Common Psychic → Infected Psychic
- Fire up that loud(Nsfw)— Tatiana ingests vampire blood (Infected)
Infected Psychic → Transitioning Vampire Psychic
- Cryptic Sighting— A rascally puppers lure Tatiana to her untimely vampiric death!(awakens 13 min later alone in a swamp)
- A samurai and a dancer walk into a bar— Tatiana feeds for the first time under her first new moon(4/29)
New Vampire → Common VampireSurvive 2 New Moons 1)4/22/20
1 Thread feeding off of a human/psychic — (1/1)
- Fundo on four hundo— Tati meet with Grace while sub sequentially meeting William on a planned bite date
5 threads with any vampire — (5/5)
- ZhauZhau — Tatiana meets Gokiburi's Sire
- Terminus — Tatiana and Gokiburi talk at her apartment
- Evening Rhyme — Tatiana meets Yuna and learns an important lesson...again
- Moonlight Musings — Tatiana meets a rather mischievous trouble making blonde vampire that made her think of a barbie
- Dressed for the occasion — Goki helps Tatiana get ready to meet Catrina
Common Vampire--->Intermediate VampireSurvive 4 New Moons 1) 2/11/21
2) 3/11/21
3) 4/11/21
4) 5/11/21
Have 4 threads with four different vampires — (4/4)
- Four loko— Tati and Goki just chilling post her feeding on a psychic for the first time; she even gains back some of her confidence!
- Look what the night dragged in— Tati meets a strange female vampire at home base
- Time to party— Tati meets Jacky and learns he's just a cheesy vamp dude -.-
- Raindrops keep falling on my head— Tatiana bumps into a disguised Joaquin at the swamps. It doesn't go bad but he's a bit rude to her.
Have 3 threads with 3 different Weres — (3/3)
- Just dance with me— Tati challenges Locke to a DDR dance off
- punked— Tati bumps into a random were and taunts him a tiny bit but doesn't do anything too crazy
- Curiouser— Tati meet Dakila for the first time after an incident at the Collection
Have 3 threads with 3 different Psychics or Humans — (3/3)
- this is temporal, all we have is our temperament— Tati managed to bump into a transition human who's going vampire o.o and helps her out!
- Check Mate— Tati plays chess with a psychic and tries to get a bite but discretely fails. Oh well!
- Hunters Mark— Tati meets Gideon and gets the heebie jeebie vibes and leaves.
Have 3 threads feeding off of 3 different Psychics or Humans; At least 1 must be violent — (3/3)
- Let the bass kick— Tati gets to feed off of Lyn and enjoys it so much!
- This is fine— Tatiana bites someone with shroud and hates every second of it.
- I'm a link!— Thread Description (( WILD CARD))
Have 1 thread where your character begins to bloodlust, but manages to resist (in public) — (1/1)
- Thread Title — Thread Description (( WILD CARD))
Be in a clutch for a month — (1/1)
- Cat's the Only Cat Who Knows How to Swing — Joined Rhiannon Court Clutch (5/28/20)
Intermediate Vampire---> Advanced Vampire
1) 8/27/22
2) 9/25/22
3) 10/25/22
4) 11/23/22
5) 12/23/22
6) 1/21/23
Complete 3 threads with 3 different vampires in your clutch — (2/3)1)
For feathers sake— Tati and Elena meet for the first time! Elena is wonderful and offers to help Tati learn how to fly!
Soggy vamp— After the mess with Abner, Tati comes home and Catrina heals her but then also learns that Tati is now able to shift into her animal form! A positive with a terrible negative for that night
I'm a link!— Thread Description
Having 3 threads with 3 different weres — (0/3)1)
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
Having 3 threads with three different humans or psychics — (0/3)1)
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
Have 3 threads where your character is feeding off a human or psychic (cannot be the same character) — (0/3)1)
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
Have 1 thread where your character fights or spars another were/vampire for at least 4 rounds — (1/1)1)
Dramatic Vampire Alert— Tati fights Abner; he's a brat that's all
Have 1 thread where your character attempts to turn a human or psychic (turnings done at ANY level count for this requirement). Turning can be deliberate or accidental (giving someone your blood intending to heal them, then they die and return as a transitioning vampire in another thread) — (1/1)1)
recovering from— Tatiana gives her blood to Pascale due to not being sure if she'll kill her or not from feeding from her =3
Join or start a clutch — (1/1)1)Joined Rhiannon Court Clutch
Earn a rank or role — (1/1)1)
what a night— Catrina suggests that Tati work towards being a Counselor! She wholeheartedly accepts the future role! (3/2/22)
Be active with your role for at least 3 consecutive months — (0/3)1)
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
I'm a link!— Thread Description
Have 2 threads where your character participates in an activity with 2 or more members of your established group — (1/2)1)
The Wreathening— Tati gets to meet both Dani and Matilda who just joined at their Samhain party!
Its Showtime!— The clutch gathers for fun to see a pair of movies at the theater