Mette Strøm Common Were Fox
Basic Information
Name Mette Strøm
Pronouns She/Her
Age 30
Birthday December 20th
Height 5'5
Eyes Blue
Face Claim Julia Garner
Residence Location Hawknell
Occupation Location Hawknell
Occupation Veterinarian
Vampire Stats
Age turned 17
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned 17
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Third Ability None
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned 17
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
Animal Appearance

❄️Very Floofy (10/10 cuddles)
❄️Breaks up fights because they don't care to listen to them
❄️Will roll in muddy puddles 9 out of 10 times
❄️Has to sniff everything
❄️Blind in the right eye
❄️5'5" in height
❄️One blue eye, One blind
❄️Blonde hair
❄️A scar cutting down her face marring her left eye
❄️Pale skin
Mette's family originally hails from Tromso Norway. Her father Aksel was a chef and her mother Nora was a doctor. They migrated to America when Mette was five years old due to a job opportunity. The remainder of her childhood was spent in Fairbanks Alaska. Mette hadn't been old enough to really mind the change of moving. She enjoyed the town she now called home immensely. The neighborhood was small at the outer edge of town and consisted of four other homes. Her families house, her odd superstitious neighbor Mr.Callahan, the Lorde's, and an elderly couple the Jones'. Mette often played with the Lorde families young children and their dogs. Their nosy neighbor Mr.Callahan often warded all of the children to stay away from the woods after dark. He was always rambling about some odd thing or another that could be waiting in the dark. Mette often paid him no mind.

From a young age she always had a way with animals. More often than not she would bring home wounded birds or other small critters to care for. Her parents did what they could to help her whenever she did. Mette's love for animals brought her to any event concerning animals that she could find. Dog sledding was by far her favorite thing out of them all. She helped the medic tents with the animals when they needed volunteers and eventually sought out getting her own team. Mette spent time with her neighbors sled team learning the ropes and eventually becoming a junior musher for them as she entered her teens.


Mette spent her free time as a junior musher throughout high school. It was her favorite hobby. After graduation at seventeen Mette had plans to immediately head to college in Fairbanks to be a Veterinarian. One summer evening she had heard a yowling from the woods and went to inspect it. In the woodland she had found an injured fox and attempted to soothe the creature. The arctic fox had lunged out of fear and bitten her hand. Despite the pain she still helped the wounded animal as best she could. It looked like it had been attacked by a larger predator of some kind. Mette had no way of knowing the creature she helped was far from ordinary. Until the next full moon.

At first Mette thought she had contracted an infection from the bite. When the next full moon rose she discovered just how right she had been. It was an infection, but an infection of a different kind. Flung into a world where the old folk tales were now known to be very real. She spent that first night at the edge of the forest, fearful to fully stray from what felt comfortable. When morning finally did come and she dared to leave the forest she was confronted by the screams of her neighbor Mr.Callahan. He was ranting and raving about how he saw her change from a fox to a human. She attempted to appease him and play it off as a trick of the light but the man lunged. The silver knife in his hand slashed down her face before she could get away. All her family saw was a man attacking a teenager with a knife. The wound burned horribly and her left eye had gone dark. The police came and Mette's parents pressed charges against the man for his assault.

Multiple doctor's visited confirmed what she already knew to be true. Her left eye was too badly damaged by the knife to be repaired. Mette began a meticulous routine for the nights of the full moon. Sneaking out from her parent's home and finding a safe place in the woods to allow her other self to run free. The fox, whom she named Aurora, was pleased to roam free.

Four full moons passed and she was approached by a stranger. A woman named Lyra came to Mette and told her that she was the fox who had bitten her. Lyra expressed her sorrow and regret that Mette was wounded before they could fully meet. The pair spent their full moons together as Lyra taught Mette about life as a Were.

Two years after meeting Lyra, Mette decided she was stable enough to continue pursuing her dreams and attend college.


Mette attended the University of Alaska Fairbanks and pursued her degree in Veterinary Medicine. After eight years of school and one year as an intern Mette graduated. She worked in Fairbanks at a small vet clinic for several years until her parents retired. At the age of twenty eight her parents retired and decided to move to Arizona to get away from the cold. Mette didn't want them to be two thousand miles away from her. Mette chose Colorado to move to so her parents would be an easy flight away. She preferred the cold and Colorado was a good second choice to her Alaskan home.


Mette moved to Ridgefield Colorado in a town called Hawknell and found a job as a veterinarian at the Hawknell Humane Society. She has lived and worked there for the past two years and recently celebrated her thirtieth birthday.
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