Onni Alstrom Psychic
Basic Information
Name Onni Alstrom
Pronouns They/Them/He/Him
Age 27
Birthday August 21
Height 5'9
Eyes Amber
Face Claim Jaco Van Den Hoven
Residence Location Starling Hills
Occupation Location Starling Hills
Occupation Owner @Annorlunda
Vehicle Public Transport
Vampire Stats
Age turned 26
Supernatural Eye Color Pink
First Ability Summoning
Power/Animal Description Summoning
  • Summoning an item makes him forget where he put another. The importance of the item he forgets goes up the more he uses the ability.
  • If he progresses even further it can cause him to forget where he is, where last was, what he was doing.
  • Psychic Stats
    Age turned 26
    Supernatural Eye Color Pink
    First Ability Summoning
    Power Description Summoning
  • Summoning an item makes him forget where he put another. The importance of the item he forgets goes up the more he uses the ability.
  • If he progresses even further it can cause him to forget where he is, where last was, what he was doing.
  • Were Stats
    Age turned 26
    Supernatural Eye Color Pink
    Animal Appearance
  • Loves anything cute and will wear mismatching things if it means he can have a cute cat shirt and llama pants.
  • Personality
  • overly bubbly and excitable
  • Loves company but can be a bit of a talker instead of a listener
  • History
  • Born in Oerebro, Sweden.
  • His papa was a pastry chef and his mama was a seamstress.
  • Do to some trouble in his parent's marriage he spent a great deal of time with his grandparents.
  • Teen Years:
  • Do to his close proximity to a castle and days holed up inside Onni grew a fascination with the realm of fantasy. Especially the ideas of fairies and princesses.
  • His mama and grandma taught him how to sew while his papa began teaching him how to bake.
  • With two mediums to work with Onni's love for fantasy and anything cute exploded and he began trying to make his own costumes as well as figure out how to make the perfectly shaped cat cake. He succeed in both endevours after some time.
  • When he was just sixteen his mama passed away after a terrible bought of sickness. Only a few years later and his grandparents would also pass.
  • Young Adulthood:
  • Onni started to work with his dad at the bakery, but still had a passion for costumes.
  • He began a Instagram account to take pictures of himself in fantasy outfits.
  • The popularity of this prompted him to start selling on Etsy.
  • His etsy account kept getting more and more commissions so he decided to try making his own online store, because of this he decided to try moving to America.
  • Relationships
    • Nicole Léandre — A sweet friend he met in the park who later worked for him at annorlunda. She has since left, and he wishes her well.
    • Katya Orlovskaya — His best seamstress, and the one that actually keeps him focused. He thinks the world of Katya even if they havent really spoke outside of work.
    • Blair Nightshade — A fellow artist he's only meet a couple of times. But he'd know her anywhere!
    • Ashley Miller — A previous employee at Annorlunda, he thinks she's a really nice person and hopes she's doing well at her next job.
    • Ariadne Valis — A friend that works with him at annorlunda. He doesn't know all her story but he still considers them best friends.
    Has a fairly strong Swedish accent

    Speaks Swedish, English, French
    Oh the Humanity
    Oh the Humanity
    03-14-2020 at 07:48 PM