2018 GMC Sierra(Purple with galaxy glitter all over it)
Pop Rock Pact
Vampire Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
First Ability
Second Ability
Power/Animal Description
Terrakinesis: Ari learned she had this ability when she was rather young, she was angry and stomped her foot like any teen would and the impact made a hole in the ground. Since then, she had been trying to learn how to use and manipulate the earth, finding that with her love of stones/gemstones, that she could connect in a sense with the earth. That's not to say it was easy. Every time she uses it, her heart starts to pound uncomfortably in her chest. Overuse causes erratic heart rate, shortness of breath to fainting for an hour.
Electrokinesis: This ability is more new- and found out on accident. She grabbed a wire that was exposed and even though she felt the shock she was able to direct it away from her. Ever since she had been practicing with it as well but it is different than her first so it is a struggle to use it. Overdoing it too much with electricity often leads to a sudden onset of nose bleeds and overuse it can lead to temporary blurred vision, migraines, to coughing up blood and fainting.
Telepathy: This is still new to her so she is learning about it as it comes; so far everything is just loud and annoying with no real off switch unless she zeroes in on a person's brain. A side effect is so far just headaches and some eye pain.
Metaphysic sense: Ari has been figuring out how to do this; by being close enough to another who is supernatural, there is a look of glitter explosion around them in various colors. Trying to focus too hard on it though gives her dry mouth and a cough for a few moments after doing that.
Eye color shade!
Psychic Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
First Ability
Second Ability
Third Ability
Power Description
Terrakinesis: Ari learned she had this ability when she was rather young, she was angry and stomped her foot like any teen would and the impact made a hole in the ground. Since then, she had been trying to learn how to use and manipulate the earth, finding that with her love of stones/gemstones, that she could connect in a sense with the earth. That's not to say it was easy. Every time she uses it, her heart starts to pound uncomfortably in her chest. Overuse causes erratic heart rate, shortness of breath to fainting for an hour.
Electrokinesis: This ability is more new- and found out on accident. She grabbed a wire that was exposed and even though she felt the shock she was able to direct it away from her. Ever since she had been practicing with it as well but it is different than her first so it is a struggle to use it. Overdoing it too much with electricity often leads to a sudden onset of nose bleeds and overuse it can lead to temporary blurred vision, migraines, to coughing up blood and fainting.
Telepathy: This is still new to her so she is learning about it as it comes; so far everything is just loud and annoying with no real off switch unless she zeroes in on a person's brain. A side effect is so far just headaches and some eye pain.
Metaphysic sense: Ari has been figuring out how to do this; by being close enough to another who is supernatural, there is a look of glitter explosion around them in various colors. Trying to focus too hard on it though gives her dry mouth and a cough for a few moments after doing that.
Eye color shade!
Were Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
Animal Appearance
Doll like features with her round face and full lips (Halloween is when she puts these looks to fun use
Long curly dark brown hair that borderlines to black
Grey-blue eyes
Naval Piercing
Pale skin tone that is on the cooler side of the complextion charts
Aloof; this has softened thanks to friends
Hard to be warm to others, lots of walls built up
Sarcasm is her second tongue
Does have a caring side, easier to see through the written word than verbal with her most times
Blunt- and does not care (if she doesn't know/like) if her honesty can hurt. She will only be the 'kind' honest with those she actually likes or feels it's warranted
Has been accused of having resting bitch face a few times
Ari was born along the east coast, Maine to be precise. Her family was one that came from old money but as well as a mix of new which helped Ari in getting into the college she wanted- though through good grades and teacher letters, she had a full ride to an online Geology and Gemology courses.
Growing up though, she had a rather unique cousin. She had no sense of self-preservation but when the two were together, Ari took it upon herself as the old cousin to watch over her little cousin who had a strong love of plants. Both girls would often spend summers together, even as adults they took at least a week to spend time together. They both knew each other’s secret but yet never said a word of it to others, it was an odd embarrassment to Ari to be able to do something weird but that didn’t mean she didn’t encourage her sweet little cousin as much as she could.
Ari would end up in a private schooling after a few years. She had a bad habit of getting into fights with other students and would never wholly answer as to why until someone installed a camera to the play yard and saw that Ari was actually sticking up for bullied kids. Although she was scolded for not telling them why, a few parents were glad she was around but that didn't stop her from still getting in trouble and having to move schools- slightly irked her parents but it never affected her performence in class so they couldn't say her odd way of dealing with bullies was harming her. Once she did move shchools, the fighting seemed to have stopped and she would finally end up graduating high shool and would take a week long trip to Florida to Disney with her cousin(mostly for her cousin and not herelf but she secretly loved it there).
Through the years, Ari had to travel more as she earned her masters in her fields of study so as she traveled, she would send random plant seeds to her cousin and she would send her rocks that she found- those were generally river stones and the like, nothing super special but she kept them and would send emails explaining as much.
Ari developed a rather deep love and care for gems and gemstones, learning about the earth and what lay within it. She could dig a hole, gather up a bunch of various rocks, and put them in her polisher just to see what rocks she had and study them in various ways. She wasn’t a stone snob but she really loved the stones with layers of pure freshly harvested gemstones in their natural state. Often, she would place orders and get a bunch of geodes to be able to crack into and see what treasures lay within- her own personal joy. If she had duplicates, she would sell them after polishing them up some to make them look even better.
Even with online collages, she got to travel to various countries- mostly South America, the tropics, Australia's gem mines- she eagerly visited them all and was able to make connections across the globe to get shipments from various sites of varying gemstones. Even though she had a master's in geology, Ari learned that she loved gemstones more and so she was sure to keep up to date with the various precious stones/gems.
Once her reputation was solidified and she had the connections and contacts she needed to be able to do her own personal work, she would start the preparations to meet with one of her favorite people- only Ariadne’s parents knew where she was going to move to and approved of her going to look out for her family.
It took a little more time than she planned for it to but with address and guest key in hand, she would move to Ridgefield to surprise her sweet little cousin. At least she never seemed to mind her rather rough personality and seemed to embrace it. Ari was happy for a change and to finally settle- well at least until she found her own place.