Born in New Jersey in 1951.
Reborn in New York City in 1969, after being beaten to a pulp and drained nearly dry by two vampires, when his blood turned to fire, and promptly incinerated them.
Rising from the ashes of the man he once had been, he became a God. Through destruction and defeat, he had been born beneath A New Sun.
With newborn eyes, he could see the world for what it truly was. Consumed by darkness, and he, a vessel of cleansing, burning light. He would be salvation. And so he spread his wings, and soared. A wyvern reborn.
Used, abused, and discarded as many people as it took to become affluent, plunging his burning fingers into the heart of New York and unearthing the untempered specimens who could be reforged like he was.
No matter the cost, no matter the method, no matter how many went up in flame or buckled beneath the force of his efforts. By his own hands, he forged the new guardians of this world. Psychic after psychic made strong in the light of A New Sun.
One of his most beloved creations, born of his very own burning flesh, grew into a beautiful woman. She would have been the savior of them all. But she was drawn astray, distracted by the temptation of joining the mindless herd of humanity.
Her child was born of weakness. And then she and her useless husband died.
The boy was unremarkable. But George had made magnificent things from unremarkable people. He himself had once been unremarkable. And so he took the child somewhere quiet, and when he was strong enough, he began to remake him. Pain was the only way. Steel cannot become a blade without being melted and hammered into its purpose.
Once Oliver became his true self, George poured his efforts into sharpening him into someone worthy of his birthright. He would be the successor, once George had fulfilled his own destiny.
But the boy was like his mother. Weak in the face of the New Sun. He sought to destroy everything George had worked for, burn it all to cinders.
George was engulfed in the inferno that Oliver left in his wake, but flame was his to tame. Rather than immolate, he concentrated the fire that sought to swallow him into one leg. Much like a fox in a trap, he sacrificed the limb to escape.
Mutilated, humiliated, but never defeated. George vowed to find his heretic blood and make of him an example to all who sought to deny the righteous call of A New Sun.
Was nearly consumed by his vengeance, at risk of straying from the light, but his most devout supporters sustained his faith in their cause.
A New Sun burned bright, spreading its glorious rays further and further west.
When the discovery of Pacting was made public, George set forth a campaign throughout the organization to form as many Pacts in devotion to A New Sun as possible, therefore bolstering their ranks with united power.
When word came of his grandson’s possible presence in Ridgefield, George sent forth a small network of his closest devotees to track him down.
His efforts paid off, when one of his loyalists summoned him, reporting to have found Oliver.
Now, A New Sun shines its rays upon Ridgefield County.