Misha Kallis Common Vampire
Basic Information
Name Alexander Ajax Kallis
Pronouns He/Him
Age 42
Birthday July 16
Height 6'2''
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Matthew Daddario
Residence Location Reignhart
Occupation Location Reignhart
Occupation Gig Pianist
Vehicle BMW 8 Series (Orange)
Vampire Stats
Age turned 14 (Psychic), 32 (vampire)
Supernatural Eye Color Orange
First Ability Levitation
Power/Animal Description Can float in the air but only move diagonally for now. If forward, the angle is around 70 degrees, while sideways and backwards has less height, around 30 to 40 degrees. Can also lift others but side effects hit quicker, and height is limited to 6 feet. For himself, a few minutes and up to 12 feet is peachy, but push either of these and the side effects start with dizziness and feeling sluggish, and then develop into something that looks like sunburn: warmer, itchy skin that evolve into blisters. This can be everywhere on his body but will be worse on the exposed skin. While he did push his limits many times as a psychic, after being turned, he's afraid that going too far could make him catch fire and combust, and he's not wrong. Let's try not to get to this point.

Eye Color: Sedona Orange (coding by Magic :3)
Psychic Stats
Age turned 14 (Psychic), 32 (vampire)
Supernatural Eye Color Orange
First Ability Levitation
Power Description Can float in the air but only move diagonally for now. If forward, the angle is around 70 degrees, while sideways and backwards has less height, around 30 to 40 degrees. Can also lift others but side effects hit quicker, and height is limited to 6 feet. For himself, a few minutes and up to 12 feet is peachy, but push either of these and the side effects start with dizziness and feeling sluggish, and then develop into something that looks like sunburn: warmer, itchy skin that evolve into blisters. This can be everywhere on his body but will be worse on the exposed skin. While he did push his limits many times as a psychic, after being turned, he's afraid that going too far could make him catch fire and combust, and he's not wrong. Let's try not to get to this point.

Eye Color: Sedona Orange (coding by Magic :3)
Were Stats
Age turned 14 (Psychic), 32 (vampire)
Supernatural Eye Color Orange
Animal Appearance
  • Tall and enjoys dressing well
  • Clothes and hair are often windswept if he’s been using his power
  • Master in the art of the puppy face
  • Relaxed body language
  • Gives off friendly and harmless vibes
  • Self-preservation at any cost
  • Acts friendly, sometimes means it
  • Commitment issues or overattaches, no in-between
  • Very curious
  • Tends to lie for fun, doesn’t realize why
  • Dislikes rules and things that require too much effort
  • What even is time, will be late most of the time
  • More sympathy for animals than humans
  • Goes out of his way to avoid words such as please, thank you and sorry
    Human Years

  • Born as Alexander, in a prestigious family, just a few minutes after his twin Xylah
  • They were compared from the moment they were born, and Alex would spend all his childhood trying to catch up to his sister, mostly in vain
  • He didn’t like studying and sitting still, and kept catching glances of playing children in the window
  • It wasn’t fair
  • He started developing resentment towards his parents, but never towards Xylah, as she always did her best to help him out
  • Talking with their minds was so fun, and it didn’t occur to him it wasn’t something normal for twins
  • But then there was the Playhouse Incident
  • Their parents didn’t like that they spent time not studying and burned their only refuge
  • It was only then that the twins realized that the thoughts communication was not unique to them, but a power. Xylah’s power. Alex had none
  • More pressure was put on him to succeed in school, but it had the opposite effect, bringing him to only pass his classes thanks to his sister’s help
  • By his teenage years he was convinced he would never earn any approval from his parents, and pretended it was okay

  • Psychic Years

  • Teenage years brought episodes of acting out, running from home, and being dragged back, sometimes by Xylah herself
  • There was one couple of family friends Alex liked, and he was locked in his room as punishment when they visited
  • He could only guess that something awful happened when he heard screams, but couldn’t go and look, and calling Xylah with his mind couldn’t work unless she initiated the contact
  • Then the scent of smoke
  • There was a fire, and he was stuck on the third floor
  • Years of resentment culminated into his magic awakening then and there to save his life. Levitation, that forced him out of the house through the window, and left him passed out with multiple broken bones in an alley a few streets away
  • He woke up at the hospital, with his grandparents by his bed, who told him he was the only survivor of his family
  • Turns out his parents made quite a few mistakes with the people they trusted and were on the verge of bankruptcy
  • Grandparents took Alex in and cared for him, while selling many assets to pay back his parents’ debt
  • No more prestigious school for him, but it was all good. Without all the pressure, he actually got fairly decent grades, all by himself
  • As soon as he could, started doing odd jobs to help out his grandparents, but had a tendency to spend his money on anything that reminded him of his sister
  • His grandparents passed during his 20s, leaving him alone and with very little inheritance
  • He did all the jobs he could to both not think about the sad things and pay the bills

  • Vampire years

  • A fateful valet gig at a fancy charity event got him to meet a pianist named Nadia
  • He wasn’t sure why she was so interested in him until she revealed her vampire nature by biting him
  • He came to realize psychic blood had a strong effect on vampires and wondered if this was the only reason she was dating him
  • Despite his doubts, he willingly donated all the blood he could
  • One night he caught up attempting to bite someone else, only to get nearly burnt by a lighter
  • His reflex was to send the victim flying, and a bad fall resulted in a broken neck
  • They fled the scene
  • After this Alex confronted her, told her to leave him if she was only after his blood, and to turn him if she really cared
  • She didn’t like the ultimatum, but agreed to this and turned him on his 32th birthday
  • He asked her to give him a new name to symbolize this new life
  • From now on, he was Misha, but he kept his last name as it’s the last remaining link to his sister
  • They traveled north to experience the longer winter nights of the Arctic
  • Settled in an abandoned cabin for a while, feeding off nearby villages
  • He was convinced this was love, and maybe it was
  • There was a fire, and to this day he doesn’t know if it was accidental or if someone had found them
  • House fire brought back old memories and old reflexes
  • He escaped by himself and ran, and when he overcame his fear and went back to look, there was nothing left behind, except Nadia’s piano keys necklace, which made him think she really was dead, as she never took it off (and now he never takes it off)
  • Now having lost yet another person he loved, he closed off his heart and leaned more into the bad instincts
  • Stuck to bigger cities for a while, finding places to regroup, making temporary friends he would always leave behind
  • Constant travel brought him to Colorado
  • Currently mooching off a widower in Reignhart, suggested himself into the will, might drain him later if he gets annoying
  • Waylin Dubois — Don't ask him to put this in words, he can't right now
  • Achievements
    This user has no awards at this time.