Ridgefield The Blue Hour

@Dusty @Fao @Vera @Nick

The little room at the hibachi place was towards the back of the restaurant. Two hibachi tables filled the place, surrounded by a counter and chairs. Unfortunately, Chaya couldn't set up streamers on account that there was open flame during the dinner service, but the place was well-appointed anyway.

Some kind of radioactively blue drink in hand, Chaya was there to greet guests as they arrived--the list was small and included quite a few of her own friends, it was true, but also a few guys and gals from Gold Rush who knew and cared for Tamzin. As such, the attendees already milling about with drinks were largely in their early to late twenties, quite a lot of them dressed for the club scene.

The cake sat on a rolling table amid a small gathering of wrapped gifts. It really was a lovely thing, a dead ringer for a salmon steak, rich orange and marbled with fat with a iridescent fondant border. Little sugar scales were pressed into the icing in small clusters. It was incredible and drew more than a few looks of distaste or bewilderment from some girls but Chaya was so pleased with the outcome she kept wandering over to admire it.

There was a small team of waiters who came by frequently to take drink and appetizer orders while the main party gathered.

This is the set up for Tamzin's birthday party! Please feel free to post here or start your own thread. Even if you're not on the guest list, if there's a reason to be wandering around in the hibachi restaurant, please feel welcome to post a thread, just know that it could get chaotic since it's a private party!

Oh this had been an absolutely terrible idea.

Eris shrank back from an encroaching waiter, giving a polite wave of her hand as she rejected the opportunity for a drink for the umpteenth time in the past hour. She had arrived at the party some time earlier; after a little bit of quality time with the dear host, Eris at the very least did not feel particularly compelled to eat anybody. So that was nice!

Still, there was way too much going on in here. She just wanted to be left alone; why on earth had she come here? She took a deep, intentional breath, filling her useless lungs with air. Remember to breathe, Eris, or else they're going to find out.

"You really went all out with the setup," she said, offering Chaya a soft smile. She would leave at the earliest hint of trouble; it was the promise she had made with herself. Even if it ruined the party. Even if it made Chaya hate her.
Theo'd been genuine when he'd accepted the invitation to Chaya's little birthday bash, but he knew he had a few more years (and mileage) than everyone in the room except maybe a few of the chefs. His clothing only avoided scrutiny since he was used to blending in and making himself seem like he fit in. He didn't look like he was going to immediately head out to the clubs after, but he also didn't look like a sore thumb. A nice and easy middle ground.

The bubbling good feelings in the room were pleasant, almost as good as the nice little Japanese lager in his hand. Highly recommended, if the server was to be believed. The cake seemed to be sparking a few confused feelings, but from what he'd picked up from Chaya she was loving it. He'd have to assume it was some inside joke with the birthday girl.

He'd been riding the fringes in the beginning, getting the lay of the land, figuring out the mood, figuring out the beer selection. Now might be the time to mingle, but first... a check-in with the one who'd invited him seemed most prudent. The small party wasn't stretching his empathy too far - thank heavens he'd trained himself into handling crowds better.

Chaya was easy to find, but the mood of the person with her was an interesting juxtaposition to the flares of delight each time Chaya got anywhere near the salmon steak cake. The little ache at the back of his head informed him this person wasn't normal, but for all he knew she could just... produce sparks from her fingertips. He decided not to dig.

"Alright, Thorne?" he offered, gently tipping his beer glass in way of a greeting rather than force her to jostle her drink. His standard greeting to Chaya marked him as foreign to anyone listening. Even all his years in Boston hadn't shaken the Englishman's distinctive Berkshire accent, but then he'd never tried to get rid of it either.

He looked at her companion, ever curious and always social when alcohol was involved, but he'd let Chaya speak for herself before he dived in and introduced himself.

outfit but with some dark jeans to keep it casual

How did one dress for a birthday party for a stranger, filled with strangers? Nice and casual, of course. Emphasis on the nice. Oscar wasn't really sure how he was going to fit into this party. He wasn't sure how old the birthday lady was, but if Chaya being her friend was anything to go by... not very old at all. Perhaps the only person here who even came close to his own age was Theo, bless him--Oscar had watched him watching from the edges as they'd settled in.

This wasn't his peer group, wasn't really even his sort of gathering, but he had gotten pulled into conversation with some of the randoms he didn't know and was content with it. He wasn't shy, was very good at making conversation, and he did enjoy food a good deal. So he'd be here with a smile and know that he, at some point, would need to sneak in a proper introduction of himself to the woman of the day, as well as say more than a quick hello to his... friends?

Yeah, he supposed they were his friends. Neat. And look at them--he had eyes on Theo as he made way towards Chaya. Maybe he'd got interlope soon--conversation where he was at this moment was winding down.

outfit with a pair of black flats bc honestly she’s tall enough come on

Chaya had been keeping a bit of an eye out for the birthday girl, so Eris’ approach, while not unwelcome, slightly surprised her. Smiling at the vampire, Chaya would seek to slip an arm around her, following a natural instinct to stay close and comfort.

She could feel the nerves fraying in the other woman and tried her best to understand. Eris didn’t seem awkward, but perhaps a bit frazzled which was understandable. Chaya just hoped she’d say something if the place became too much.

"Oh yeah," She gushed, "Tamzin’s one of my best friends so I wanted to do something really special. She said she wanted to meet some new people so I’m excited to introduce you guys and—" all of her friends to each other and well, speaking of! Chaya was just in that just drunk enough mode where hugs were freely given and as Theo approached, she would gently slip away from Eris to offer the other psychic a bright smile and an embrace. "Theo! You made it!"

She thought she might’ve spotted Oscar milling somewhere too but he seemed to be mingling himself. Man, these two dudes—Chaya was so glad they were both so cool.

Stepping back, she would gesture between the two, "Theo, Eris, Eris, Theo. Theo’s a PI which is devastatingly cool." And she grinned over at the vampire and winked. "And Eris is a badass lawyer, which is completely out of my league."


The party had been on her mind ever since she gleefully accepted Chaya's offer. Swept away on the high, time unwound slowly and each day until now marked the passing of a milestone. She fretted over what to wear in the interim and settled on something casually chic; it was hibachi after all.

Though she had asked for exactly this, Zin fretted over meeting everyone Chaya invited. Would they like her? Would she like them? Distracting thoughts to shadow the evening. But Zin hadn't lingered in that darkness; she loved Chaya and would likely love Chaya's friends by simple association. If not, then she would not dwell on it and this was but one night in many.

And so, Zin entered the hibachi restaurant at a powerful stride and with only a moment's hesitation at the hostess station. Sunglasses nestled in her hair, she made a b-line for Chaya's party towards the back of the restaurant. Arms went wide as she grew closer, a purse held in one hand and the leather jacket hitched about her shoulders peaked upward.

As if her entrance needed more fanfare, she cried out for the one who orchestrated all this. "Chaya!"
Ohhh, no, they all smelled delectable. Thank goodness Eris had managed a double serving before anyone else had arrived. This much psychic blood on the air could have proved disastrous on any other night. Still, they seemed friendly enough. And nobody had pulled a cross or vial of holy water on her yet! So this wasn't seeming like a trap so far, which was honestly a big plus.

The introductions were easy enough. She gave a casual little wave to the man as her name was called out -- though she just about fell out of her chair when Chaya introduced her the way that she did. "She's giving me way too much credit," she laughed, trying to hide the nervous tinge to her voice. "I'm nothing special. Still, nice to meet you all."

The birthday girl arrived shortly thereafter and made a beeline to Chaya. That was all the better for Eris -- especially because there was something about the birthday girl that just smelled wrong. What on earth? Most humans smelled at least a little appetizing, but this lady -- presumably Tamzin? -- kind of smelled like a really musty lake.
Theo accepted the hug from Chaya, patting her on the back. The emotions were stable and pleasant from her, with that slight fuzzy edge that told him she was riding the line of just tipsy enough. Theo hoped to get there himself, but not too much beyond it. There was a tinge of nerves coming from the lawyer - Eris. It curious in this situation but perhaps she simply wasn't a social creature.

He pushed it aside and laughed at Chaya's introductions instead, still amused by her thinking his work was anything like the way it was presented in the pop culture media. It wasn't worth correcting.

"Pleasure to meet you," he said to the woman, inclining his head. He was distracted from making small talk, feeling the approach of another with the accompanying emotion of someone nervous but... positive about it? Anticipatory, maybe. He felt that ache in the back of his head again as well. Did Chaya not know any normal people? Of course, the call of Chaya's name helped cover his little behavioural hiccup.

He turned to watch the newcomer approaching, wondering if this was the birthday girl or another one of Chaya's invited friends.

"This the birthday girl?" He asked, glancing at Chaya, before looking to the woman, easy grin in place. He might not know her, but everyone deserved to have their birthday celebrated with enthusiasm. Maybe that was the high of the positive emotions getting to his head.
And then there was another! Honestly, it made a lot of sense for this to be the birthday girl, the way she was dressed up and all but floated into the room straight for Chaya.

Oscar was still distracted though, by idle conversation among those he sat with, one of which confirmed they worked with Chaya and "Zin" and that the latter was one year older as per celebration.

Age was about all he'd figured right. Well, age and general prettiness. Chaya seemed to like... pretty people.

Anyway, don't mind him, he wasn't here to crowd. They had a while yet!
And they were both delightfully humble, which earned a grin and an eyeroll from the tall blonde. Pleaseeeee, guys, can't you see how excellent you both are? But before Chaya could answer, Tamzin arrived and Chaya very nearly exploded with bright joy and excitement.

The room would quiet for a second, seeing as this was the lady of the hour, but Chaya was the first to break way and pounce on her, dragging the smaller woman into a hug that would lift her from the ground and spin her if she allowed it.

"Happy birthday!" A chorus that would be echoed by other people who'd come to celebrate but were waiting their turn with the birthday girl. Putting Zin down, Chaya, her face flushed with alcohol and excitement, would sweep an arm out, towards her gathered friends and the cake, moving to take Tamzin's hand and lead her over. "Loooooook!"
Zin squealed as Chaya swept her from the floor and spun her. Her arms wrapped around her friend, and she dropped a sloppy kiss on Chaya's cheek that left a smear of red lipstick. Giddy with excitement and a happy birthday chorus that turned her almost bashful, Zin stuck close to Chaya. She waved to a few of the well-wishers, the ones she knew from the Gold Rush, but many of the faces were new!

The worry she entertained earlier disappeared in the onslaught of cheer, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, Chaya drew her onward. If it wasn't for the distinct non-fish smell from the cake, Zin would have called it salmon at a glance. She slapped at Chaya's arm, mouth agape, then went to touch the salmon steak only to pull back at the last minute. Zin couldn't keep from laughing and covered her mouth.

Then she was in Chaya's arms again, head buried in the woman's neck as they embraced. "Thank you. It wonderful!" She murmured, the words blurring together in her joy.
Cheeks flushing up under the kiss-mark, Chaya couldn't help a raucous laugh as Tamzin spied the cake. The payout of her little joke was so much better than she could've imagined--the disbelief followed by utter delight were a beautiful thing and she treasured them just as much as the sight of her friend nearly reaching out to touch it. Accepting Tamzin back into her arms, she squeezed her as tightly as she could, knowing the were could take it. Precious turt Zin.

"Oh my God, of course. It's your birthday!" She crooned. Gently disentangling herself, she glanced around at the others gathered, grinning. "I think you know most everyone here, but this is Theo, Eris. I thiiiink..." After indicating the two present, she craned her neck to see that Oscar was still trapped in the eddy of another conversation. She waved, a bit vaguely, into the crowd. "Over there is Oscar, but I'll be sure to intro you when he comes over here."

There were others who were possibly coming but if she didn't say anything, Zin wouldn't know if they never showed up.
...Aw. The birthday girl was so happy. Eris couldn't help but crack a wide, wistful grin as Zin settled into a casual, celebratory posture. Whatever her deal was, it didn't matter - right? Eris wasn't planning on eating anyone here other than Chaya (and that had already happened, to Eris' fizzy, blood-tipsy satisfaction) so what did it matter how they smelled? They were just here to celebrate and have a good time.

And to feel really fucking sad about not being able to eat her favorite food in the world. Nope -- eyes on the prize, Eris. You're going to be a happy, optimistic vampire tonight.

She gave Tamzin a little wave with her hand as Chaya called her name out. "Nice to meet you. Thanks for letting me crash your birthday party."
Theo joined in the chorus of 'happy birthdays,' happy enough to get caught up in the cheer. The party was only just kicking off, but it looked auspicious so far. The birthday girl was overjoyed, enamoured by the strange and unique cake - clearly a hit, whatever the joke was.

"Pleasure to meet you," Theo offered, raising a hand himself when his name was called. He imagined Chaya and Tamzin would be occupied with catching up, so he didn't have a problem with fading into the crowd and mingling. Maybe he could track down the elusive Oz. There'd be plenty of opportunities to get to know the people attending, after all.
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