Age turned
14 (Psychic), 32 (vampire)
Supernatural Eye Color
First Ability
Power/Animal Description
Can float in the air but only move diagonally for now. If forward, the angle is around 70 degrees, while sideways and backwards has less height, around 30 to 40 degrees. Can also lift others but side effects hit quicker, and height is limited to 6 feet. For himself, a few minutes and up to 12 feet is peachy, but push either of these and the side effects start with dizziness and feeling sluggish, and then develop into something that looks like sunburn: warmer, itchy skin that evolve into blisters. This can be everywhere on his body but will be worse on the exposed skin. While he did push his limits many times as a psychic, after being turned, he's afraid that going too far could make him catch fire and combust, and he's not wrong. Let's try not to get to this point.
Eye Color: Sedona Orange
(coding by Magic :3)