set down the tablet before popping into her favorite wheely chair. In her free time, she sometimes liked to spin in it when no one was around but that wasn't pertinent to helping this vampire out with her eye problem.

Rolling on over to her, "Sort'll take me a few minutes to go and heal it all up to make it work again. The eye is a small complex orb but...yes. All goes well, you won't need that eye patch after today, " she told her honestly.

"All I need to do is place my hands near the affected area and then...focus? It's hard to explain how it all works but it's painless for you. I've been told it feels warm while I heal. All you need to do, is lay there and just relax. We can talk or not but if you start feelin' like your uncomfortable, I'd need you to let me know. I don't want to push you to loosin' it on the rare chance that happens, " Sienna wanted to be on the safe side of things. She had no idea how long she'd been a vampire and didn't want to risk getting hurt and her getting knocked out and confused possibly.
It was a complex injury, yet it would only take a few minutes? Seven had a hard time believing that. She curbed her expectations. Even Sienna, for all she seemed confident, still set limitations. "If all went well." Meaning things could go poorly.

Was she sure she wanted to do this? What if somehow she destroyed the eye further? Was that even possible?

She guessed it was either this, or figure out how to undergo removing it alone. At least this promised her some slim chance of getting her eye back.

Seven steadied her breath, inhaling thinly. The girl smelled sweet. Her blood was like the perfume of chocolate or baking pastries. Appealing, even on a fed stomach. But that wasn't what she was here for. The girl was overly cautious, anyway.

Seven squinted. "You seem like you know a lot about vampires."
When things were set, she moved around a bit but only stopped, a little pink rising to her cheeks at the statement.

"Well...that's from a mix of things. First from experience- she's been a tough teacher...then from what my boyfriend has told me he's...well...he's a vampire like you. Even works here on occasion as well, " she told her a little shyly just because she hadn't actually told someone that she was dating a vampire.

Now, a part of her waited to be told it was stupid and that he could hurt her. If she didn't get that lecture from this woman, then she'd happily plop her in the group of liked vampires.
Experience was a bitch. Usually unforgiving. Seven didn't envy having to learn about shit the hard way. Though, it seemed, she hadn't had to go through much trouble. She was learning another way.

She could not help the smile that licked across her lips like a flame flickering to life. Her remaining eye glimmered with the realization of what Sienna was saying. Her boyfriend, huh? Oh, that was... sweet. Sweet that she thought that's what it was. Seven wasn't stupid enough to buy it.

Call her cynical, but she just couldn't buy the idea of a vampire dating a psychic for any reason other than free psychic blood. This guy had capitalized on it. Now he got to get high when it pleased him, and maybe get lucky while he was at it.

"That's sweet." She voiced, because there was nothing else that wouldn't betray her. She lay back then, the bed creaking and sheets shuffling beneath her. "Should I take my patch off?" Completely abandoning the topic of her vampire boyfriend. It was something to mull over while she waited for her eye to be magicked back into existence.

Maybe she could hold him for ransom. Turn him into ash if this girl didn't do as she promised she would.

That'd be fun!
Sienna smiled at that, a bit of a happy look on her face at that as she nodded, "Its nice...pretty sure I was convinced I'd be single until I was thirty, " she joked a bit as she scooted to the head of the bed as she laid down upon it.

"Yes please, let me take a quick look at it and then I can get started. It always helps to have a small bit of a mental picture before I dive on it, " she told her with a small smile at that.

It couldn't be that bad as she said over text right? Could be a bit exaggerated since it was on the face and people sometimes went over board with talkin' about their injuries so really; ok hopefully it wasn't so bad. Eyes were interesting organs, thin and delicate and filled with a jelly like substance.
Under thirty, and already in a vampire's clutches. The poor babe. She reminded her of herself, in some way. Though she hadn't ever been dumb enough when she was a human to think she could trust something like a vampire. Seven wondered how long before this girl was either dead or undead.

For now, might as well make her useful. She slipped the eyepatch off carefully. The wounded skin had healed significantly on its own, leaving behind three jagged, puffy pink scars across her temple and over her eyelid. They weren't as pretty as the movies made them out to be. "Can you fix the scars too?" She questioned as she balled the patch in her fist and folded her arms over her chest like a corpse in repose.
With the eye patch removed, Sienna made sure her hair was pinned back securely so it wouldn't get into her face as she leaned in and took a look now. The question was met with a small nod, "Yes, those are honestly the easiest thing to heal but that will be the last thing I heal. What is more important is getting your eye to function and work correctly again, then I will take care of the scars. If it takes more than this one time, you don't have to pay again, don't worry, " she told her simply as she placed a rather warm hand against the scarred skin while taking in the damaged eye.

At least it was intact. That was the biggest thing.
Listen, she appreciated the sentiment of wanting to focus on her eye, but the scars were a bigger part than this girl probably realized. She had to look like this forever. And her face was the main thing people saw when they searched her. If she returned to work and had giant facial scars, she'd stop being known as the cute German girl that plays indie games, and more as the streamer with the face scars.

No thank you!

But, right. She couldn't go back if she didn't have a functioning eye at all. So. She forced herself tor relax. Not to frown at the sudden shadow of a doubt the girl cast on her promise to fully heal her. It might take a couple of times, hm?

Seven exhaled slowly through her nose, then didn't pull in any more air. In a few moments, she was still as death, the only indication of life being the way her working eyeball moving impatiently about beneath her closed eyelid.
When she finished taking her inventory of things, a small nod left her as she scooted into her position while Michelle got comfortable and then settled in to just relax. Or at least it looked like she was relaxing.

"Alright, puttin' my hands on you now, alright? If you need to stop at any point just tell me, " she told her as she would rest a very warm hand over her injured eye and the other on the side of her head, cradling it gently as she slipped into that comfortable zen state to start healing the woman eye.

Taking a deep breath, she felt herself slip into her focused state, the sensation warm as she started right at the middle of the eyeball and started to repair the inside of it and all the damage done to it. She worked to remove any internal damage to the delicate veins and so far, was doing an ok job at taking care of the small stuff; the big stuff though, that would be a good test of things as she worked quietly on the vampire.

Eye heal:8 /50
Sienna exhaustion: 0/40. On the leeway round of healing

It felt like... well, it was hard to say. She had never used eye-drops before; things that she never needed before or after death; but this was sort of how she imagined it would feel. Without the moisture, that was. But it was warm in a way that wasn't unpleasant, a sensation of something happening, but the changes were too fine to pinpoint. Seven remained still and silent, though she did bring her lower lip between her teeth to idly chew at in lieu of a stick of gum.

For now, she practiced patience, and wondered if this girl even knew that her vampire boyfriend fed on her, or if he wiped her brain of it every time.
Sienna was too focused on her work to even think much on what this girls was wondering about herself. Thankfully though, the more she relaxed into it, the better it was going as she prepared the damaged vessels and nerves in the eye. There were a lot broken, so she was busy reconnecting each one that was.

From this small bit, she could only imagine what it looked like for her through her eye; possible sparks of things? She had no idea as she continued the delicate process.

She did shift a bit, the start of feeling the numbness in her toes making her a bit uncomfortable but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle still.

15/50 for eye
10/40 for exhaustion

Considering the eyeball in question was wrecked almost irreparably, she didn't see much of anything. At least not out of that one. She did flick the other eye open at some point, blankly staring up into the ceiling, though naturally she found her gaze drifting to the girl. Stellar perspective. Right up the nostrils. But, if she had to be honest, the girl was somehow still pretty from thing angle. Eugh, unfair.

"How's it going?" She filled the awkward silence, though she sort of wanted to see if Sienna would tilt her head down more and give herself a double chin :)
Sienna was in her own little world, feeling it in her unique way to find the paths ways that were meant to connect but were severed by the shifter. Her mind did drift briefly as to what sort of shifter had done this but then she had to refocus on the eye and nerves and why on earth were there so many to just see? It baffled her mind a bit as she went from nerves to the tendons that allowed the eye to move around and was able to heal that little bit up better than the nerves so far.

The sudden voice made her eyes open, her head dipping down a little with a small smile.

"Not bad...could be worse honestly but I can feel that there isn't damage all the way to the brain so that's lovely at least. So many tiny nerves though...I don't envy eye surgeons, " she said with a bit of a laugh, the sound right light and at ease as she continued to heal.

"Mm so, what is a hobby you enjoy? " it sounded like she wanted to talk, so Sienna happily would talk.

21/50 for eye
17/40 for exhaustion. Feet are pretty numb now

It was hard to fight the impulse to blink. She didn't necessarily need to. At least, not as often as humans. Maybe. But she certainly felt like she needed to with someone's finger so close to her eyeball. Seven drew in a steady stream of air, inhaling the sweet perfume of the psychic's blood as she spoke about how eyes worked. At least there was a small delight in making her tilt her face unflatteringly.

Though, more unflattering was the small talk. Ugh. Well. She'd started this.

"Gaming." She answered simply. No way was she about to tell her that she did it for money.

A slight... blur of something distracted her. A faith blip of movement that she could have sworn she clocked with her injured eye.

No way, right?
Sienna was hitting her stride and pushing harder and was able to get over half of her eye repaired. She felt the numbness hitting her waist and making her sitting growing a bit more unstable to the point where she was leaning on one elbow against the table now as she worked diligently on this mangled eye.

At least it was going to look more like an eye now than it did before! Also an eye with cataracts but it was starting to make some great progress but Sienna was getting the feeling that she wouldn't be able to do it all in one swing.

"Computer or one of the gaming systems? " she asked as sweat dotted her brow a little bit, her face pressing against her own bicep for a moment as she tried to ignore the pins and needle pains that were shooting through her.

28/50 for eyeball
30/40 exhaustion

The neat thing about having superhuman eyesight in one eye was that you could still see beads of sweat forming. And she could hear the girl’s labored breathing. And sense her shuffling about. The slumping was what really set in stone that maybe this was becoming taxing for the girl. And while she wanted to get her fucking eye fixed, she also knew that she lost control of her power when she exerted herself too much. And she didn’t want to find out what would happen if Sienna lost control of her healing. Would something start happening in reverse? No fucking thanks.

”Any console.” She answered absently, then moved a hand to gently push against the healer’s wrist. ”You look like you’re going to be sick.” She observed, blinking both eyes a couple of times. There was significantly less pain. And she was sure now that the injured eye was producing faint vision, the colors drained and most every detail blurred. But there was definitely improvement. She could live with this for now.
There was very little resistance when she stopped her, a small mental curse leaving her for how tired she got with this. It had been far more complicated than she anticipated but she felt confident enough that any pains and discomfort was at least gone.

Sienna would use the wheels to help carefully push her to press her back against the wall, her head shaking, "I promise, I don't get ill...I just can't feel anything right now. You eye was far more complicated than I expected but I am confident to say that next time I can get it and the scarring cleared, " she told her. The pins and needles were starting more, the burning sting running through her hands and legs. It was its own form of hell as she did her best to not look too bothered by it.
Right. Sure. Excuses. Of course she was fine, but they were still stopping. Seven’s lips turned down slightly. She hadn’t been expecting much, but the bit of disappointed annoyance was still a thorn in her side.

Next time. There definitely would be a next time. This girl was not going to ghost her after this. She would make sure of it.

You will do the next session for free. She informed her, unsure of if her suggestion still even worked with one eye.

it do

Sienna had far too much trust towards others, especially vampires but this time it didn't land her in a world of hurt; just no money. She oddly didn't mind that and smiled, nodding a bit. "Of course, I need at least a day to rest up and then after it's when you're free since I am able to make time, " she told her easily.

Pulling her hands into each other, she would painfully start to massage her hands and palms to work feeling into them again. It ached and for her credit she kept at least most of the pain off of her face.

"Does it still hurt? "
Well, at least she was certain about that.

Satisfied, Seven eased herself upright, swinging her legs off the side of the table and tilting her head side to side to rid herself of the stiffness she’d settled into. As she did so, she blinking a few more times, inspecting the new adjustment to her vision. A vast improvement, but sort of disorienting. Distracting. But livable.

She could come back in another day. It sounded appealing, yet... Was it safer to give the girl longer to heal, just so she was certain there wouldn’t be any fuck ups? She’d think on it

For now, ”Less. Can I see a mirror?” She questioned, eager to observe what her face looked like now.
The question was met with a nod, "Of course, one moment, " she told her with a little smile as she had to force herself to stand. It took a moment to get her balance but she'd find it and walked rather carefully like she was on a tight rope over to a cabinet. Opening it, she pulled out one of those large round plastic hand mirrors and carried it over to the vampire.

"The scarring isn't as faded but next time, I'll be able to remove it all together. It'll be like it never happened. "
Taking the mirror, Seven held it at the angle she knew she looked best at. It was hard to keep from frowning. Her face was still interrupted by scarring, and her eye drooped stupidly, but there was an obvious improvement. She knew it would be despicable to complain or demand the girl to keep going, and she wasn’t feeling especially crotchety tonight. Not extravagantly thankful, either, but certainly reassured that Sienna wasn’t some scam artist.

”Looks fine.” She said, and set the mirror aside, sliding off of the table. ”How much do I owe you again?” She questioned, willing to pay this time, at least.
Nodding, "I'm glad, next time I'll get it to where you won't know it happened, " she promised her as she was able to shake off more of the tingles. This part of healing always sucked but it would always go down as good practice in her book for it.

Oh right, she'd almost forgotten about payments, it wasn't what was on her mind all the time, "Eighty please and remember, next time it's nothin', " she told her with a simple smile at that. Slowly, she got herself up and moving, shaking her hands out a bit to get the feeling really moving in her hands again.
Eighty, and nothing else to finish the job. It was about as perfect a solution she could have found for her predicament.

Seven’s catlike grin embellished her words as she produced the cash, ”You’re too kind, Sienna.”
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