Emiko Mochizuki Adopted Sister; A lot of missed time to make up for; Good but a little Rocky
Eden Palmer Pseudo Sister; Confidant
Bree Frell Girlfriend (5/23/24); Potential Future Progeny; Confidant
Matthias Cooper Great Friend; Feels a bit of a disconnect still but can't place his finger on it
Malaya Perez Friend; Newbie Fox
Jade Fox New Friend; Potential Sparring Partner; Work-in-Progress
Pascale Proulx Friend; Easy Target for Short Jokes; Wants the best for her
Arianell Swann Ex-Therapist turned Friend/Cooking Student!
Grace Lee Queen Psychic; Friendly; Contact for any/all Psychic Needs
Ingrid Thompsen Princess of a Pride; Friendly; First 'leader' to have connections with
Amelia Hale Long Distance Best Friend; Moved to California
Asha Rao Aware of her new human status. Can no longer physically interact with her but happy for her newfound freedom & Happiness
Abraham Barlet Yikes. Uncomfortable. Best to avoid.
Holly Hopper Newt's Girlfriend; Friendly; Haven't interacted w/ her much
Newton Ellison Rocky Friends; Yay, progress! Deceased :(
Sienna Rousseau Sad girl in the woods; Fox Friend
Ezra Downer Friendly (Would like to become Friends)
Minx Rucker Frenemy