Dominic Wexler Psychic Inactive
Basic Information
Name Dominic Lavender Wexler
Pronouns he/him
Age 28
Birthday January 11th
Height 5' 11
Eyes Green
Face Claim Jordan Edward Benjamin
Residence Location Valencia
Occupation Location Other
Occupation Crocheter/blogger/vigilante
Vehicle hoverboard
Vampire Stats
Age turned 7
Supernatural Eye Color White
First Ability Summoning
Second Ability Meteokinesis
Power/Animal Description As long as Dominic has seen an object, he can make it come to him at will. There are some caveats to this ability, unfortunately. The object cannot be heavier than himself, so he can't drop his sister's piano on anyone's head. If the object is heavy it's probably going to collide with him and cause an injury. He needs to be super careful when summoning sharps because, uh. It's not fun to become a pin cushion by mistake. The best things to summon are smaller, more useful items or if he needs a weapon a baseball bat is a good bet as an example. The more he uses the power, the more fatigued he feels, as if he's been trekking up and down the country looking for the items himself. And it doesn't even give him the steps on his Google Fit account 8c . If he summons a large amount of items in a day expect him to look like he's just run a marathon, sweating and aching and red in the face, knees shaking. On a bad day he might collapse from exertion, and could faint.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 7
Supernatural Eye Color White
First Ability Summoning
Second Ability Meteokinesis
Third Ability None
Power Description As long as Dominic has seen an object, he can make it come to him at will. There are some caveats to this ability, unfortunately. The object cannot be heavier than himself, so he can't drop his sister's piano on anyone's head. If the object is heavy it's probably going to collide with him and cause an injury. He needs to be super careful when summoning sharps because, uh. It's not fun to become a pin cushion by mistake. The best things to summon are smaller, more useful items or if he needs a weapon a baseball bat is a good bet as an example. The more he uses the power, the more fatigued he feels, as if he's been trekking up and down the country looking for the items himself. And it doesn't even give him the steps on his Google Fit account 8c . If he summons a large amount of items in a day expect him to look like he's just run a marathon, sweating and aching and red in the face, knees shaking. On a bad day he might collapse from exertion, and could faint.
Were Stats
Age turned 7
Supernatural Eye Color White
Animal Appearance

↭ Probably the first thing people notice about Dominic is the wild, curly mop that makes up his hair. Dark and slightly unkempt, it gives him the appearance of a man who’s been up all night partying. And he has been up all night, but not partying. Justice never sleeps and justice don’t party!

↭ It’s very hard to pin his age down. He is in his twenties but life circumstances and bad genes give him the appearance of a man twice his age, from certain angles. He’s always been seen as a little more mature than he actually is, even though this boy is still just a teenager in mind. There’s a phrase about appearances and deception, and he likes it like that. Let evil underestimate him!

↭ Has some tattoos, many of which have special secret significance that only make sense to him. Even when explained to other people. There are some which would identify him instantly that he refuses to talk about, because they relate to his secret identity. But wow does he ever want to talk about them!! And loves when people ask, and he gets to be all secretive!

↭ Shaves like he can’t be bothered to finish the job. Enough to not feel totally scruffy but not enough to be fully clean-shaven. Says it’s because his facial hair grows really fast and there’s not much he can do about it. Really just because he won’t spring for a decent razor.


⏭ Cagey and nervy, like he’s just barely holding down a secret. Which he is. But really poorly, quite honestly. He’s literally bursting to tell the next person who asks why he looks so tired that he’s a vigilante prowling the streets and keeping people safe from threats natural and supernatural. Which… he is a vigilante. He’s not keeping anyone safe, least of all himself.

⏭ Idealist. Wants to see the best in people and believes that everyone has the power to make big changes for the better of everyone in the world. Believes in redemption even for the most evil of people. Doesn’t stop him being excited to take to the streets at night in the name of vigilantism, hoping to get the opportunity to punch someone.

⏭ Believes himself to be burdened with glorious purpose. The sort of thing you believe when your hippie parents went out of their way to have seven children for the purposes of having a horde of rainbow children. Yes, really. Being bombarded with attention and pressure for being the only psychic of seven children who were literally only born so their woo-believing parents could have a collection of ROYGBIV kids for fortune and prosperity will screw you up big time.

⏭ Naive. He kind of just believes something if you say it with enough authority or urgency, no suggestion required. Believes all the nonsense his parents “taught” him, from distrust of prescription medication (including vaccinations) to the idea that he has some kind of divine role that he needs to “look within himself to find”. This has driven him to what he believes is the logical conclusion. He’s destined to protect others by delivering information he doesn’t know is false, and to risk his life protecting civilians as a vigilante.

⏭ Single minded, in that he excludes all else to pursue his “glorious purpose”. No relationships, no visitors. He’d be happy with friends but everyone kind of avoids him when they realise he’s sort of unbalanced. It’s a lot of effort for a regular person to try to undo the damage his childhood caused.


⇰ In one of many similar working class neighbourhoods in New Jersey, a straining family already heaving with six children welcomed their final sprog to the world. Born naturally at home in a kiddie pool with his four eldest siblings on standby, Dominic Lavender Wexler was delivered into too cold a temperature, silent. Instead of taking this as a sign that something was maybe wrong with him, his parents decided this was proof that Dominic was the quiet, pensive genius of their troupe, already so noble and thoughtful in his first few minutes of life outside the womb. It was pretty lucky for them that there were no major complications and after a clean up and some skin to skin contact with Mom, Dominic turned out just fine, if a little small.

⇰ Life as the youngest of seven maybe should have been a breeze. The two eldest kids were old enough to be making money and chose to stay behind to support their siblings despite wanting to chase their own dreams far away from their loopy parents. The middle children all received a great deal of attention from Mom and Dad while they were still in the ‘my parents can do no wrong’ phase of development, as the ‘rents didn’t appreciate being called out on their sometimes dangerous beliefs, which, by the time Dominic was five, included being anti-vax and pro pox parties. Largely, the youngest before he was able to walk got the least attention out of the lot from Mom and Dad, unless he was hungry or needing changed. Otherwise, the crib or his sibs were his only interactions or entertainment.

⇰ When Dominic was seven, the family relocated to Colorado, significantly smaller now the oldest kids had finally been given the blessing to fly the nest, though the more sensible ones worried about the three remaining kids and the effect their egg and sperm donors’ insane parenting techniques would have on them without the intervention of some Not Crazy friends and neighbours. It had only been gentle peer pressure from well-meaning friends and family that had put any of the kids in school at all, with Dominic being spottily homeschooled. He would do well in school, only because of latent academic aptitude and innate intelligence, not because of anything his parents taught him.

⇰ Coincidentally, it was during the move to Colorado that Dominic discovered his power through leaving his favourite toy behind at the old house and only realising when he woke up halfway through the journey, throwing an almighty tantrum that almost had their parents turning back for the sake of their youngest golden child. It was probably a good thing that the window was open when he called on the plush duckie and willed it to come back to him all that distance. His mother was the one who witnessed it, and so began the era of his life during which he truly was the golden child of their rainbow brood.

⇰ The only one with psychic powers of the lot, there was suddenly a lot of attention and praise directed at Dominic by parents who believed he was special, blessed with magick that he must have been given for a reason. They decided he must have some kind of divine purpose that they tried to draw out of him through meditation and hypnosis, even sending him to a self-proclaimed Zen Wizard (whatever that is) to learn how to control his power. They tried everything to amplify his ability, using crystals and special bath salts and making his bed out of rowan wood for courage and protection. Mistakenly they believed that what they were doing was working through the magick of the environment or through their spells and rituals, and not because he was practising his power every chance he got, whether people were watching or not.

⇰ At high school, Dominic didn’t have a lot of friends and had a lot of trouble with authority due to his upbringing. It almost seemed as though he wound up suspended more than he attended. He would argue with teachers and be sent out of class, whether because he had some issue with the material or because he didn’t like being told what to do. Amazingly - a miracle brought on by his psychic prowess, no doubt - he would still go on to graduate and achieve his diploma. Not with particularly great results but hey, he got it.

⇰ Though his parents still firmly believed that Dominic was special and talented by virtue of his unique power that no one else had, by the time he turned eighteen they were ready to kick him out of the house, continuing their new tradition of kicking the kids out as soon as they were old enough to not (legally) need their support. Without the eldest kids to help out financially, the family had struggled. Not super uncomfortable or anything, but enough that the rainbow parents had decided they wanted more funds for themselves, rewards for raising seven amazing children. Though he hadn’t quite decided what he wanted to do in life and had been somewhat coddled, the very day after his eighteenth birthday, he was told to start looking for somewhere new to live, because Mom and Dad had plans for his bedroom that they just couldn’t postpone.

⇰ His apartment was pokey and infested with every kind of bug under the sun, freezing cold in the winter and sweltering in the summer, with no AC and bare floorboards, but it was all he could really afford after moving out. At first his parents sent him money for rent, but that dropped off after a while when they started turning their attention to brand new camper vans and once in a lifetime vacations in their retirement. As a result, Dominic started doing odd jobs for neighbours to make money and sold crocheted clothing and blankets on commission. He meditated daily in the hopes that his higher purpose would come to him, exactly as his parents taught him, still clinging to the ideas they poisoned his mind with. It was a lonely existence, so he took to the internet where he met many like-minded people who encouraged his journey, and others with powers like his own who called him a troll and banned him from the psychic forums for months at a time. It was clear that they just didn’t understand their own purpose, squandering their gifts.

⇰ In 2017, following the reveal of vampires and of shifters to the world, Dominic became obsessed with learning more about them, anxious about being attacked, though he felt empathy towards them, finding in his research that they had likely been human at some point themselves. His parents were likewise interested and would send him information they found on Facebook, which he accepted as fact without question because people claiming to have very important titles attached their names to the info, and why would it be wrong? And it wasn’t like there was any scientific research going into vampires or shifters or psychics, which struck him as odd, because scientists were usually all about recent discovery or something like that. So with the only information available to him at the time, he armed himself with horribly incorrect knowledge and used it to build towards his life’s calling. He saved gigabytes worth of documents about vampires and shifters to pore over for hours on end, looking for similarities in the stories. Unfortunately he wound up discarding a lot of correct information in favour of the data that confirmed his incorrect beliefs.

⇰ With more people afraid of supernaturals using their strength for evil, Dominic recognised a need for some kind of task force, an official authority that could keep an eye on patterns arising from supernatural activity and come down on supernatural offenders to protect the general public, including other shifters. Naturally, the police cannot be trusted because ACAB, and also he wasn’t involved in the police so that was a dead end idea. But what if there was one person brave enough to use their own abilities for the greater good? What if there was even just one person keeping a watchful eye on the streets of Ridgefield County, making sure that criminals could be brought to justice, hand delivered safely to the police? Yes it was a contradiction in beliefs but the police were the ones with the prisons and like… vigilantism is crime enough without kidnapping being a charge as well, if he ever got caught. So like Batman, work with the police, but do their job better, right?

⇰ It took him a surprising amount of time to come up with his cross eyed alter ego which he calls Cross-Check, though he’s not telling people its name and just waiting to find out if the people name it instead. To date, he has prowled the streets as Cross-Check a total of three times and caught zero criminals, but that’s probably a good thing because if he winds up in the middle of a fight scene he’s probably going to end up dead.


⇗ Thinks education is a scam. Any information that is hidden behind paywalls and brick buildings should be available for the general public and it’s, like… super rude of people to hoard that info, thanks.

⇗ Runs a blog under the pseudonym Conrad Fitzroy with the screenname lavendercloverss, through which he disperses his “wisdom” about supernaturals and how to defend yourself from one. Most of his information is, unfortunately, of the tinfoil hat variety and entirely useless, though he does have a couple of coincidentally good tips mixed in with the nonsense, which arguably makes it more dangerous. Good luck finding him though; he’s hiding behind seven proxies.

⇗ Forgets to care for himself sometimes, which includes forgetting to eat until stupid o clock at night and missing out on sleep for Great Justice.

⇗ Prone to fainting when getting blood drawn so a pretty terrible candidate for a vampire bite honestly. Probably actually a pretty terrible vigilante, too, but that’s a given considering his complete lack of combat abilities and poor planning.

⇗ Has a superhero utility belt. This contains a mint spray to deter weres (???), a belladonna spray to deter vampires, bear spray, pepper spray, a crucifix which is sort of useless to him as a nonbeliever, a mirror to scare vampires (???), a salt shaker (???), garlic (???) and a stake made of rowan wood (?!). He also wears silver rings on each hand.

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