Rizwan Hoque Psychic
Basic Information
Name Rizwan Hoque | pseudonym Divya Narayana
Pronouns he • him
Age 57
Birthday October 10
Height 5' 7
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Shah Rukh Khan
Residence Location Rice Bluff
Occupation Location Rice Bluff
Occupation Circus ringleader & juggler | secret romantic fiction writer
Vehicle Public Transit
Vampire Stats
Age turned 1
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Teleportation
Second Ability Telekinesis
Power/Animal Description Teleportation

Fairly comfortable with the ability at this point. It's teleportation.

Teleporting outside of whatever current town limits he's in will come with advancement of his liver cancer. As the symptoms are debilitating, he is unable to continue using them until he recovers.


Also comfortable with this ability, but he cannot use it without use of his hands tracing the object's trajectory. For whatever reason, it will not work if he doesn't do it.

Telekinetic overuse will first render him unable to stand, then unable to sit up, then unable to lift his hands or head, at which point the ability will cease for the next twenty four hours.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 1
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Teleportation
Second Ability Telekinesis
Power Description Teleportation

Fairly comfortable with the ability at this point. It's teleportation.

Teleporting outside of whatever current town limits he's in will come with advancement of his liver cancer. As the symptoms are debilitating, he is unable to continue using them until he recovers.


Also comfortable with this ability, but he cannot use it without use of his hands tracing the object's trajectory. For whatever reason, it will not work if he doesn't do it.

Telekinetic overuse will first render him unable to stand, then unable to sit up, then unable to lift his hands or head, at which point the ability will cease for the next twenty four hours.
Were Stats
Age turned 1
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
Animal Appearance
Never sloppy, even when sloppy. Does like to work out usually. Occasionally lets his hair get a bit shaggy. Facial hair is usually tamed, or sometimes shaved off entirely. Wears contacts to hide eye color change, but if you look reeaaaal closely (assuming you are very close to his face, for whatever reason?), you'd be able to see it.
Who needs alarm clocks when you can go anywhere you need to in an instant? Riz, that's who. Because he's usually late anyway.

He's also got a playful personality — can't take life too seriously! That said, he can also fall into deep bouts of insecurity about himself, so sometimes he self-medicates.

He does have a problem with love, too: he's always looking for it, even when he has it. And that's why he writes it! Secretly!
Born a dual citizen of the US and India. His family ran a small circus for several generations specializing in high wire acts. Did his schooling in New Delhi, but came here for summers. Is comfortable both places.

Was able to go unnoticed being a teleportation psychic until one day, at the age of four and in the midst of a tantrum, he did it while his father was watching.

While his mother always loved him, his father's love was brittle and subject to mood swings, usually of the negative variety. Riz would go on to get good grades, sometimes behave, get scholarships and degrees, but it was still never really good enough. Likely something about being a psychic, as public knowledge of such supernatural abilities could ruin the reputation of the circus — even if there were definitely such individuals among them.

Or maybe it was all the poetry and short stories he found in a shoebox in Riz's room one day, while he was still in high school. That was not a day that ended well.

Still, despite carrying on the family circus (and developing a second ability in his teens to boot, which he also kept secret from everyone with the aid of contacts), Rizwan managed to keep his hobby alive. He just had to do it under pen names, in secret. He actually became somewhat successful, though he will not reveal himself.

Most likely.
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