Kesi Farouk Advanced Vampire
Basic Information
Name Kesi
Pronouns She/Her
Age 2346
Birthday May 21
Height 5'5
Eyes Hazel
Face Claim Zayneb Azzam
Residence Location Reignhart
Occupation Location Other
Occupation Collector
Vampire Stats
Age turned 30
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Necromancy
Second Ability Aerokinesis
Power/Animal Description Necromancy: When Kesi was small, about 8 years old, she started to see things first that developed into people. If she put a little umph into her budding powers, she was able to give the ghost a visible form to others. The more Kesi grew with her abilities and was allowed to practice and use them, she learned how to raise those from the dead and allow them to walk among the living for a brief time but when they turned to attack, she often had to find a way to 're-kill' the summoned corpse. Kesi much prefers talking and summoning/talking to ghosts to summon corpses but she can do both with ease. The downside of her ability is that her vision starts to fade until she goes wholly blind for 1d10 minutes if she pushes herself too hard. If she is summoning and controlling zombies, she will lose her hearing for 1d10 minutes as well (longer if there is more than one dead thing).
Aerokinesis: Currently learning this <3
Animal Form Info!: Goliath Heron
Psychic Stats
Age turned 30
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
First Ability Necromancy
Second Ability Aerokinesis
Third Ability None
Power Description Necromancy: When Kesi was small, about 8 years old, she started to see things first that developed into people. If she put a little umph into her budding powers, she was able to give the ghost a visible form to others. The more Kesi grew with her abilities and was allowed to practice and use them, she learned how to raise those from the dead and allow them to walk among the living for a brief time but when they turned to attack, she often had to find a way to 're-kill' the summoned corpse. Kesi much prefers talking and summoning/talking to ghosts to summon corpses but she can do both with ease. The downside of her ability is that her vision starts to fade until she goes wholly blind for 1d10 minutes if she pushes herself too hard. If she is summoning and controlling zombies, she will lose her hearing for 1d10 minutes as well (longer if there is more than one dead thing).
Aerokinesis: Currently learning this <3
Animal Form Info!: Goliath Heron
Were Stats
Age turned 30
Supernatural Eye Color Gold
Animal Appearance
A tall and curvy figure
Waist-length black hair with chestnut hues to it.
Hazel eyes that sometimes lean greener more than anything
A warm tanned skin tone
Often has a soft expression on her face or one that is described as vacant at times
Some old faded religious tattoos/markings
+Quiet and thoughtful
+Tends to stare off when she's thinking
+Everything has it's place and if it's out of place, she is not happy

Born in 322 BC Egypt, east of Luxor near the banks of the river.

Kesi was born to a decently prominent family in a forgotten village in Egypt. Both her parents cared for Kesi, raising her well and teaching her how to read and write; as well as including math in her lessons. They wanted her to be well rounded as she grew so that she would eventually make a good wife. While growing though, at around age 8, she would start to speak of seeing strange things around her and other people. At first, they were confused and unsure of what was going on but after some time, they soon realized that what she was speaking of was ghosts and spirits of those that had passed.

314 BC

At first, her family was scared, seeing the dead was terrifying for a moment but over time and after speaking to their priests, it was deemed this was a gift given by the god Anubis to allow her to speak and see the dead. Word spread around that there was a girl who was blessed by the god of the dead and she was able to convey and speak for them.

311 BC

At eleven years of age, Kesi was a well-known yet protected secret in her village but of course, word often spread by those who visited so eventually a far-off traveler would hear of her and start to make his way to the village.

310-305 BC

Young Kesi would grow more into psychic abilities, she was even taught by some of the priests of Osiris and learned more about life and death as well as rebirth. She was happy learning this, even thinking of later on serving in the temple of Anubis but she still wanted to be with her family. With her 'gift' as they called it, she wasn't pushed to marry so long as she continued to use her ability freely for others. It was during this time a strange traveler would be stalking the village and Kesi's family so that he could learn about her and what she could do while also biding his time.

304 BC

At 16 years old, her world slowly started to change. More people were coming still but also she realized she did want to follow in the steps of her gods and serve. With the blessing of her family, Osiris priests would take her to their holy place to teach her the proper ways to prepare someone for the afterlife. Some priests secretly would charge family members some coin to be able to have a chance to speak to their passed loved one and Kesi, being none the wiser, would do as asked.

303-298 BC

At 21 years old, she was often seen with the priests of Osiris for burials. From commoners to nobles, she was allowed to help if they were called upon. Very few still knew of what she could do but those that did, she would still gladly speak to the dead for them. There were times where she would call upon the dead for herself to learn about them and their lives before they passed; some even telling her where they hid valuables so that she could have them. During this period in her life as well, a strange man would come to visit her in her chambers, just talking to her mostly and given what she did, Kesi believed him to be just a lost spirit needing a friend so she never sent him away.

297-294 BC

Not long after she turned 24, she would receive word that her mother was ill back in her village and knowing that her time was near would have Kesi leaving the temple and heading back home. She had all the knowledge she needed to be able to preform any rites and the blessings to do so but it was a hard thing to accept. On her travels there though, her mother would pass days before she arrived and her father would follow suit from a broken heart. Kesi knew they loved each other and as much as she mourned their death, she would give them the best funeral and pray for their rebirth. They would remain the only people she refused to call back from the arms of Osirus, she would never disturb her parent's spirits.

293-290 BC

For three years she stayed behind in her village, taking care of her family's assets and doing what she could to preserve some of their items. During this time, her nightly visitor would come to her even more frequently to the point where she realized that he was a person who only wished to speak at night. Being nieve, she took this as affection towards her, and slowly found herself relaxing and feeling the stirrings of some form of emotions with him. Kesi was unaware that he was doing this to her, planting this in her mind to feel these things for him to the point where she eventually packed up and moved away from Egypt with him.

289-286 BC

Kesi would be turning 30, unknowingly being fed vampire blood on occasion as he worked to ask her about a woman he knew. Once Kesi started to give him a few answers, he quietly would poison her and wait for her to come back. It took a full day for Kesi to come back and for the moment, she thought she just slept a long time but still, her lover kept her in the dark about what she was turning into up until the new moon where he watched her panic take hold as she died visually before his eyes. It was an oddly twisted pleasure for him but he would see to it that she fed and if she could still speak to the dead; she could.

285-275 BC

Kesi would now be trying to learn to live her new life as the undead while also talking to the dead. Mostly, she spoke to his dead lover for him and let him see her. Slowly, she grew to resent her sire and his affection for a dead woman who was nothing but bones in the ground whereas she was alive and here with him. That realization that he was using her slowly worked to break the spell he held over her.

274 BC

It would be in the wintertime when she snapped fully out of it and during this she would realize she could raise the dead from their tombs. With her anger and hurt towards her sire for him wanting to use her as he did, she would send the walking dead after him and watch as they tore at him until he fled from her and left her alone now. Barely ten years into being a vampire now and she was alone in this world save for the dead now.

373-243 BC

Kesi, at this time realizing that she sent off her sire, the only vampire she knew at all, it would send her spiraling for years. Her family was dead and she had been taken to a place she didn't know anything about; In actuality, he had only taken her to Africa but it was still a place she did not know nor have any connection to. Through these next few years, she spent it just leaving her hidden home to feed as he had shown her while she kept herself reclused for a long time.

242-212 BC

She would spend these years slowly stealing and learning about the area she was into the point where she would finally brave a journey back to her homelands. When she managed to make it back to Egypt, she felt immediate mental relief. Yes, she was in lower Egypt now but she was home. Kesi would spend months finding a safe place to live and reside while she just let herself heal in her homelands. As luck would have it, she would take residence in an old unused temple of Osiris that had fallen to the wayside due to its distant location; yes it did make feedings harder but she would live off of a mix of animals and people.

211-0 BC

Kesi would use this time to collect various works from around her, reading and studying them. Throwing herself into something that wasn't linked to her psychic abilities for once. That lead to further healing of her broken spirit, being able to focus on something that was not being forced out of her to use or tricked into using. During this time though, she heard of an impending war and invasion of Rome. As much as she wished to stay in the dark about this, she couldn't and would pack what she could and anything of value and work to leave Egypt but it would be willingly this time.

0-40 AD

Kesi would spend this time carefully traveling to leave Egypt, starting by going to Alexandria and then making her way to Jerusalem. Given that travel was slow and time-consuming, it took a fair amount of time for her to be able to make any form of a trek across the lands. It would be during this time though that she learned she could take flight into another form. Finding her bird form and learning what it was with a reflective piece of metal felt comforting. This form then allowed her to stay out later in the sun and allowed for her to travel even further and travel by boat (carefully) across the Mediterranean sea and land in Athens. She would then take another boat to get to Rome. There she met for a time another Vampire who was just a bit younger than herself. It wasn't a long interaction but enough for him to wish him a long life and that mayhaps their paths might cross once more.

40-100 AD

After leaving Rome, Kesi would continue her travels to then land in Spain and there she would live in decent peace. She would keep to herself mostly and start to once more practice her necromantic abilities as well as her new form. It felt peaceful living here in her villa, she could hunt discreetly and be left alone.

100-500 AD

Kesi would stick to Spain for the time, while there, she would keep up as best she could on what went on in her homelands, learning who ruled and lead while also learning of various wars and power struggles. That was something she refused to be apart of, she wanted nothing to do with fighting, and if fighting threatened close to where she was. The vampire would pack up everything and move to another country to continue to live in her quiet peace. During this, she amounted quite a collection of books and scrolls of history that she kept and would learn how to properly preserve.

500-1500 AD

Nothing of too much importance would happen to her during this time, she would take to moving again and then relocating in 1450 to Morocco. She always tried to stick close to familiar grounds and here she encounters and live in her first clutch. It was a good time there, learning what it took to be apart of a group and finding that closeness with others. She had lived for so long alone and shut off from others except for the dead that it took her some time to relearn how to interact with people and how to talk with them. Thankfully, a woman was very patient with her, helping to teach her how to be social again and an interactive person again. There in the clutch, she would take on the role of being a counselor to others and she truly enjoyed it and helping out other new vampires in this life.

1500-1900 AD

It would be no fault of the group when Kesi left, she did so on good terms but told them that she needed to go back home for a time and see what became of it all. They understood and sent her off with well-wishes and good luck as she would move back to Egypt and live inside Cairo for a time. There she would walk through all the historical sites as she could. While living here, she never unpacked the crates of items she had, it was temporary and only stayed for a time to feel at home and pay homage to the old ways here. Kesi was feeling called to another country, to move across the ocean and settle there now after spending all her time around here. With her books carefully stored with her memories that she had forgotten packed, she would take the long journey by ship to America.

1900-2000 AD

Kesi would start at the East Coast in Maine, living close to the ocean and moving along the shoreline as it was a safety net for her. Here she met a different ilk of spirits that were very interesting to meet and interact with. She would learn over time that a lot of people enjoyed speaking to the dead but others felt it wrong and blasphemous so she avoided them.

2000- Present day

Kesi would move around more, traveling all along the coast- she quickly learned how superstitious those in Lousiana were and left that place the fastest for her own safety. After her encounter there, she went inland for the first time and would go from state to state until she landed in Colorado. She was on the hunt for a possible clutch again but for her, that was not imperative. No, she wanted to find a comfortable space to live and maybe showcase all the items she's collected over the years like the collector she was.

~Her place is a bit strange; The main house is mostly for show but in the basement area is where she keeps everything sentimental/valuable and it's where she sleeps. That area is decorated to her past than current time.
~Keeps a lot of old relics from her time
~Can speak Egyptian, Greek, Latin, and English. Can read and write in hieroglyphics and Coptic language.
~Has stacks of old journals that she wrote in and is kept safe since remembering everything she's experienced is tricky.
~Still holds onto her old beliefs
~Still thinks Crates are more acceptable to move items than regular boxes.
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