Andy Baker Common Were Jaguar Inactive
Basic Information
Name Andy Baker
Pronouns He/Him
Age 26
Birthday January 20
Height 5'9
Eyes Blue
Face Claim Jake Short
Residence Location Cheyenne Point
Occupation Personal chef
Vehicle Creaky old 2009 Ford Pickup
Group Rose View Prowl
Vampire Stats
Age turned 22
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned 22
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
First Ability
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned 22
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
Animal Appearance
  • Black Jaguar
  • Height: 3.6 Ft
  • Length: 11.9 Ft
  • Weight: 204 Ibs
  • Appearance
  • Spindly man, with very little muscle mass
  • Likes his button up shirts
  • Keeps his hair short on the sides and long on top for the easy 'get up and go' sort of style.
  • Never learned to smile correctly.
  • Personality
  • Picky
  • Awkward
  • Discreet
  • Forgiving
  • People Pleaser
  • History
  • Grew up in Colorado, in a pretty average household with a mom and dad who did their job raising him decently enough. An older brother who was great at sports, and a younger sister that excelled in class, Andy was just your average Joe when compared.
  • Preferred this lifestyle, keeping his grades decent enough, and the most wild after school activity being video games in his bedroom past nine. Found a love for culinary arts and began to practice in that, finding a school in Larkspur with an exceptional culinary program.
  • Moved to Vermont with high hopes and a dream, starting the four year apprenticeship program at a well known school at the youthful age of 19, finally finding something that he was rather good at, Andy would keep with the program.
  • At the age of 22 however things would shift, and Andy would find himself in the hospital after a bad car accident. Recovery was expected however, the boy staying in the hospital for a few days for observation. It was during one of these nights that Andy would find himself being scratched by some strange man with a clawed hand.
  • Turned out this guy was the King of the local prowl and had been looking for some guy named Blake to change. Ended up with Andy instead, which wasn't good, and so after laying down some of the rules, the King was off to change the right guy and left Andy to sorta fend for himself.
  • Moving back to Colorado to be closer to family, Andy would transfer his credits to the Larkspur college, intending to move on with his life. Only now there's a giant cat involved too.
  • Relationships

    Blair Nightshade

    Officially his girlfriend now. Pretty sure that she deserves someone better than him, but he’s glad she settled for him anyways. Can’t cook but he’s working on that while she teaches him to draw.

    Frank Beringer

    Leader of the Prowl and someone that Andy looks up to. Sort of a father figure when it comes to Were life, and often the first person that Andy will go to for advice. Trusts his opinions and thoughts over his own family.

    Asha Rao

    Former boss and also someone that Andy looks up to. Easily embarrassed by her teasing, and the second person that he runs to when in need of advice. Thinks she extremely pretty.
  • Hates pickles with a passion.
  • Was a dog person, but that's changed.
  • Playlist!
    Nominations 2020
    Most Likely to Start an Unexpected Tabletop Thread
    Sweetest Cinnamon Roll
    Best Behavior Award
    Favorite Ship That Doesn't Exist... Yet w/ Blair
  • Achievements
    Five Real Boys!!
    Five Real Boys!!
    02-11-2021 at 03:51 PM

    Dirty Thirties
    Dirty Thirties
    02-11-2021 at 03:50 PM

    Immunity Idol
    Immunity Idol
    02-11-2021 at 03:50 PM

    Two and a Half Real Boys!
    Two and a Half Real Boys!
    09-14-2020 at 08:46 PM

    09-14-2020 at 08:46 PM

    Threw Were-kind Off Hell in a Cell
    Threw Were-kind Off Hell in a Cell
    08-14-2020 at 11:27 PM

    A Real Boy!
    A Real Boy!
    07-29-2020 at 08:35 AM

    Social Caterpillar
    Social Caterpillar
    07-29-2020 at 08:35 AM

    Training Wheels
    Training Wheels
    07-29-2020 at 08:35 AM

    I Found This
    I Found This
    07-29-2020 at 08:34 AM

    No More Baby Teeth
    No More Baby Teeth
    07-29-2020 at 08:34 AM

    The RV's Rolling Away!
    The RV's Rolling Away!
    03-16-2020 at 07:46 PM

    03-16-2020 at 07:46 PM