Camilla Kemp Psychic
Basic Information
Name Camilla
Pronouns She/Her
Age 40
Birthday March 10
Height 5'4
Eyes Amber
Face Claim Gal Gadot
Residence Location Ridgefield
Occupation Location Ridgefield
Occupation STF Detective Officer
Vehicle Tahoe SSV
Vampire Stats
Age turned 13
Supernatural Eye Color Purple
First Ability Shielding
Second Ability Ferrokinesis
Power/Animal Description Shielding: Camilla came about this when she was young, during a game of kickball with her friends, she realized she wasn't going to be able to hit it away and an invisible force came up to protect her from any damage or harm. It took her some time to figure out that she had this ability, at first it reacted when she was defending herself but soon she found she was able to summon it at will and over time it grew to where she can comfortably protector herself and maybe one or two other people with little issues. The more she pushes it though or when she tried to prevent someone from entering her forcefield she experiences the effects the moment it drops. With over use/pushing of this, she will be overcome with a painful wall of depression and anxiety all rounded into one. As she continues to strain and use it, she can become manic and lose her own will power to use and protect herself/others with the shield and let whatever happen, happen no matter the consequence.
Ferrokinesis: During her time in the military, she became aware of this when she was training for the military. It is still a weird thing for her to do but she found out by slipping a pair of cuffs that someone placed on her and she was able to manipulate and pull the metal around to free herself within seconds. Still, she is learning the extent of this ability of hers and the effects are a loss in her dexterity from simply not being able to hold a pen to lack of physical coordination and walking around as if she was drunk. The coordination will continue to grow worse and worse making it impossible for her to perform basic bodily functions; like breathing properly.
Metaphysics: Camilla learned to look beyond things, just seeing more. If she is around others who are not human, then her nails act as a mood ring and will change color. It doesn't matter if she wear polish, she will suddenly be sporting a random color that she is only aware of from the slight tingling that happens.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 13
Supernatural Eye Color Purple
First Ability Shielding
Second Ability Ferrokinesis
Power Description Shielding: Camilla came about this when she was young, during a game of kickball with her friends, she realized she wasn't going to be able to hit it away and an invisible force came up to protect her from any damage or harm. It took her some time to figure out that she had this ability, at first it reacted when she was defending herself but soon she found she was able to summon it at will and over time it grew to where she can comfortably protector herself and maybe one or two other people with little issues. The more she pushes it though or when she tried to prevent someone from entering her forcefield she experiences the effects the moment it drops. With over use/pushing of this, she will be overcome with a painful wall of depression and anxiety all rounded into one. As she continues to strain and use it, she can become manic and lose her own will power to use and protect herself/others with the shield and let whatever happen, happen no matter the consequence.
Ferrokinesis: During her time in the military, she became aware of this when she was training for the military. It is still a weird thing for her to do but she found out by slipping a pair of cuffs that someone placed on her and she was able to manipulate and pull the metal around to free herself within seconds. Still, she is learning the extent of this ability of hers and the effects are a loss in her dexterity from simply not being able to hold a pen to lack of physical coordination and walking around as if she was drunk. The coordination will continue to grow worse and worse making it impossible for her to perform basic bodily functions; like breathing properly.
Metaphysics: Camilla learned to look beyond things, just seeing more. If she is around others who are not human, then her nails act as a mood ring and will change color. It doesn't matter if she wear polish, she will suddenly be sporting a random color that she is only aware of from the slight tingling that happens.
Were Stats
Age turned 13
Supernatural Eye Color Purple
Animal Appearance
Tall (taller in her heeled boots)
Dark black/brown hair with a bit of a curl to it
Amer eyes that shift from either light or dark depending on the light in the room
Warm tan skin tone
Scars on her abdomen/arm/back from either bullet or knife wounds she got in the line of duty
Sports a rather serious expression most days
Has a massive soft spot for those who need aid/help of some kind (human or animal, sometimes even plants)
Doesn't filter much from her brain to her mouth
Respect is given first but if you lose it, it will be a task to regain it.
  • Born in Texas by native Egyptian parents who immigrated to the US, Camilla was raised in a rather lax household as she was the oldest daughter but her brother was seen as the golden child. He was just a year younger than herself but her parents put more time and energy into him than her.
  • As she grew, Camilla has trouble with school and just focusing on it. It had grown to the point where her parents were debating on sending her away to boarding school but instead, she sought to emancipate herself at fifteen from them and set off to live in a group home while she finished high school early to be able to leave and join the military. After a fair amount of talking to recruiters, she decided to take on the task of becoming a Navy SEAL at the age of Seventeen.
  • Going through the basic training, SEAL training, and also going through college was not an easy task for her; especially with the lack of family support since she was a woman and a woman shouldn't be doing these things. Camilla persisted though and would go on to get a bachelor's in nursing while also balancing the task of training in Hawaii to fulfill her dream of being a SEAL. While in training, she would learn of her second ability to be able to manipulate and work metal to her will. It was still a strange ability and one she only used when she absolutely had to due to how new it was for her. The training was grueling and took her well over 36 months to complete it all but in the end, she found her calling as a Navy SEAL medic.
  • Camilla would spend her years with a group of SEALs as their medic. It took a good while to earn their respect given her gender but it only have her a tough skin to be able to deal with their jabs. Out on the field, her use of shielding became something that helped her in saving many lives to be able to stabilize those who were wounded. The lives she saved and the people she helped; even in her own team, earned the respect and companionship she desired.
  • Spending 12 years in the military and in her position she would go on to earn the rank of CW-2 with an EMFB badge as well but that would harold into her retirement as she felt she had more than made a difference in a world where she felt she hadn't fit into. Once she retired though, Camilla would go on to marry her long time Fiance and the commanding officer who had given her the most grief in her entrance to the SEALS.
  • At 33 she would marry, a small ceremony in Hawaii set on the beach where she felt most at home and where she would go to live for the next three years while her husband remained enlisted and she went on to find a new calling in the police force and training the canines that often helped officers on the field.
  • At around the time she turned 35, it would come to her attention that her husband had been cheating on her with multiple partners of both genders. The divorce and fallout that rained upon him were swift and painful, she claimed what she could from him and would pack up to move after dealing with that humiliating blow.
  • Knowing that the supernatural world had come to light and Cami wanting to explore more of her abilities that she had let fall to the wayside when she retired, Camilla would move to what felt like the hotspot of activity in Colorado and first would work for the regular police department as a detective and after some time there she would fo and apply for the STF as one of their detectives. On the outside, it didn't seem to bother her starting out as the low man on the pole again but one thing she had learned in her years of being in the military and the abandonment from her family was that she could overcome anything if she put her mind to it.
  • Now living in Ridgefield, she would quietly start to practice her psychic talents once more. The manipulation of metal and this unknown force around her that was an invisible forcefield that she would use to protect herself out on the streets. While she wasn't working though, she would volunteer to help train dogs to be more protective of their people while also helping in their over all behavior.
Skilled Rolls Approved by staff
Has a police dog named Sir Waffleton. He's a great police dog on duty and off duty he's just a happy lump.
Has a non-police cat named Pancake. She is a little spoiled and the best neck warmer as she enjoys sleeping there.
Really loves breakfast items
Happily takes both her cat and dog on walks together (nevermind that the cat prefers to sit on her shoulders as she walks Sir.
Psychedelic Party Time
Psychedelic Party Time
06-04-2022 at 01:39 PM