Amira Puri Intermediate Were Tiger
Basic Information
Name Amira Puri
Pronouns She/Her
Age 30
Birthday January 13
Height 5 ft 2
Eyes Amber
Face Claim Digangana Suryavanshi
Residence Location Opal Wash
Occupation Location Opal Wash
Occupation Owner of Tigers Eye Cafe
Vehicle Red Truck
Vampire Stats
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
First Ability
Power Description
Were Stats
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
Animal Appearance Golden Siberian Tiger
  • Length(head to rump): 10 ft
  • Tail Length: 4'9
  • Height(to shoulder): 5'9
  • Weight:850lbs
  • A little short in height
  • Waist length wavy black/brown hair
  • Lightly tan complexion
  • Often wears clothes that are more in tune with her mothers culture but on occasion she will wear something from her fathers. On a rare occasion she will wearing jeans and a shirt
  • Often her and her tiger are highly similar and on the same page. She has no issues shifting in the slightest and sees nothing wrong with shifting as they both like their time out
  • Has a lot of tiger-cub like tendencies still
  • Bold
  • Brave(but doesn't like heights but will pretend she's fine with them)
  • Easily excitable
  • Inquisitive
  • Can be shy and reserved around non weres since she has no clue how to wholly interact with them
  • Kinda quirky
  • Amira's mother was both in Nagpur and met her father who was from Northeastern China. He would go on to infect and turn Amiras mother into a Siberan tiger and together they both moved from the strict culture of her homeland to the more lax state of Alaska.
  • They lived there in relative peace and found a small group of tigers to be apart of. During their time there, Amira's mother would go on to get pregnant twice. First having a son and then waiting until he was full grown(at 6) to then have Amira.
  • Amira stood out in the small group of tigers given her unique coating coloration but she seemed to have inherited her mother's deep pink eye color.
  • Both Amira and her brother would go through homeschooling to try and learn and keep up (relatively speaking) with kids 'their' age. They both took to learning and graduating high school at around ten years old perspectively.
  • Due to some unfortunate events when the kids were both 13 and 19, their mother would pass away from her heart failing on a particularly hard shift post fight with a fellow were. It would leave Heng, their father) alone with two children still that he was determined to care for.
  • With some hard feelings and the need to change their surroundings, Heng would take both his son and daughter to the cool mountainous state of Colorado to live in a rather comfortable Cabin.
  • Still being young, she was more than eager to move, her brother though, chose to stay behind for a short time in Alaska to meet up with them at a later time, so until then, Heng and Amira, would set up residence in the fringes of Colorado.
  • So until then, Amira would explore her new surroundings and to hopefully make new friends!

~At current Amira has gone through many changes; loss of dear friends and one that was akin to a brother to her, to simply growing more and meeting many other weres in her life. She has learned, in herself what she wants to do. It doesn't matter her age but she desires it. She has now opened up a Cafe with the help of a dear friend who is also a tiger. He helps and supports her.
Many; I'll get to it one day XD
  • Learning Hindi and Chinese but knows English very well
  • Loves to climb things but struggles to climb back down because she realizes she's gone up too high
  • Really loves to try all sorts of things, no matter what they are
  • Is trying very hard to get a pet hedgehog
  • Chief Her new pet pup!
  • New Friends! Cute art done by Rose of Amira and Charlie playing <3
  • New Place in Opal Wash (this is the style and layout type ill be editing it better later )
Threw Were-kind Off Hell in a Cell
Threw Were-kind Off Hell in a Cell
09-11-2022 at 01:55 PM