Animal AppearanceDhole Height: 35 inch from paw to shoulder Length: 5 feet from snout to rump Tail Length: 22 inch long floof tail Weight 45 lbs (its all fur <<) Pic of Appearance!Cool Looks (her underbelly is more white)
Long dark brown to black hair
Green-blue eyes
Family Oriented
Sometimes cocky
Born in Turkey, everything was pretty normal. Traditional and studious from a young age but also very much involved with her family.
In her teens, she traveled around Europe for both her studies and to experience more of the world while she worked on her grades. At 18, she came across the strangest-looking dog thing she'd ever seen. She had no idea a dog could whistle. Without realizing it, she had gotten too close to the Dhole and got herself bit.
After she was bitten, the Dhole who did the chomping found her out and stuck around to help her and teach her about what was going on. It made her college time harder as she got her engineering degree and bachelor's but it was worth it in the end.
Minsi stuck around with the Dhole family, fitting in and coming to terms; even if it was harder for her to be away from her birth family she was content here and even found a partner.
Eventually, she wound up pregnant in the family, it was both a stressful and exciting time. Their leader helping her through it all while she carried the newest addition. It was rather uneventful; save when she got her Dhole back fully and shifted after that long pregnancy. She had no control but thankfully no one got hurt.
With a rather unique baby in her arms now, she wanted to provide more for them and set out to find a better job. With the well wishes and blessing of her Dhole family, she'd set out for America. She'd seen some news bits about the supernatural there so it didn't seem like it was devoid of a community there.
Now, she lives in Las Almos, mostly working from home and taking care of her little one now.
Has a kid! Boy; Zeki, 1( 3 years old in were aging)
Speaks Turkish, English, German, Sign Language
Loves Computers
House Lay Out ((adopted from Brits house adopts!))
A pet Belgian Sheepdog; Kirmizi