Impeccably dressed to uniform code with some of her own flare thrown in where there's some room to wiggle it in
Her undying love of llamas and kittens shine through on a pattern, necklace, etc where possible
A soft-hearted rookie who feels she's late to her calling and is determined to prove herself in helping to pave the way for supernatural justice
Idealist at times to a fault
Very to the rule
Thinks on the positive side of things when possible!
Always down to help or to experience something new
Hard worker
Ask all the questions!
Not a morning person
Looooves making people laugh
I think it's realistic to have hope. One can be a perverse idealist and say the easiest thing: 'I despair. The world's no good.' That's a perverse idealist. It's practical to hope, because the hope is for us to survive as a human species. That's very realistic. — Studs Terkel
Grew up in a single parent household, father raised her, though she visited her mom who had remarried
Always had a very strong opinion on what is good and bad, a goody two-shoes
Had an affinity for theater and debate
Went to University of Colorado Boulder for a degree in Communication and Theatre
Tried to break into the comedy scene in Denver after graduation
Didn't go as hot as she'd like and after her father chipped in after some number of times to help with rent, she explored other options
Opening for internship at the Academy and applied on a whim
Offer extended and she took it
Moved to Ridgefield and immediately started, realizing that, hey, this kinda felt right
Passed tests and sworn in ❤☆❤☆
Supernatural news broke all around and Clara became engrossed in learning all she could, constantly asking why's and how's and what's and did you thinks?
Tapped as a good potential candidate for STF
Engrossed herself fully in everything she could, immediately clicking in a way with things that assured she'd finally found the right career path
Has become more entrenched in the processes as time goes on, seen a shift in the STF mentality that she's adapted to though has had plenty of questions, some vocalized some kept for the proper moments in the future
After a year under Joshua's wing, Clara has only recently been released into the field, but always with a partner