Heather Hill Psychic
Basic Information
Name Heather Hannah Hill
Pronouns She/Her
Age 28
Birthday August 14th
Height 5'10
Eyes Green
Face Claim Lucy Dacus
Residence Location Hawknell
Occupation Location Hawknell
Occupation Mail Carrier and Uber Driver
Vehicle 2016 Honda Civic
Vampire Stats
Age turned 15
Supernatural Eye Color Orange
First Ability Telekinesis
Second Ability Summoning
Power/Animal Description Telekinesis- An invisible hand with the ability to move or lift objects. Anything she could lift with her own strength becomes weightless. Complex movement or objects heavier than fifty pounds makes her nose gush blood, and her muscles begin to feel like she just did a full workout.
Summoning- Can recall objects she has ever come in contact with. The more recently she has touched it, the more amount of short term memories she loses.
Levitation - Strong emotions trigger levitation up to five feet above the ground. The longer she spends defying gravity, the heavier gravity becomes when she touches the ground again.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 15
Supernatural Eye Color Orange
First Ability Telekinesis
Second Ability Summoning
Third Ability Levitation
Power Description Telekinesis- An invisible hand with the ability to move or lift objects. Anything she could lift with her own strength becomes weightless. Complex movement or objects heavier than fifty pounds makes her nose gush blood, and her muscles begin to feel like she just did a full workout.
Summoning- Can recall objects she has ever come in contact with. The more recently she has touched it, the more amount of short term memories she loses.
Levitation - Strong emotions trigger levitation up to five feet above the ground. The longer she spends defying gravity, the heavier gravity becomes when she touches the ground again.
Were Stats
Age turned 15
Supernatural Eye Color Orange
Animal Appearance
-Certified Tall Boi, wishes she was a full 6 foot, but being 5'10 since fifth grade makes her feel powerful
-Will live and die by the side part, fuck your middle part trend. Buns sometimes, but they're never Pinterest worthy. Low ponytails make her look like a founding father.
-Usually has the same shade of red lipstick on. Makes her feel like a maneater. Usually not much other makeup going on. This Is What She Knows.
-Pretty mild in terms of fashion sense. Doesn't really try for any specific look. Just sort of wears what fits and doesn't look stupid.
Confident & Dogmatic
Independent & Leaderly
Playful & Boyish
Competitive & Noncommittal
Confrontational & Outspoken
-Born in Graupel Canyon, the most exciting place on the planet! Not. She hated it.
-Pretty normal life. A younger brother, good parents. Mom and dad stuck together for a while until dad died from lung cancer when she was twelve. That was fun.
-Kind of started to rebel around that age, which she regrets now. Still, shit was hard to deal with. It didn't help that she discovered she could move things with her mind when she was fifteen. Wild. Real-life Matilda moment.
-Except, she used it to play pranks at school. Warnings and detention didn't do much to deter her, and she ended up getting suspended. Her mom, exhausted, decided to move her out to live with her grandparents in Wyoming to finish high school. Broken spirits kept her shenanigans at bay.
-Finished high school, and instead of going to college, she decided she was going to move to Portland and become some mysterious nightclub singer or something. Instead, she just got addicted to Adderall and slept with too many questionable dudes.
-Broke as shit, she moved back home at twenty-three. Her brother got her a job at the post office delivering mail, and she fixed her car up enough to start doing Uber. She's doing her best to romanticize it all and find some charm in the sleepy life.
-Recently, she's noticed that the things she misplaced months before have been showing up in random places for her to find.
  • Catriona Woods — Her best friend in all the world. Met her in 2021, and they hit it off immediately. They have a podcast called Psychic Sidekicks.
  • Grace Lee — Queen Psychic. She's the one that's most reliable to get all of the supernatural tea. They're friendly, but they don't interact much outside of psychic functions.
  • Ruby and Avienne — They two other psychics that Heather and Cat formed a pact with in 2022. They unturned a vampire together. Then they both ended up leaving, making the Pact nearly disband.
  • Rhona Wood — Cat's cousin, who is potentially going to join the Pact and save it from dissipating altogether.

-Aspires to be The Best Uber driver. Has snacks, drinks, aux chords available. Real chill about not talking. Kind of prefers not to. Five Stars Please. Check out her profile in Wanted Ads :3
-The Best Goddamn Driver. Best to let her drive, she'll just bully you about your driving if you don't.
-Allergic to cats and latex
Psychedelic Party Time
Psychedelic Party Time
06-04-2022 at 01:38 PM

Psychedelic Party Time
Psychedelic Party Time
06-04-2022 at 01:38 PM