Amélie De Lavallée Intermediate Vampire
Basic Information
Name Amélie De Lavallée
Pronouns She/Her
Age 1510
Birthday December 17th
Height 5'5
Eyes Blue
Face Claim ALBInWonderland
Residence Location Lauderhill
Occupation Music Teacher
Vehicle Blue 1966 Volkswagen Convertible
Vampire Stats
Age turned 28
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
First Ability Plant Manipulation
Power/Animal Description ⚜ Amelie has the ability to manipulate plant life since she was 11. Something she takes pride in with her deep love of gardening. However with such a delicate and kind gift, the drawbacks are less than kind. After using her ability Amelie's nerves will feel as if they are on fire causing her a great deal of pain. If she presses her gift beyond her limits if leaves her paralyzed by the pain, unable to move.

Barn owl, animal form. The very picture of grace and beauty in flight. Her feathered form is made up of rich tawny colored hues and bold bright whites. The eyes, deep inky pits of pure black.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 28
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
First Ability Plant Manipulation
Power Description ⚜ Amelie has the ability to manipulate plant life since she was 11. Something she takes pride in with her deep love of gardening. However with such a delicate and kind gift, the drawbacks are less than kind. After using her ability Amelie's nerves will feel as if they are on fire causing her a great deal of pain. If she presses her gift beyond her limits if leaves her paralyzed by the pain, unable to move.

Barn owl, animal form. The very picture of grace and beauty in flight. Her feathered form is made up of rich tawny colored hues and bold bright whites. The eyes, deep inky pits of pure black.
Were Stats
Age turned 28
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
Animal Appearance
⚜ 5'5" in height
⚜ Pastel pink hair (natural color; platinum blonde)
⚜ Pale blue eyes
⚜ Fair skinned
⚜ Soft petite figure
⚜ Usually dresses in classy or elegant outfits
⚜ Enjoys wearing make up
⚜ Often has a different flower in her hair most days
⚜Motherly, Fierce, Artistic, Independent, Naive, Oblivious, Respectful, Resentful, Entitled

515 - 526 AD

Birth - Childhood
⚜Amélie was born to a decently wealthy and well known family. As the only daughter to her parents she was beloved and treated as a treasure. Things were fairly simple in the beginning. Her family raised her to be the perfect little noble with manners and etiquette befitting the lifestyle. She encountered her first oddity at the age of 11. It was then that she learned she could manipulate plant life. Despite the fact that it causes numbness and tingling pain everytime she attempted to practice. Her ability was her best kept secret growing up.

Amélie met her betrothed at fourteen and the pair were fast friends. The young noblemans son Latimer was the perfect match for her according to her parents. She didn't mind his company nor his friendship. At that age the thought of being married was a bore but she has time yet before it happened.

The kingdom of Franks was led by Childebert I and was mostly a decent place to be. Aside from the barbarian raids and territory scirmishes things were quiet.

533 AD

Early Adult Life
⚜Once Amélie reaches the age of 18 she married her betrothed Latimer. The pair fell into an easy partnership and Amélie slowly came to grips with her title of a noble. Married life gave her time to gain new hobbies and grow her special ability. She learned to paint as well as be a dutiful host. Her enjoyment of plant manipulation continues to be stifled by the pain it caused. Something she believed was the work of the devil for a long time.

536 AD

⚜At the age of 21 she finally fell pregnant and gave birth to twins; Mélisande & Matissé. Her worldview changed on a dime and those children became her life. So precious and small. She vowed to protect them with her life as fiercely as only a mother can.

543 AD

⚜ Watching the twins grow from babies to toddlers to children was enchanting. She often painted their portraits to capture the grace of them.

Her peaceful life was upended shortly after she turned 28. A man had stormed into their home with blade drawn, threatening her husband. In an act of impulse she jumped in front of him and was dragged from her home as 'payment' for her husband's sins. Her fear was short lived as the moment they were alone a blade was sunk into her chest. The man had said her fate would be an unending torture, a life lived in darkness and blood.

She hadn't realized he had meant she would become a monster. Nor did she fully grasp her children would lose their mother forever at the age of 7.

559 AD

The first visit
⚜Her sire Jean Luc wove tales through her mind daily about how she could not leave his side. That she must obey him because of their 'bond'. All things she would later come to find were repetitive suggestions forced upon her mind.

There were nights she was able to escape his side and peer in on her beloved family. Her twins had aged and were now young adults themselves. Both having gained families of their own. It made her immeasurably sad and happy at the same time.

When her sire had discovered her wanderings he was fiercely angry. Reminding Amélie that she could never be with her family. That this was her husband's punishment, losing his wife and seeing her 'ghost' haunting him. She detested his petty revenge scheme but his mind overpowered hers if she didn't 'haunt' willingly.

571 AD

The second visit
⚜ This torment of her dear husband continued for years. Under her sires watchful eye she was his unwilling puppet. Sometimes the suggestions failed and he'd have to try again the next day. Amélie didn't know he was trying with her brain to get her to obey. She still believed it was the sire bond he has convinced her of.

One night while Jean Luc was away to feed, Amélie dropped in on her twins again. The visit ended in a bloody mess. She had seen her daughter Mélisande struck by her husband and went into a rage. When Amélie returned to her senses she was covered in blood. Her daughter lay unmoving at her feet. Assuming her dead, she fled in horror. She begged Jean Luc to turn her child as he has changed her. He said if she never again strayed he would try. She agreed.

All her hope of an eternal life with her daughter was dashed. Jean Luc reported that it had been too late to do anything for Mélisande. Another lie.

587 AD

⚜ The year her husband died was the year that Amélie vowed to be free. She had been seeing more of their kind lately. None of which seemed to know about the strange bond she spoke of. For the first time in her undead life she was told she could be free. Jean Luc had been suggesting her nearly every time she stepped out of line. Now that Amélie knew what he had done, she gathered her things and left. Fleeing from the Kingdom of Franks to the Kingdom of Bernica.

630 AD - 1300's

⚜Amélie traveled through the Kingdom of Bernica as best as she could. She ended up finding a small group of Nomadic vampires and stayed with them. They watched the fall of Bernica as it became Northumbria. The group avoided the wars and raids, largely avoiding the petty dealings of human battle. Her friends were the first to encourage her gift and help her gain better control over it. With them she learned where her limits were before she would experience the worst of the drawbacks. They also helped her begin to hone her skills as a vampire. Leaning into her new senses and slowly undoing the brain washing from her sire.

Different vampires floated in and out of the nomadic group. Staying if they wanted company and leaving when they were ready to travel again. Amélie had stayed the longest from the 6th century until the 8th century. She saw Paganism slowly fade and Christianity rise as rulers changed hands and laws were made.

Just before the turn of the 9th century she left the nomads and thanked them for their company and their knowledge. Each vampire that had passed through had helped her learn. In the 9th century she traveled through what was now Scotland. The gorgeous rolling hills and stunning castles made her feel as elegant as she had in her youth. It was in the privacy of mountain caves that she practiced her plant manipulation further. It was safe for the day but when night came she could play. The meadows and hills would be full of her flowers. It was a giant canvas for her to explore and grit her teeth against the pain.

The first actual home she secured for herself and only herself was in the mid 1100's. She decided she didn't want to hop from place to place as often. With some clever manipulation she had learned from her nomad friends Amélie was able to secure herself a home. It had been inherited from her grandfather, an elderly man that had died in his sleep. Claimed as his only kin she settles into her modest little home with ease. This was the first garden she ever started. It was simple but full of herbs that would be useful to the human population. She sold bundles of them to the local healers as often as she could. Her magic helped keep her garden flourishing when others would fail.

When the Scottish independence wars broke out in the 12th century, Amélie had to flee her newfoind home. She had no want to be burned alive in her very flammable wooden house in the crossfire. With a shard of ice in her heart she returned to the Kingdom of Franks, which was now just called France. Her home of Paris stood as changed as the world around it but it was still home.

1300's - 1900's

⚜Amélie settles into a new home in Paris. Being around humans consistently had gotten easier as the years had gone on. Her encounters with kind and knowledgeable vampires over the years helped her pick up some tricks. Holding her breath helped in high populated areas. The world was growing and humans were everywhere. Amélie made her money with her garden once again and even with her painting skills. The nobles really loved getting their portraits painted, even if it was by a woman.

Half way through the 14th century Amélie took a trip to Northern Italy. She had heard the rumors of the beauty of Italy and had to see it herself. She was still living there when she found her second great passion in life. The violin. It arrived in the 15th century and the moment she could get her hands on one she fell in love. It took quite a while for her to find someone willing to teach her to play. Once she had, she flourished with the instrument. It quickly became a favorite hobby of hers. Once she was skilled at it she became a teacher herself. She loved taking on a new student and showing them the intricate art of the Violin. The beautiful music gave her a deep sense of comfort.

Centuries passed and the whispers of a great war had reached her ears once again. She detested the art of war and did her best to avoid it. Amélie stayed away during the first and second world wars, hiding away wherever it was safest. She had to make the hard decision after the end of the wars to leave Europe. Paris would always be her home but she longed for a new adventure. Across the sea America beckoned.

2000's to Present

⚜Amélie didn't stay very long in the southern states. The accents and the odd cultures did not mesh with her. She traveled across to the northwest side of the states. A beautiful land called Colorado drew her eye. She found her new home in Lauderhill and her passion for teaching music again.
⚜Pronunciation: ah-meh-LEE
⚜Languages: French, English, Gaelic
⚜Hobbies: Painting, Gardening, Violin
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