Sienna Rousseau Psychic
Basic Information
Name Sienna
Pronouns She/Her
Age 30
Birthday August 10
Height 5 ft 6
Eyes Green
Face Claim Riley Rasmussen
Residence Location Cheyenne Point
Occupation Location Hawknell
Occupation Owner of Day Dreamer Spa
Vehicle Black Jeep Gladiator
Vampire Stats
Age turned 17
Supernatural Eye Color Silver
First Ability Healing
Second Ability Dreamscaping
Power/Animal Description Healing: Sienna learned she could do that at the surprising age of seventeen in soccer practice when she kicked the ball wrong and ended up twisting her ankle, after a moment or two of just focusing on the pain in her ankle though, she realized that she did it. Over time she learned how to heal others quite well; even some animals on the farm she grew up but she avoided that as her parents were always baffled with that. Sienna practiced her ability diligently and figured out the quirks of it and that she could unheal others even (fun times) While using her ability though, she slowly starts to gradually become paralyzed/ unable to move. It starts from her hands and feet and then spreads. When she can no longer feel her limbs, her muscles start to not work right(breathing, heart rate, circulatory function) when this starts happening she has to stop or if she pushes, she runs the risk of her heart/breathing stopping. (please note she can wake up but will take some brain damage if she's too long without oxygen but if she's out for 6 minutes she is playing with death essentially). Quietly, she will suffer internal organ damage over time that will make her healing harder (but more interesting)
Dreamscaping: This one was a surprise more than anything and still uncomfortably new to her as she is still learning to keep from going into people's heads while they sleep. Sienna has learned that if she focuses on a person and hums to help lull them asleep, she can go into their minds while they sleep to see what they are dreaming of. The people don't freak out(often) but they are confused. She has made a few tentative attempts to help alter the dreams of those having nightmares around her or to aid and soothe them. While she does this and focuses on that person, her body will slowly slip into a waking paralysis but experience everything that a person suffering from sleep paralysis experiences ie; hallucinate (hear, feel, or see things that are not there)for around 1d10 minutes or more depending on what she did.
Pyrokinesis:This one is very new to her, she realizes that she will now always run a bit warmer than more people like she has a low-grade fever, and when she uses/overuses it, the fever will climb until she can physically no longer bare the heat her body is producing(without too many harmful side effects like brain damage) she will though experience intense thirst/exhaustion from it. With her pyrokinesis though, she'll be able to make and produce heat/fire as well as be able to touch fire or items that are on fire without pain but if something is heated and melty it will produce a burn and cause actual injury that takes the same amount of time that a supernatural injury takes to heal.
Metaphysics: She recently learned that as a psychic she has this ability to 'see' if others are supernatural. To her, it is a colorful shimmer/glow around the person but focusing too hard will make her throat raw and hoarse that will lead to bloody coughing, fun!
Psychic Stats
Age turned 17
Supernatural Eye Color Silver
First Ability Healing
Second Ability Dreamscaping
Third Ability Pyrokinesis
Power Description Healing: Sienna learned she could do that at the surprising age of seventeen in soccer practice when she kicked the ball wrong and ended up twisting her ankle, after a moment or two of just focusing on the pain in her ankle though, she realized that she did it. Over time she learned how to heal others quite well; even some animals on the farm she grew up but she avoided that as her parents were always baffled with that. Sienna practiced her ability diligently and figured out the quirks of it and that she could unheal others even (fun times) While using her ability though, she slowly starts to gradually become paralyzed/ unable to move. It starts from her hands and feet and then spreads. When she can no longer feel her limbs, her muscles start to not work right(breathing, heart rate, circulatory function) when this starts happening she has to stop or if she pushes, she runs the risk of her heart/breathing stopping. (please note she can wake up but will take some brain damage if she's too long without oxygen but if she's out for 6 minutes she is playing with death essentially). Quietly, she will suffer internal organ damage over time that will make her healing harder (but more interesting)
Dreamscaping: This one was a surprise more than anything and still uncomfortably new to her as she is still learning to keep from going into people's heads while they sleep. Sienna has learned that if she focuses on a person and hums to help lull them asleep, she can go into their minds while they sleep to see what they are dreaming of. The people don't freak out(often) but they are confused. She has made a few tentative attempts to help alter the dreams of those having nightmares around her or to aid and soothe them. While she does this and focuses on that person, her body will slowly slip into a waking paralysis but experience everything that a person suffering from sleep paralysis experiences ie; hallucinate (hear, feel, or see things that are not there)for around 1d10 minutes or more depending on what she did.
Pyrokinesis:This one is very new to her, she realizes that she will now always run a bit warmer than more people like she has a low-grade fever, and when she uses/overuses it, the fever will climb until she can physically no longer bare the heat her body is producing(without too many harmful side effects like brain damage) she will though experience intense thirst/exhaustion from it. With her pyrokinesis though, she'll be able to make and produce heat/fire as well as be able to touch fire or items that are on fire without pain but if something is heated and melty it will produce a burn and cause actual injury that takes the same amount of time that a supernatural injury takes to heal.
Metaphysics: She recently learned that as a psychic she has this ability to 'see' if others are supernatural. To her, it is a colorful shimmer/glow around the person but focusing too hard will make her throat raw and hoarse that will lead to bloody coughing, fun!
Were Stats
Age turned 17
Supernatural Eye Color Silver
Animal Appearance
~Average hight but a soft hourglass like frame
~Firey red hair/freckles/dimples
~Green-Blue eyes
~Likes to dress in either country/comfortable/sometimes classy clothes
Sweet art by MEEMS!! <3
+ Spunky lil firecracker. Hard to knock it down in her but she holds that redheaded tale true in just being eager for things.
+ Rather straight forward, tries to be nice about it.
+ Very much a country girl and speaks with a big of a southern twang to her or uses a lot of phrases while talking to another. So do not be surprised if you get called sugar a lot
+ She does have a temper, it takes a good amount of prodding to find it but when she is mad she can be angry/grumpy about it for some time until things cool off and simmer down.
+ Can be a mother hen at times and has a spare bedroom always made up and at the ready if she has unexpected comapny.
>Seinna was born to just a normal family. Her father was one of the sheep farmers in Oklahoma, so most anyone in her family knew how to farm plants. On the side her mother raised a mix of chickens, ducks, quails, and even emu's for their eggs to sell and use.
>Sienna would grow to be one of 4 siblings; Twin older brothers, Another brother, herself. She would wind up being the only girl in a house run by mostly men but that also meant she didn't get a lot of dates because of them as they were protective and as sweet as it was, she wanted to kick them in their teeth for it.
>While in high school she took to learning about anatomy and the musculature of the human body, learning where nerves were and the best blood flow. It started her dream of not following her parents farming footsteps and to start her own in the medical field, so at first she would prepare for that.
>While preparing for med school, she learned rather quickly that even though she had a strong stomach, she could not handle the YUCK that came with what might happen in the ER as a nurse or even just in general being a nurse. Sadly, she bowed out of that to her parents dismay but she did end up learning that she could take being a massage therapist for other people and so threw herself into that career instead.
> While learning how to massage people, she was able to apply her healing to ease their bodies. It made her happy, knowing she could use her abilities to help heal while people just thinking it was the massage therapy. That doesn't mean she didn't learn what she needed to know but she was able to get very confident in her work thanks to it.
> Now on her own, she set off from home (leaving the nest in her parents words) to the big wide world and experience more than her country home life offered. Frequently, her mother will send her care packages just to make sure she had plenty in her new home.
+Sienna can speak english, horrible spanish, and sign language
+Sienna has a massage oil collection and likes to make her own scents for each client she has
+Loves to be outside a lot(rain/sleet/shine/snow etc) you will be hard pressed for her to say something negative about it unless she gets a sunburn.
+Can cook like a southern grandma and will feed you until you roll from her house or just pass out on the couch.
><House Layout/interrior Room 2 is now another guest room. The backyard is rather spacious, housing a Pond and her custom Goose house that sits against the fence.
+Recently adopted a new pet who was (pre) lovingly named, Mr.Kibbles.
++As of New Years 2022 she got engaged to her boyfriend, Adam! <3 The Beautiful Ring ((ADDED As of recent weeks is now no longer engaged is thusly single )
Day Dreamers Spa.Location to be in Hawknell
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