Age turned
Supernatural Eye Color
First Ability
Second Ability
Power/Animal Description
Electrokinesis - Oscar has come a way in recent years using his power. After years of neglect, he can now effectively charge small devices without too much trouble, as long as he does it slowly. He can also power larger devices, but usually not for very long. If he pushes too hard, he starts to black out. Hazy vision, unreal sensation in his body, tunneling, then out. He's also capable of producing sparks sort of... between his fingers? It hasn't hurt him yet but he's still far from figuring out what to do with this.
Swiftness - At the moment, he can only really go as far as he would at a normal run, or do as much activity in general as usual, before he wears out. He just does it faster. If he tries to push it past that, he risks a lack of coordination as his brain fails to keep up and risks... incidents. Consequences beyond this are perhaps forthcoming.