Iago Mora-Padron Intermediate Were Lion Inactive
Basic Information
Name Iago Evardo Mora-Padron
Pronouns He/Him
Age 44
Birthday Mar 9
Height 5' 5
Eyes Supernatural
Face Claim Diego Luna
Residence Location Cheyenne Point
Occupation Location Cheyenne Point
Occupation Carpentry
Vehicle 2008 Subaru Legacy [black]
Group Sunset Point Pride
Vampire Stats
Age turned 29
Supernatural Eye Color Purple
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned 29
Supernatural Eye Color Purple
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Third Ability None
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned 29
Supernatural Eye Color Purple
Animal Appearance
  • Dark mane, golden fur, lavender eyes
  • On the smaller size for a werelion, he is heavily maned but otherwise lithe
  • Stats: 9 ft long, plus 3 ft of tail. ~485 lbs, 5 ft at shoulder
  • Reference!
  • "Kočka!" or "Kočička!"
  • His eyes are permanently his lion's shade of lavender--you are free to notice
  • His canine teeth are nearly an inch long on top and three quarters of that on bottom, dare we say... lion-like??
  • There's a rowl around the edges of his words when he gets worked up but otherwise manages to sound passably normal--the accent probably helps mask some stuff
  • His fingernails are also pale, curved claws which he typically clips and files to human-ish shape on his right hand and leaves sharp on his left--it's a choice!!
  • Short, slender, athletic, properly sunned
  • Hair usually worn a little longer, tidies up from time to time, but excels at the ruffled look
  • Speaks English very well but sounds distinctly Mexican about it
  • Dresses practically in things like jeans, t-shirts, hoodies--but has a few nicer articles these days that sometimes show up thanks to outside influence
  • Restless, rowdy, struggles with being bored but can find entertainment in surprising things these days
  • Often seems to come across as younger than he actually is--blame the sunny disposition
  • Unapologetic about acting in his own interest, but believes he's a good person--usually; stupidly loyal when he chooses to be
  • Isn't afraid to lie when it suits him, doesn't like sharing his business unless it's on his own terms
  • Values the freedom of choice, doesn't like responsibility or expectation unless he's agreed to it--consciously or otherwise
  • Does not like to lead, can sometimes be convinced to tag along with others, rules make him itchy
  • Loves climbing, enjoys a good thrill, totally down with adrenaline
  • He's very soft--one might even say sensitive--but will take offense if you point it out; he is NOT!!
  • Not the brightest person around, but it's not very nice to talk like that
  • Born in 1980 in Monterrey, Mexico, middle child of seven, his father a rather well-off architect
  • Was the kid who bullied the bullies at school, especially in protection of his siblings--younger or older, didn't care
  • Got a little lost in the mix as the middle child, but enjoyed the vague privacy that afforded him
  • Iago grew up knowing he had to work for what he wanted from life, wasn't interested in hand outs anyway
  • Eventually left Mexico in his mid-twenties to study mechanical engineering in Georgia
  • Did alright but never quite finished his degree as the girl he was crushing on (but who refused to give him the time of day) decided she was going to go do a service project in South America--and he decided so was he
  • Spent a while learning carpentry and other structure building techniques in small towns and found he actually really enjoyed it and even was good at it
  • Also did a lot of exploring which was ultimately to his detriment when one evening a lioness--deeply out of place in the jungle--offered him a good mauling for his curiosity
  • It was a confusing time for him, especially when--a few months later--he found out the lioness was actually his unrequited love. Perhaps guilty for what she'd done, she tried to teach him everything he needed to know, but in his hurt he was defiant a lot of the rules she offered even when they were for his own benefit
  • He ended up spending too much time out in the jungle as a lion (stubborn, but also quickly coming to enjoy his time as a cat), and he started to see bad side effects of this early on, which only spurred him to spend more time hiding out, away from the eyes of regular people
  • Iago stayed in South America for a long time on his own, doing what he could to help the people there when he did wander back to civilization. His sire would occasionally come back on another project--or maybe just to make a point of hunting him down. Beginning to think that she might actually care about him after all, he eventually let her beg him to come back with her to the Pride she was a part of in Atlanta
  • He stayed with her even though he felt out of place among the matriarchal pride, both belittled and often unwanted
  • Though his experience let him find work, Iago was not the most well suited to regular life. He played as vigilante for purpose and thrill when he wasn't finding it otherwise
  • When the pride tired of him and his behavior and decided to turn him out, his sire was among those who thought he should go in spite of the relationship he'd thought they'd had. He left the state that night, disillusioned
  • He arrived in Ridgefield in December 2018 with intent of work and a new life and hopes of finding interesting things
  • Eventually met and befriended Sokol, fell in love with him almost immediately though it was strange to acknowledge that even to himself for a long time, it's complicated!
  • Then one of his brothers came looking for him, also desperate for a place to belong. Not great, but as a sucker, Iago agreed to let him live with him. Just for a bit. Which proved terrible decision making when only months later, Mateo accused him of secrets and Iago was forced to fight--and turn--him
  • That relationship fell apart quickly under the weight of bad feelings and refusals, and Iago focused instead on a newly formed Pride he felt wanted by. Eventually ended up flat out rejecting his brother and any attempts at contact or reconciliation.
  • But Yago and Sokol got a house! And a dog! And a weird metaphysical bond that neither of them really have words for! So he's happy. Stressed sometimes, because Sokol is stressed, but... worth it, right? (He thinks so, and is keen to fight you if you don't.)
  • Eventually the relationship evolved far enough that Sokol decided it was time to tell his father and uncle about it in an effort to live his truth. This resulted in a terribly frightening disownership, and attempt to get Sokol deported back to their clutches.
  • So Iago thought really hard and asked Sokol if he would marry him.
  • Sokol Petruška - mi alma, mi vida, love of his life, his best friend and the only person who really matters in the end. while their relationship appears fraught at times as they battle sokol's demons together, you will perhaps never find any two people more dedicated to each other. iago can no longer imagine a life without him and refuses to consider it, no matter what it costs him. they met in 2019 and have lived together since 2020 before they matebonded in 2021.
  • Ingrid Thomas - someone iago trusts with his life, but also finds quite frustrating at times. he almost never sees eye to eye with her, but they've been through so many incidents together it's difficult for him to dismiss her place in his life. she's the pride's princess but he'll literally never see her that way.
  • Hei Ryung Hwan - the baby lion of the group, he cares about her and has come to appreciate her softer touch during bad situations. he feels inclined to protect her, but not at great cost.
  • Beauregard Bertrand - a halfway forbidden association, iago has always found the vampire "bird king" fascinating and good company. they have had several encounters both as lion/bird and men, and iago has told him... more than is probably advised, but it's fine!
  • Dove Cooper - a wolf he met at random, befriended... and then she kissed him in a moment of victory and now he's pretty afraid of what any of that means and has spent quite a while more or less ghosting her.
  • Nika Volkov - outside of the lions, she was the closest thing he had to a best friend before she moved away. he knew her when she was still human and sometimes still saw her that way even after she was Queen, but he always felt warmly toward her. sometimes he still texts her--at least when he's not in the pits of his own drama.
  • Jimmy Balfour - he really, really liked jimmy when he was still human. told him his lion secret and was happy to know him. then ingrid turned jimmy and things got... more difficult. iago attempted friendship but jimmy's disillusionment infected iago into feeling much the same about jimmy.
  • Lorena Sousa - a truly forbidden friendship that suffered deeply when she hurt sokol during fight night. they haven't seen each other since and there's no telling where they'd land if they did meet again.
  • Kai Cormyr - he doesn't actually know her, has never actually interacted with her, but if he ever sees her again he's going to kick her ass.
  • Ashley Miller - to him, she's the magical healer that helped him, then helped hei ryung. he has no idea that she figured out what he was before she left town and suspects he may have been involved in the death of her friend.
  • House Reference
  • yellow is the best color, don't @ him
  • Winner of Goddamnit, Moon Moon -- Which character isn't the brightest?
  • Winner of Oops... Did I Do That -- Most likely to accidentally turn someone
  • Nominated for Character Most likely to RP, Most Pettable Animal Form, Disaster Waiting to Happen, Best Shoulder to Cry On, Favorite Interspecies Relationship with Beauregard, The Odd Couple with Sokol, Characters That Should Be Friends with Gokiburi, Pair that Learned the Most From Each Other with Sokol, Pair Who Needs More Angst with Sokol for Yearbook 2020.
  • Nominated for Most Chaotic Lawful Good for Yearbook 2021
  • Nominated for Most Charismatic for Yearbook 2023
  • "Carly Rae Jepsen really connects with me as a hopeless romantic teenaged girl, and I love it. It's especially impressive considering that I'm none of those things."
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