Emil Hendriksen Psychic
Basic Information
Name Emil Hendriksen
Pronouns He/Him
Age 20
Birthday May 9
Height 5'5''
Eyes Blue
Face Claim Aidan Gallagher
Residence Location Alder Heights
Occupation Location Alder Heights
Occupation Theater Student
Vehicle Nope
Vampire Stats
Age turned 20
Supernatural Eye Color Black
First Ability Teleportation
Power/Animal Description Teleportation - From point A to a Point B that was visited before. Narrowly escaped bear jaws thanks to this power, but doesn't remember the ordeal. Side effects include: memory loss of minimally five minutes, gets longer the further he goes, as well as pins and needles, mild for short distances but so painful it causes fainting when done over multiple towns. Potential for completely forgetting his own identity and/or dying if he goes too far. Another effect is the dangerous landings. Anytime where this is possible, he will land in the street or in the water, or off the ground.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 20
Supernatural Eye Color Black
First Ability Teleportation
Power Description Teleportation - From point A to a Point B that was visited before. Narrowly escaped bear jaws thanks to this power, but doesn't remember the ordeal. Side effects include: memory loss of minimally five minutes, gets longer the further he goes, as well as pins and needles, mild for short distances but so painful it causes fainting when done over multiple towns. Potential for completely forgetting his own identity and/or dying if he goes too far. Another effect is the dangerous landings. Anytime where this is possible, he will land in the street or in the water, or off the ground.
Were Stats
Age turned 20
Supernatural Eye Color Black
Animal Appearance
  • Resting brat face
  • Tries for a longer hair look lately, might keep it for now
  • Often wears clothes that are too big or slightly out of fashion. On purpose
  • (Usually) Almost always smiles, rarely laughs
  • Being a brat is the role of his life
  • Went into arts to clash with his science-y twin
  • Found out he actually loved theater
  • Stubborn and rarely changes his mind
  • Get attached to people easily and can be clingy
  • His only fear is to be alone
  • Born in Vermont to Sally and John Hendricksen, a few minutes after his twin Eloi
  • The family moved around, following the musical theater careers of the parents
  • Emil got good at making friends but still cried (in private) whenever they had to move
  • When college time arrived, the twins agreed that Alder Heights was their best option, and the whole family relocated there
  • All was well
  • Until it wasn't
  • Emil found his twin's room empty, except for a note that said he was going away with the love of his life
  • Due to the note being seemingly authentic, nobody took Emil's worries seriously; but also, his biaised theory was that nothing less than a turning or hypnosis could have made his twin desert him
  • He's wrong, but might never know the truth
  • He decided he would find him and save him, no matter what

In game:
  • Antagonizes people to try and find his brother
  • Meets Pheonix who actually believes him!
  • Meets a bear who tries to turn him :(
  • Escapes miraculously through teleportation
  • Meets George and doesn't realize he kinda joined a cult
  • Phoenix Soren — Wingless fairy. Offered him power. He wants it.
  • George Wyvern — C H A R I S M A. He doesn't want to disappoint him
  • Eirene Croía — Doesn't know her name, and following her instructions got him double bitten. But he's an idiot and will try to find her again.
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