Asha Rao Pariah Human
Basic Information
Name Asha Rao
Pronouns she • her
Age 34
Birthday Aug 21
Height 5' 2
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Bhumi Pednekar
Residence Location
Vampire Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
Power/Animal Description
Psychic Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
First Ability
Power Description
Were Stats
Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
Animal Appearance
Dresses for eyes on her when outside. Likes the attention.

Silver burn scarring on right palm and fingers from her were days.

Wears both her and Abraham's wedding rings from their prior marriage on a necklace.

Got preggers by Dante during their eclipse tryst. Baby Arjun was born a little earlier than planned on Dec 21. There were some issues with the delivery, considering it was her first and all, but she'll recover.
Asha is recovering from living with a very ambitious and forceful creature in her head for almost seven years. As a werejaguar, her impulsive and hedonistic nature was preyed on extensively by the beast.

After being essentially punished with forced shifts, loathing, and repeated losses of control, Asha mostly leaned into those tendencies to keep some kind of inner peace. It sort of worked until it didn't, and when it didn't, the results were disastrous. She is able to love herself once more after a very long time, and to exist in peace with the world and others. (She is also looking forward to never feeling the need to eat a human body ever again.)

However, this doesn't necessarily make her an angel, even as a human. Asha can be temperamental, childish, rude, dishonest, manipulative, and deeply judgmental. She seeks pleasure first. She does tend towards loyalty, generosity, responsibility, and caring for others, but it's also pretty easy for her to decide she's too good for them if they take a step out of line, according to her. She can also decide to "forgive" in a snap and be friendly again like nothing bad ever happened. There is a heavy chance motherhood will mature her.

Her ego is bigger than the sun, but not bigger than her love for her boy.
1990 - 2017
Human, part one

Orphaned in Kerala, adopted to US, grew up a good girl. Hedonistic tendencies took over during college. She graduated and decided not to use her degree much.

2017 - 2024

Met Abraham, he turned her, they matebonded, she opened The Terrace, they formed a prowl, she became queen and he became king, they broke up, they tried again, she opened The Cove, she became queen again and he did not become king again, she stepped down, they got married, she became queen again, they were happy, they weren't happy, she killed the second prowl, they unbonded, they broke up again, she got rid of her were businesses and her car.

2024 - Present
Human, part two

She got unturned, then got a job. She has decided to give up her apartment and move into Flynn's home. She hooked up with Dante on the eclipse, she got pregnant, she decided to keep it, and then she decided to move back to Denver. He's been born't.
In alphabetical order,
• Amber - long time close friend
• Arjun - son, born 12/21/24
• Bree - interviewer-turned-close friend
• Catrina - vampire queen alliance friend
• Dante - Arjun's daddy, current sexting victim friend
• Dakila - STF chief friend
• Edith - shopping friend
• Evelina - vampire date friend
• Flynn - former landlord and friend
• Mathis - pariah pal friend
• Minnie - baby (vampire) metal friend
• Safi - bae friend
• Sam Toucan (Alby) - vampire intrigue friend
• Sienna - masseuse dreamweaver friend
Meowsha, Cuntcat, Bitchcat, Terror Queen, the Jaguar
• 3' 2" shoulder height
• 8' 6" body length, including the tail
• 260 lbs
• golden coat with black rosettes
• delicate looking face but stocky legged body
• fiery orange eyes

• Fray (2018)
Nika (2019)
Blair (2020)
Pauline (2020) switched to binturong
Oliver (2020)

• Alaina Kholi (2017)
• Asha's pet snake Shiraz (2017)
• Asteria Gemini and an unnamed park ranger (2018)
• Rose Terrace Prowl v.1 (2019)
Xahrina Black (2020)
Sami Ibrahim, aka "Omar" (2022)
• Cloud Cove Prowl (2023)
• Asha's pet cat Barley (2023)

• Asha used to have a butterfly tramp stamp, but after January 2023's full moon, it has disappeared. She's gonna save up for a new one!
• She also used to have a pet red-sided garter snake named Shiraz, but she ate him during a shift as a were-jaguar. Many years later she had a pet cat named Barley, but she also ate him during a shift as a were-jaguar.
• She still has a sword.
• She is divorced from Abraham.

"A jaguar covered in mehndi designs in front of a fiery background"
Art generated by Drew ♡

"Asha and Abraham, historical portrait"
Art shopped by Scarlett ♡
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