Jericho Fane Common Were Snake
Basic Information
Name Jericho Fane
Pronouns He/Him
Age 51
Birthday March 2nd
Height 6'3
Eyes Hazel
Face Claim Victor Webster
Residence Location Alameda
Occupation Location Cheyenne Point
Occupation Private Detective
Vehicle 1963 Cadillac Fleetwood
Vampire Stats
Age turned 25
Supernatural Eye Color Green
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned 25
Supernatural Eye Color Green
First Ability
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned 25
Supernatural Eye Color Green
Animal Appearance ◈His body is made up of reddish-orange keeled scales that give a bristled appearance.
◈The ventral scales along his underbelly are a soft yellow hue.
◈His snake form is 30 inches long from head to tail tip.
◈Tall at 6'3" with an average build, dad bod.
◈Hazel eyes that shift color in the right light.
◈Usually sporting a beard and some sort of cowboy hat
◈Has a drawl to his speech, the accent of his roots never fully fading
◈Bite mark scar on his right ankle
Growing Up Is Hard To Do
Born in Wyoming on a ranch passed down through several generations, Jericho grew up with his parents and six siblings. As the eldest of seven, Jericho was more or less responsible for helping out with his younger siblings. The lands surrounding the ranch brought significant dangers with the wild snakes that roamed the open expanse. A threat Jericho took very seriously in keeping his siblings safe from. Many years of his young life was spent learning chores and lending a helping hand where he could. The ranch was the families pride and joy.

From a youthful child to a responsible teen, Jericho slowly took on more tasks for the family. His papa was a big role model and taught him everything he needed to know. Always making sure that Jericho knew all of this would be his one day. Jericho kept under wraps just how much he didn't want to stay on the ranch for the rest of his life. He did his job and kept quiet about his ambitions to live a life outside of humble country bliss.

During the summer of his fifteenth year of life, tragedy struck as two of his younger siblings were bit by the rattlers on the ranch and succumbed to the poison. Being so far away from the city and their doctors, there was only so much the family could do to help them. By the time they reached the hospital an hour and a half away, it was far too late. Jericho felt gutted that he had failed two young lives that depended on him. He spent the remainder of the year keeping an extra close watch for any snakes that strayed too close to the home.

A Snake In The Grass
When Jericho was eighteen his family was approached by a neighboring rancher by the name of Cole Ruttiger. He made a large offer on the ranch and the land attached to it. An offer Jericho's father immediately shot down. This ranch had been in the family for generations and he wasn't going to see it trade hands. Their neighbor didn't take too kindly to the rejection and spent a lot of time coming back around with more offers throughout the summer and into the fall. His final visit and rejection was met with a thinly veiled threat that he'd get his hands on the ranch one way or another.

It seemed like Mr. Ruttiger was all talk as he didn't come back around for a few years. The summer of his twenty fifth birthday Jericho met the love of his life. A beautiful and strong willed girl named Rosie. They had a whirlwind romance, falling head over heels for each other in the typical fashion. Jericho even planned on asking her to marry him around Christmas that same year. When you know, you know.

When fall had come sweeping in with its rain and crisp weather, tragedy would once again fall upon the Fane family. Jericho found his father one rainy morning out by the woodpile, an axe buried in his chest. The local law enforcement couldn't find any signs of foul play and assumed he had slipped, falling onto it. Jericho was more skeptical of the entire situation. He'd seen the footprints near the edge of the property before the rain washed them away. The entire situation left a bad taste in his mouth. It didn't feel like an accident.

A snide comment at his father's funeral from Mr.Ruttiger left Jericho seeing red. He was determined to prove that the sly snake of a man had killed his father. That night Jericho went to the man's ranch, shot gun slung across his back. He'd find his own justice for his father. The house had seemed empty as Jericho stormed in, shouting and searching for his neighbor. The only thing he did find was an odd red snake on the kitchen floor. The beast was fast and sunk its fangs into his leg. Jericho fired a few shots at it but it was too fast. Pain and delirium setting in, he fled.

Not According To Plan
Jericho stubbornly hid the bite from his family and fiance, unsure if he'd even survive the pain and fevers. As soon as the pain had come it was gone, things seemed back to normal within a matter of days. The only proof he'd even been bitten were the two puncture mark scars on his leg. The reality of things fully hit on the next full moon. He was some sort of monster. Another snake in the grass.

Fearing for his families safety and not understanding the beast within he packed his bags and left a note. He fled into from Wyoming to a small shack in the mountains of Montana, riding there in his fathers old Cadillac. There he spent the next ten years in near isolation, struggling to come to terms with the beast within. Once he felt he had a better grasp on the temperament and the shifting, he decided to set out again. Going home never felt like an option so he traveled farther, ending up in Ridgefield County, Colorado.

A fresh started seemed like all he needed as he settled down into the town of Alameda. Still that nagging mystery of his father's still ate away at him. It was then Jericho decided he'd never let anyone else sit with that question on their mind. Never let anyone else have a mystery left to the wind. The next ten years Jericho spent going to college for a degree, getting his business license, obtaining proper fire arms and self defense training, and buying a little office in Cheyenne Point. The four years following the start of his business Jericho built up his skills and took on any case that would give him a chance. Truly he believed he'd found his calling and gained some measure of peace in helping others.
◈Fane Family in Order; Jesse† & Marissa - Jericho, Emmie Lou, George†, Fletcher, Katherine, Jessica†, and Sawyer.
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