Catrina Stewart Advanced Vampire
Basic Information
Name Catrina Stewart
Pronouns She/Her
Age 502
Birthday November 18
Height 5' 3
Eyes Hazel
Face Claim Ruth Connell
Residence Location Ridgefield
Occupation Location Ridgefield
Occupation Owner — The Seanchaí Collection
Group Rhiannon Court Clutch
Rank Domina
Vampire Stats
Age turned 39
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Illusion
Second Ability Tychokinesis
Power/Animal Description
  • Illusion- Creates apparitions that aren't there, either projected or over herself. Her practice as an envoy and soldier has helped her become quiet successful at disguises and creating beings, aiding in cover and battle. Depending on how intricate the illusion, more strain will be put on her. Immaculate full body formed illusions can only be upheld for 3-5 turns, pass that, parts of it will fall to the wayside in favor of the most important features of the thought. Negative effects of prolonged use are uncontrollable shaking associated with tunnel vision and temporary loss of hearing
  • Tychokinesis- An ability to have luck of a circumstance bend to her benefit however, this can also cause quite the opposite if not careful. Currently, Catrina does not know she has this power nor the negative effects associated with it
  • Cat form is an orange and white maine coon
  • Bonus image with flower crown
Psychic Stats
Age turned 39
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Illusion
Second Ability Tychokinesis
Third Ability None
Power Description
  • Illusion- Creates apparitions that aren't there, either projected or over herself. Her practice as an envoy and soldier has helped her become quiet successful at disguises and creating beings, aiding in cover and battle. Depending on how intricate the illusion, more strain will be put on her. Immaculate full body formed illusions can only be upheld for 3-5 turns, pass that, parts of it will fall to the wayside in favor of the most important features of the thought. Negative effects of prolonged use are uncontrollable shaking associated with tunnel vision and temporary loss of hearing
  • Tychokinesis- An ability to have luck of a circumstance bend to her benefit however, this can also cause quite the opposite if not careful. Currently, Catrina does not know she has this power nor the negative effects associated with it
  • Cat form is an orange and white maine coon
  • Bonus image with flower crown
Were Stats
Age turned 39
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
Animal Appearance
Lives that extra life when possible, honestly her brand at this point
  • Lively
  • Spirited
  • Dry humor
  • Can be quite selfish at times
  • Ambitious, sometimes to a fault
  • Loves playing games
  • Life balance is a priority
  • Proud
  • Protective of her own
  • Sets a goal and achieves it in whatever means necessary
  • Look on the bright side of life or make the sun turn for you
  • Born to the Stewart Clan of Atholl
  • Learned ins and outs of “how to be a lady” in the Castle at Garth and her highland home
  • Stumbled upon her power after waking from a nightmare and seeing a creature in front of her, only realizing it was fake when it went through the bedpost
  • Took a job within the Leith Castle at the bequest of her chief to help maintain and ready the grounds
  • Took up violin and fiddle for concerts
  • Married to a kind man from a neighboring clan that she felt boorish all in all as he was unable to keep up with her antics, but appreciated him nonetheless. She took his last name and become a member of his Clan
  • Part of Queen Mary of Scots servants that attended to her when she moved back to Scotland
  • Cast from the castle with the accusation of witchcraft after staff saw her use powers to delight some children in the market
  • Husband was allowed to sever ties from her in divorce and Catrina took back her last name, Stewart
  • Attacked by a vampire that snuck in before she was put to death at the age of 39
  • Joined the clutch that created her and learned ins and outs, grateful to them
  • The clutch was closely tied to the goings on at court and her knowledge was used to help or hinder depending on how it would effect everyone
  • Became quite comfortable in new lifestyle especially that she could set her own course and live how she liked within reason once she got adjusted. However, she still felt spurned by her husband's immediate distrust and unwillingness to vouch for her that led to this path
  • Tries to live a normal vampire life and begins to fall into step trying to grow in strength so as best to help protect her clutch as they protect her, especially as many different transitions of power envelope the country
  • She becomes an envoy between groups when situations arise, using her powers to aid in this effort and beginning to push on what all can be achieved with it besides just fun things
  • Fights in the civil wars and for Scotland to remain its own separate kingdom with her clutch
  • Most of the clutch is scattered towards the end and she begins to live by herself, helping the kingdom and clans out by occasionally being a night guard. Catrina begins to use suggestions in a way to bolster others, manipulating strings for her own vision
  • Jumps around the countryside and from pub to pub as a violinist performer to lay low
  • Particularly close call with an angry psychic after a feeding gone wrong. Not wanting to leave a body, she gets stuck hiding in a bar cellar. Feeling trapped, she tries to use her powers and instead poofs into a cat. Once realizing what had happened, Catrina was able to clamber out of immediate harm passed them, the human none the wiser of the form or the event after that night
  • 1720, Runs into another clutch and joins, becoming more of a soldier this time around after proving herself
  • 1777 helps the Atholl Highlanders, a private army created by her clan, take root as a regular regiment in the British Army despite disliking who they served. Recognition and appearances are a powerful thing and having a face for them to see seemed important
  • 1783 Atholl Highlanders disbanded after almost being forced to be sent to India. Catrina did what she could in Scotland to aid their disbandment
  • Helps with the Radical War/Scottish Insurrection of 1820
  • 1839, Atholl Highlanders resurrected and she becomes part of the staff to aid them during their duties where possible
  • 1845 first stand of colors received by the Atholl Highlanders and she takes personal joy from this to this day
  • Potato famine begins and there is general unrest in the clutch
  • Tensions between clutches escalate leading to skirmishes and fight for territory
  • Leaves clutch after failing to win a pitch for leadership after not agreeing with the direction it was going and having her advice trodden upon repeatedly
  • Lives solitary life, giving performances and wish granting services, though dislikes being alone again
  • Travels to France and Britain for a few years of sight seeing
  • Moves to Glasgow with the opening of the subway, interested to see how this will effect things and how Scotland has changed while she was gone
  • Begins a career of coaching in speech as radio and television takes off
  • Gets a bachelors in Behavioral Science
  • Runs into Pandora Amir and they hit it off over similar view points
  • Gets a masters in counseling
  • Moves to US after hearing Pandora has moved to Colorado, Catrina wanting a change of pace as well
  • Sets up her career coaching practice leaning on suggestions again to aid in her clients
  • Occasionally, sets up speech classes
  • The Seanchaí Collection becomes a reality after much dedication into opening it
  • A rather messy evening transpires as Pandora's fledgling nearly kills a young lady. Catrina turns her to prevent a death within her halls
  • Before problems Pandora has been creating can be addressed, the vampire skips town, leaving her fledgling Luka behind for Catrina to take care of
  • Catrina's fledgling leaves just as quickly as she was whisked into her life
  • An alliance is forged with the local jaguar group in Ridgefield
  • Rhiannon Court Clutch's magic is officially set in motion
  • Achieves true Domina status and an advancement in powers, even a bonus ability in luck she has yet to figure out
  • Street Scrap Raccoons come into existence and join the queen downtown alliance
    Tempting Fate Tally: At a third attempt, WWA does not exist
  • Moses Ormsby: 1/2
  • Theodore Blackfeather: 1/2
  • Samiel Blackfeather: 1/2
  • Kaida: 1/2
  • Joaquin Heartgrove: 1/2
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