Oscar Zhao Pact Psychic
Basic Information
Name Oscar Bojing Zhao
Pronouns He/Him
Age 58
Birthday Jan 6
Height 5' 8
Eyes Brown
Face Claim Donnie Yen
Residence Location Alder Heights
Occupation Location Lauderhill
Occupation Sous-chef — Plum Starling
Vehicle 2015 Kia Soul [brown]
Group FAO Pact
Vampire Stats
Age turned 28
Supernatural Eye Color Silver
First Ability Electrokinesis
Second Ability Swiftness
Power/Animal Description Electrokinesis - Oscar has come a way in recent years using his power. After years of neglect, he can now effectively charge small devices without too much trouble, as long as he does it slowly. He can also power larger devices, but usually not for very long. If he pushes too hard, he starts to black out. Hazy vision, unreal sensation in his body, tunneling, then out. He's also capable of producing sparks sort of... between his fingers? It hasn't hurt him yet but he's still far from figuring out what to do with this.

Swiftness - At the moment, he can only really go as far as he would at a normal run, or do as much activity in general as usual, before he wears out. He just does it faster. If he tries to push it past that, he risks a lack of coordination as his brain fails to keep up and risks... incidents. Consequences beyond this are perhaps forthcoming.
Psychic Stats
Age turned 28
Supernatural Eye Color Silver
First Ability Electrokinesis
Second Ability Swiftness
Power Description Electrokinesis - Oscar has come a way in recent years using his power. After years of neglect, he can now effectively charge small devices without too much trouble, as long as he does it slowly. He can also power larger devices, but usually not for very long. If he pushes too hard, he starts to black out. Hazy vision, unreal sensation in his body, tunneling, then out. He's also capable of producing sparks sort of... between his fingers? It hasn't hurt him yet but he's still far from figuring out what to do with this.

Swiftness - At the moment, he can only really go as far as he would at a normal run, or do as much activity in general as usual, before he wears out. He just does it faster. If he tries to push it past that, he risks a lack of coordination as his brain fails to keep up and risks... incidents. Consequences beyond this are perhaps forthcoming.
Were Stats
Age turned 28
Supernatural Eye Color Silver
Animal Appearance
  • About average height with a slender but strong build thanks to years of physical activity--spry on his feet
  • Dark hair is preferred short, but can sometimes grow out a good bit if he's been lazy or busy
  • Wears a good variety of clothing, from deeply casual to relatively nice, depending on the circumstance
  • Has a few scars on his hands and arms thanks to burns and knives--standard kitchen risks
  • Often very indecisive, but weak to peer pressure
  • Doesn't like to disappoint people
  • Very bad at commitment, doesn't like to make promises
  • Reluctantly a coward
  • Easy going and good natured more often than not
  • Low pain tolerance
  • Prone to hyperbole
  • Enjoys efficiency but doesn't fuss over organization
  • Makes friends easily but struggles to keep them for extended periods of time--frivolous extrovert
  • Born in 1967 in Hong Kong, but didn't even live there a year before his family moved to Colorado.
  • Moved around Colorado a lot as a kid, but eventually settled in Ridgefield with his parents as a teenager.
  • Was a moderate student, relatively attentive, liked to get work done quickly so he could play.
  • Went to culinary school mostly because he had friends who were going.
  • Managed to get into the food industry and found he wasn't actually bad at it.
  • Discovered his power when he kept frying his computer in the mid-90's. It took a while to figure out what was going on.
  • Tried to woo a few women in his life, but wasn't very good at it.
  • Mostly decided he was happy living his life on his own and flitting from one social group to the next.
  • Stayed in Ridgefield to be near--but not too near--his elderly parents.
  • Tamzin Levchenko -
  • Agostina Sartore -
  • Grace Lee -
  • Joseph Lim -
  • Oliver Wyvern -
  • Ashley Miller -
  • Flynn Rhodes -
  • Practices Wushu
  • Has two dogs: Cairn Terrier (Caster) and an Australian Shepherd (Nero)
  • Speaks Cantonese fluently, but has no accent thanks to growing up stateside
  • Nominated for Favorite Ship That Doesn’t Exist… Yet with Tamzin, The Odd Couple with Tamzin for Yearbook 2020
  • Nominated for Favorite Ship That Doesn't Exist... Yet with Agostina, Favorite Ship That Doesn't Exist... Yet with Tamzin for Yearbook 2021
Psychedelic Party Time
Psychedelic Party Time
06-04-2022 at 01:35 PM

03-18-2020 at 12:07 AM