Eden Palmer Pact Psychic
Basic Information
Name Eden Palmer
Pronouns she/her
Age 31
Birthday January 23rd
Height 5'6
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Fo Porter
Residence Location Alameda
Occupation Location Alameda
Occupation Hair Stylist
Vehicle Ford Focus (2005)
Group Rainbow Royals Pact
Vampire Stats
Age turned 29
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability Teleportation
Second Ability Healing
Power/Animal Description eye color reference!

When sensing the aura of a non-human, Eden picks up the scent of freshly cut grass.
Eden can teleport up to a few feet away on a very good day. On a bad day? She can't do it at all. She's very unskilled and trying to work on it!

  • Side Effects: fainting (prolonged use), numbness in extremities and/or Paresthesia (pins and needles), seizures (very overextended usage)

  • when healing: she feels a residual pain from whatever wound she is trying to heal.
Eden found out after a very emotional vampire feeding that she had manifested a second power; healing! As of right now, she knows very little about it beyond the fact her palm healed after she had cut it open on accident.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 29
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability Teleportation
Second Ability Healing
Third Ability None
Power Description eye color reference!

When sensing the aura of a non-human, Eden picks up the scent of freshly cut grass.
Eden can teleport up to a few feet away on a very good day. On a bad day? She can't do it at all. She's very unskilled and trying to work on it!

  • Side Effects: fainting (prolonged use), numbness in extremities and/or Paresthesia (pins and needles), seizures (very overextended usage)

  • when healing: she feels a residual pain from whatever wound she is trying to heal.
Eden found out after a very emotional vampire feeding that she had manifested a second power; healing! As of right now, she knows very little about it beyond the fact her palm healed after she had cut it open on accident.
Were Stats
Age turned 29
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
Animal Appearance
"Sometimes i'm a fool."

"Sometimes i am doing just fine."

"But i can't follow the rules."

"That other people want to live by."

Standing at 5'6, she likes to tell herself she's taller. She's got various tattoos covering her skin, running along her arms. Swimming down her collarbone. Snaking against her hips. She loves wearing bold colors, like a peacock strutting and showing off for any potential eyes that might wander.

If freckles were a living being, she would be their embodiment. They kiss almost every inch of her face, speckling her cheeks, nose and even some jawline.
"But i'm not gonna mess this up yeah."

"You have a persistence that borders on the insatiable, you know that?" -- Gideon Alexander

She wants to care. She does care. Her problem is she cares too much and sometimes it can and has bitten her in the ass. She's outspoken, loud and brash but can also be soft and unable to speak her feelings correctly. Not out of malice, however. Simply because her life hasn't been the best and with her fight or flight, she picks fight. She projects fierce and independent and that's exactly what you'll get. She thinks of herself as unshakeable.

  • Will try to talk your ear off. Be ready for her.
  • Presses at things she perceives as problems. Can probably push buttons without meaning to.
  • Will apologize if she notices things going south. She doesn't actively want to offend anyone.
  • Trying her best to be her best.


"This life it ain't a breeze."

"But i don't look down at my feet."

Growing up with a mother that was absent and a father who only cared when that monthly check came in, Eden didn't have a glamourous life. At fifteen, she moved in with her grandmother, who helped raise her but the damage in her life was already done. She didn't grow up having many friends and the ones she did were the wrong sort. Kind was subjective and totally optional. She was a live wire. Raw, unfiltered and unchained. She lived her own way and when not with her friends, she spent her time at night stargazing, wondering when her life would get better and if she was redeemable.

At nineteen, she moved in with some friends who promised her the world. They'd be famous. Tour the world. Be rich. Instead, they broke her trust, shattered that dream and left her with a bitter taste and not much else. A year later, she found herself in another state and it wasn't until recent that she found herself in the suburb of Alameda, scraping by at a job she loved, still trying to keep that glimmer of hope alive.

  • Runs her own hair salon out of a spare room in her apartment.
✿`·.¸¸.·´ Friends in every shape! `·.¸¸.·´✿
(Work in progress. Don't mind the mess.)

[✿✿] Ezra Downer Met during a late night hunt for something sweet, complete with some midnight ice cream and a hope to keep in touch.

[✿✿] Amelia Hale "Ren" Ren always felt a bit like trying to hold smoke. Tangible for a moment but willing to drift the next. Eden might have been able to love her fully someday but Ren needed to move on and Eden fully supported that feeling. [✿✿]

[✿✿] Waylin Reed Someone who Eden cares about quite a lot. Not romantically but more platonic. Maybe like family. Always ready to be there for him.

[✿✿] Grace Lee A loud, reckless spitfire of a woman that Eden admires and looks up to. Was her go to contact to all things psychic and thanks to her kindness, Eden had managed to get into a very cool psychic gathering! Met a lot of good people!

[✿✿] Joaquin "Adam" Heartgrove Met him by stroke of semi rotten luck when she got lost. He fed. Upset that he made some sense but also confused about the fact that maybe he had messed with her mind? She's confused and semi upset but thanks to him, she developed a second power.

[✿✿] Delphine Verheyen Eden met her at a slam poetry event and the two bonded rather quickly over shared interests and both being psychics! After some chatting and questions about power, the two decided to keep in touch to talk more heavily about trying to form a pact.

[✿✿] Amélie De Lavallée A blind date that she met thanks to an event hosted in quite the beautiful places. They exchanged numbers and Eden promised to visit those gardens sooner rather than later.
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