Daniel Broadhurs Human Inactive
Basic Information
Name Daniel Broadhurst
Pronouns He/Him/His
Age 33
Birthday September 29
Height 5'11
Eyes Hazel
Face Claim Joe Keery
Residence Location Graupel Canyon
Occupation Location Graupel Canyon
Occupation Owner and Operator of Animal Rescue
Vehicle Minivan
Vampire Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
First Ability None
Second Ability None
Third Ability None
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color Amber
Animal Appearance
Daniel is tall and slender, with just the faintest outline of muscles. He has shaggy, brown hair and hazel eyes.
Daniel is very outgoing and extroverted. In fact, he might be a bit too extroverted. He is the sort that seems as though he can make friends with just about anyone, although there are those who find his overwhelming friendliness, well... overwhelming. He is quite boisterous and excitable, often finding himself getting lost in a trail of chatter and rambling when talking to another person about things he is passionate about. With that in mind, it is also important to note that he has a VERY one-track mind and can be quite stubborn. When Daniel gets his mind set on something or wants to do something, he will not stop until his goal has been achieved. Unfortunately, he was never able to put his tunnel vision for his passions into his schooling, which led him to drop out of college to chase the dream of running an animal rescue.

Daniel loves animals and grossly prefers them over people. It is a big reason why he chose to start an animal rescue. Although he seems like nothing more than a goof, he has an immensely caring heart and is a very hard and dedicated worker when he is working toward or for something that he feels passionate about. Outside of things that capture his passions, he can be a lot more laid back. Some might even say irresponsible. Daniel is no stranger to the act of showing up fashionably late, save the "fashionably" part. He doesn't care much for the looks or brand of clothing, but for comfort and functionality. Daniel tends to burn through clothing quite quickly anyways, as he is very hands on with the animals he looks after, often getting down in the dirt and mud with them to play and care for them. In fact, any sense of style Daniel has, was probably drilled into him by his older sister, Georgie.

Lastly, Daniel is completely obsessed with the existence of weres and wants nothing more than to be one. Aside from running his animal rescue, his biggest dream is to get turned into a were creature. Now he just needs to find someone to bite him...

Additional Info:
❧ Bisexual, but has only dated women and prefers them to male partners

✓ Very skilled with his hands as far as building and fixing things
✓ Patient when it comes to animals
✓ Extremely loyal
✓ Dedicated/Persistent
✓ Easy to befriend and very friendly

✗ Very single-minded
✗ Stubborn
✗ Oblivious in more situations than he should be
✗ Does not always know or when to take things seriously
✗ Strained relationship with parents
✗ Has a habit of being obstinate at times
✗ Often lacks common sense, especially in his idiotic pursuit to get turned into a were creature.
Daniel is the youngest child to a pair of wealthy parents. He has an older sister named Georgie who he is very close to. In fact, she might just be one of his best friends, but he would never tell her that. He does a horrible job of hiding it though. It always seemed that where ever Georgie went, Daniel followed, whether he was invited or not. In fact, this is how he met his other best friend and brother-in-law, Flick, but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

Daniel, while smart, was never one to fully apply himself when it came to school. He managed to graduate just fine, although not with the most impressive grades, but when he got to college, he felt as though he was wasting his time. He wanted to be a veterinarian, but all of the classes he had to take to achieve that goal seemed so... pointless. English, history, and all of those electives. It just wasn't worth his time. He wanted to help animals now, not five years and a thousand dollars worth of boring textbooks down the line. So, Daniel decided to quit college and begin work on his new dream, opening up an animal rescue.
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03-26-2021 at 08:05 PM

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03-26-2021 at 08:05 PM