the best coloring okay, don’t say anything else because you’re wrong
Radar dish ears
Hair is usually up in some form, if not its all over the place
Light makeup, if at all
Likes taking up space, the more the better
Stand tall and straight around people she isn’t comfortable with, slouches with people she is comfortable with
Hands emphasize a lot
Smile grimace at strangers
Talks highly of herself
Lies out of her ass all the time
Wants to be seen as competent and looked up to
Craves validation
Great at spacial stuff and working with hands
Born and raised in a very Catholic family
Mother left town never to be heard from again except for bs phone calls on days of importance like her birthday
Father worked long and hard and when older, she ended up watching her siblings a lot. Grandparents and Aunt and Uncles stepped in and helped.
Growing up she was always getting in trouble
Up to no good at a local ship yard during college with a bunch of friends and gets bit by some weird ass dog after it picks a fight with her
Weird ass dog turns out to be a were and she turns and joins the club after much huff and fuss and turning at the kitchen table before breaking out of her apartment window
Grows to enjoy the family dynamic of the pack
Slowly got more acclimated and as soon as she could remember shifts things get a lot more fun
Leaves for Colorado when she hears her mother has suddenly returned
Works at a bicycle shop, yeah the kind you don't need a license to drive.
Races bikes a lot and loves the thrill of going fast!