Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
First Ability
Second Ability
Third Ability
Power Description
Healing: Sienna learned she could do that at the surprising age of seventeen in soccer practice when she kicked the ball wrong and ended up twisting her ankle, after a moment or two of just focusing on the pain in her ankle though, she realized that she did it. Over time she learned how to heal others quite well; even some animals on the farm she grew up but she avoided that as her parents were always baffled with that. Sienna practiced her ability diligently and figured out the quirks of it and that she could unheal others even (fun times) While using her ability though, she slowly starts to gradually become paralyzed/ unable to move. It starts from her hands and feet and then spreads. When she can no longer feel her limbs, her muscles start to not work right(breathing, heart rate, circulatory function) when this starts happening she has to stop or if she pushes, she runs the risk of her heart/breathing stopping. (please note she can wake up but will take some brain damage if she's too long without oxygen but if she's out for 6 minutes she is playing with death essentially). Quietly, she will suffer internal organ damage over time that will make her healing harder (but more interesting)
Dreamscaping: This one was a surprise more than anything and still uncomfortably new to her as she is still learning to keep from going into people's heads while they sleep. Sienna has learned that if she focuses on a person and hums to help lull them asleep, she can go into their minds while they sleep to see what they are dreaming of. The people don't freak out(often) but they are confused. She has made a few tentative attempts to help alter the dreams of those having nightmares around her or to aid and soothe them. While she does this and focuses on that person, her body will slowly slip into a waking paralysis but experience everything that a person suffering from sleep paralysis experiences ie; hallucinate (hear, feel, or see things that are not there)for around 1d10 minutes or more depending on what she did.
Pyrokinesis:This one is very new to her, she realizes that she will now always run a bit warmer than more people like she has a low-grade fever, and when she uses/overuses it, the fever will climb until she can physically no longer bare the heat her body is producing(without too many harmful side effects like brain damage) she will though experience intense thirst/exhaustion from it. With her pyrokinesis though, she'll be able to make and produce heat/fire as well as be able to touch fire or items that are on fire without pain but if something is heated and melty it will produce a burn and cause actual injury that takes the same amount of time that a supernatural injury takes to heal.
Metaphysics: She recently learned that as a psychic she has this ability to 'see' if others are supernatural. To her, it is a colorful shimmer/glow around the person but focusing too hard will make her throat raw and hoarse that will lead to bloody coughing, fun!