Vanessa was the only child in her family. Raised in an affluent suburb of New York City suited Vanessa just fine. She had lots of friends who were just like her. Her mother, an attorney as well, had a successful law practice and was able to teach Vanessa some of the ropes. It was expected from a young age that Vanessa would become a lawyer, as she was often imitating her mother and holding mock trials with her stuffed animals. Her father worked for an accounting firm and tried to get Vanessa interested in his line of work, but she just had a better gift for law.
Vanessa discovered her first ability while she was young and never told anybody about it. Ever the resourceful person, she found ways to practice this talent without drawing any suspicion to herself. During her teenage years, she began to experiment more with her powers, wanting to see their limits. After watching a storm from her window, she wondered if she could make lightning. So began a years long experiment and practice into making electricity. It wasn't until she was in her undergrad at Columbia that she finally had a breakthrough and discovered her second ability.
Sadly, her father passed away soon after she was accepted into the Columbia Law School. Vanessa lived with her mother during her time in law school, and didn't get the same grades she'd been making in her undergrad due to her father's passing. When she finally graduated, she took a position in her mother's firm to build up her reputation. Once she started getting a little more successful, her mother retired and the firm closed. Her mother offered to help Vanessa get her own firm started in New York, but Vanessa decided she was done with New York and looked to states out west. Having always loved skiing with her parents in Aspen, she settled on Colorado. Not actually one for huge city life, despite her upbringing on the outskirts of New York City, she set her sights on Ridgefield.
In Game History:
-Created the Glitter Bomb Pact with Grace and Rika on
Sept. 13, 2021
-Started dating Andie in
October 2022