Big Bear Diner Sightseeing

Outfit and yes, she's wearing the hat

Sightseeing in Graupel Canyon started with breakfast at Big Bear Diner. It wasn't a spot she would have chosen without the recommendation and insistence from a local. Holly trended towards... well. Not diners. But it would be nice. Maybe it'd remind her of home a bit and hopefully, that would be a good thing.

In all honesty, she was still feeling a little bummed about her second date with Newton ending the way it did. He was nice! He was fun! Cute! And yet he changed into a werewolf every full moon and whenever his emotions got the better of him. It was a lot to take in. Besides, she'd be a hypocrite if she was willing to jump headfirst into something with a shifter after explicitly being against her brother dating a weretiger. So. Ugh.

Still, it didn't stop her from feeling bummed about it all as she put some walls up to think through things.

At least, for today, Holly would be pleasantly distracted by her new friend, Lydus! Lydus was closer to her age, probably not a shifter and was kind enough to want to show her around town!

She had arrived at the diner a little before their proposed meeting time, settling into a booth near one of the windows with a cup of coffee while she waited for Lydus to join her. Trying to feel upbeat and not like a failure yet again. Woof.

When he came into view, Holly perked up a little and waved him over.

"Hey Lydus, how are you?" She asked with a warm smile, hiding her own insecurities and concerns as much as possible. This was a fun hangout, not a time to sulk!


He had told Calliope he was meeting up with someone. Had gave Khan a few pets and then gone out the door. The drive was familiar, scenic like usual. Woods had become small town roads that led him to the diner with ease.

A familiar waitress waved at him when he entered. He knew he was free to sit himself easily, but a familiar voice called out to him. She was already here!

"Hey!" He beamed warmly as he took a seat across from her. "I'm not late, am I?"

Admittedly, she looked really cute in that outfit. However that was...probably not cool to say! Not from a dude she had met at the bar and was now only meeting for a second time.
Holly shook her head as he sat down opposite her.

"No, not at all. I got here a little early." Travel time was always a difficult thing to gauge, especially in a new part of town! In a new state!

It was good to see him again. Honestly, Holly hadn't expected she would before he asked for her number at the bar. Normally, patrons just wanted to be left alone, or the ones that wanted company, she wasn't interested in! So!

"I was just looking over the menu. Coffee's pretty good," She grinned.
There would always be a special kind of pride in when someone complimented the diner. It could not be helped!

"You really can't go wrong here." He insisted warmly. "I typically do a bit of a breakfast spread. Waffles, eggs, hashbrowns, a meat. It's good at filling up for cheap before heading off to the lodge."

He was rambling about food!

So he softly hushed himself as a waitress approached with a mug and coffee. Probably recognizing him enough to not ask too much.
Holly waited to reply until after the waitress poured him a cup of coffee. She was still deciding what she wanted to eat though, oops! So the waitress left to give them a few more minutes with the menu.

"I'm guessing you're a regular then?" She smiled a little, always happy to go to someone's regular spot.
"Guilty — you guessed right."

A sheepish little grin on his features. Sure, he had given himself away, but she had made the connections. Sharp eye. Let nothing by her, yeah?

"So I guess you can judge me off of the food here, hm?"
"Hmmm," Holly hummed thoughtfully, considering him across from her.

"Are you that easy to figure out?" She asked in teasing jest.
Playfulness was only a newfound skill for Lydus and at times he still teetered on something blunt and skittish at once.

"Hmm, probably!" A bit of a crooked grin snuck onto his face. "I'm a rather plain and open book, you see."

Except the bear. Don't ask about the bear, thank you.
Holly laughed, the sound hearty as she considered the menu.

"I'll take you at your word then," She nodded once before deciding on ordering what he recommended.

"So, you're a regular here. Do you ski often?"
"I don't! Buuuut I do still go to the lodge often."

Oops, guilty again!

"I like the views and the trails they offer. I am a very outdoors orientated person, hah."
Setting the menu down, Holly took a sip of coffee and considered him across from her. An outdoorsy kind of person. That was cool. No wonder he lived in Graupel Canyon. Seemed like it was filled with outdoorsy people.

The server returned, and Holly placed her order, taking his recommendation. When they left, she looked back at Lydus and laughed.

"I'm actually not that great a skier. Like, I'm okay. But I will probably fall on my butt a lot."
"Well, they have bunny hills for a reason, y'know."

He grinned softly. Pleased by her vibrancy! She seemed even more radiant outside of the bar.

"Should we plan to flag down an instructor?" A teasing little grin warmed his features further.
The bunny hill! Holly laughed heartily and shook her head.

"I'm not that bad. I'll keep up," She promised with a grin, assuming he was a natural skier. He hadn't said anything to make her think otherwise.
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