Erin Gallagher Psychic Inactive
Basic Information
Name Erin Gallagher
Pronouns She/Her
Age 31
Birthday December 26
Height 5' 5
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Kiersey Clemons
Residence Location Valencia
Occupation Location Alder Heights
Occupation Bar Manager of Lotus
Vehicle Train (She also has a white sedan that runs. It's... whatever model it is. She's not a car person.)
Vampire Stats
Age turned 18
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Toxikinesis
Power/Animal Description The ability to cultivate or destroy poisonous substances. With practice and familiarity, Toxikinetics can adjust the chemical structure of toxins and venoms to alter their symptoms on others. Users rarely ever get sick and have added resistance towards lycanthropy, making them less likely to contract the virus.

The effects:

  • Drinks On Me -- Erin is all for partying, which is both wonderful and terrible when substances has less effect on you. Sure, she's tried making herself drunker, but it never seems to work; she's no good at creating toxins. Like. At All. Do not depend on her to help you become a super cool assassin, you'll have better luck throwing a pointy rock from the shop upstairs and hoping it takes out someone's eye. Plus side? You'll never have a more reliable designated Adult in your friend group.
  • The Dose Makes the Poison -- When it works, breaking down the structure of hazardous chemical compounds is super handy and good for your health. When it doesn't work, the substances tend to alter into something even more unpleasant to suffer. Nausea, fever, indigestion, confusion, disorientation, blinding headaches... She won't die (probably) but if might be easier if she did.
  • Gold Plated -- Oh yeah, that whole eye colour thing? NOT COOL. Do you know how hard it is to be subtle to your patrons about your eyes literally changing colour? Fortunately she's usually trying to use it when they're already drunk, and hand waves it off as them obviously seeing things weird in the dim light with the flooded brain stems. Don't worry about it, you could go for another round, right? She tried keeping coloured contacts in. She forgot to take them out and got a gnarly eye infection. Nixed that.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 18
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Toxikinesis
Power Description The ability to cultivate or destroy poisonous substances. With practice and familiarity, Toxikinetics can adjust the chemical structure of toxins and venoms to alter their symptoms on others. Users rarely ever get sick and have added resistance towards lycanthropy, making them less likely to contract the virus.

The effects:

  • Drinks On Me -- Erin is all for partying, which is both wonderful and terrible when substances has less effect on you. Sure, she's tried making herself drunker, but it never seems to work; she's no good at creating toxins. Like. At All. Do not depend on her to help you become a super cool assassin, you'll have better luck throwing a pointy rock from the shop upstairs and hoping it takes out someone's eye. Plus side? You'll never have a more reliable designated Adult in your friend group.
  • The Dose Makes the Poison -- When it works, breaking down the structure of hazardous chemical compounds is super handy and good for your health. When it doesn't work, the substances tend to alter into something even more unpleasant to suffer. Nausea, fever, indigestion, confusion, disorientation, blinding headaches... She won't die (probably) but if might be easier if she did.
  • Gold Plated -- Oh yeah, that whole eye colour thing? NOT COOL. Do you know how hard it is to be subtle to your patrons about your eyes literally changing colour? Fortunately she's usually trying to use it when they're already drunk, and hand waves it off as them obviously seeing things weird in the dim light with the flooded brain stems. Don't worry about it, you could go for another round, right? She tried keeping coloured contacts in. She forgot to take them out and got a gnarly eye infection. Nixed that.
Were Stats
Age turned 18
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
Animal Appearance
  • Tries to stay more or less in shape. Has a lot of cheat days. AKA "the gym is THERE and bed is HERE".
  • Her pores are clear. Her skin is glowing. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's drugstore brand knockoffs.
  • Changes wardrobe styles often. Sure, she looks good in this, but what if she looks better in that? (Haha that's a joke, she looks good in everything.)
  • Same with hair styles. Shaved? Straightened? Grown out? Cropped short? Worst case scenario she doesn't like it and it grows back and she does something different.
  • Ambitious -- She loves, loves loves loves, hanging out with other people. She loves having a good time and being spoiled. She wants it to be very clear, however, that she does not depend on anyone doing nice things for her to get through life. Not all ambitions are to be President of the United States; sometimes it simply means wanting to afford your own home and pay your bills and have money left over without worrying about it. She will make sure Lotus stays successful no matter what. Additionally, that same drive makes her pretty fiercely determined when any kind of challenge or obstacle is put in her way.
  • Charismatic -- Energetic, emotional, and extroverted, Erin knows how to direct it all together to win people over on her side. Even if you don't fall in love with her at first sight (which, you're wrong, she's clearly a dream), it's been rare anyone outright hates her. It helps that she also likes just about everyone, in some fashion. Even if that fashion is just "you're hot". She'll find something to be sincere about and slide her way into your network.
  • Dramatic -- And loves it. Some people live for drama, and she's one of them. Hers, yours, whoever's, she wants to be filled in and ride the emotional rollercoaster. It's boring when everything goes smoothly. Okay, explosions are a little too much drama. Let's... let's never do that again. it's what passes the time when she's working at Lotus, living vicariously through the stories of other people until she gets time off to cause her own drama.
  • Hedonistic -- Feeling good feels good, what has to be explained about that. Life is short. Enjoy it while you've got it. No, vampires don't count, undead is still not alive. She's more into hedonistic experiences than material gifts, but she certainly won't say no if someone wants to be her glucose guardian.
  • Down for Anything -- When we said she's a reliable designated Adult, we didn't mean she was boring and hates fun. We mean she's the one who'll say yes to any spur of the moment whim, then make sure it's actually coordinated safely. Sure, we can go joy riding; put on your seat belt. Raided by the cops? Let her talk to them, she's TOTALLY not ingested anything, officer. If you suggest it, she'll make it happen and escape the consequences most times, too.
  • From a small town, but stuck out on her own very young to make her own way. Probably a lot of struggles along the way but she made it work!
  • Managed Barbarian before it was blown up, has some trauma she's dealing with.
Watch this space
  • Capricorn ♑︎ -- Doesn't believe astrology but doesn't not believe astrology, either. I mean, she's literally a psychic, working with a vampire. It would just be silly to completely write off forms of divination, y'know?
  • Two for the Price of Two -- Thinks having other 'superpowers' would be cool. Alas, has no control over that, or what power she'd get if she got another anyway. What if she got something like telepathy? What's she supposed to do with that? She hears enough over-sharing straight from people's mouths, she doesn't want to have to hear their absurd stoner philosophies too.
  • Okay But Where Are You Really From -- *sigh* Yes, her dad's side has got Irish blood, how could you tell. Seriously though she has never been outside of the states. She doesn't even have a passport (tragically).
  • You're Not My REAL Mom -- Adopted from raylers' post here
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03-03-2024 at 03:37 PM

03-03-2024 at 03:37 PM