Hawknell Read the label carefully for proper dosage
The fever made it difficult—it made everything difficult. He moved through a world that was a haze of colors too bright, sounds too loud, and smells too sharp. His hands shook, his clothes were stifling, his stomach churned. Mathus thought for a day or so he wouldn’t be able to keep anything down but it turned out that he was able to keep everything down.

Cravings, he reasoned—food his body needed to combat this sickness. In the mean time, acetaminophen to keep the fever down.

Unfortunately, he’d run out, needed more and had taken on the monumental task of getting clean and dressed, throwing on a patchy jacket that he didn’t need but stubbornly kept on. He stumbled down to the convenience store in a daze, face warm. It did seem, however, that the flu season had done well to clear the shelves. This particular store was out of stock. The sight of it was demoralizing and Mathus...

Okay well. He needed to sit down. He would do that right in the aisle, resting heavily back against the shelves.

When a shadow fell over him, he tilted his head back, offered a bleary smile and assured whoever it was, "I’m just resting a moment, I’ll go- Just a moment to catch my breath."


Noah was having a generally rough start to the morning, not because of any sickness or any actual trouble, but because he'd definitely forgotten to grab some more protein powder yesterday after finishing the tub, and now he was left without any to throw into his shake this morning. It usually wouldn't be that big of a deal, he wasn't a full-on meathead, but he had a pretty full book of clients today and he didn't want to go into that without any sort of stored energy.

Sure, he could have made a hearty breakfast or something, but he didn't have time for that nor did he have time to stop somewhere either and there was absolutely no fast food place in existence that would actually be a good alternative. This meant that he had to back up his Blendjet and make his way towards the store closest to his first appointment.

Making his way to the powder, he was so intent on his mission that he'd hardly noticed the body taking up the floor, almost stumbled over him but ended up looming instead. "Don't think that's the best place for it." He answered dryly for the explanation given, figuring the guy was either on drugs or still suffering from a party the night before. "No one wants to deal with a druggy."
"What?" He squawked in surprise. Druggy? Mathus looked up (and up and up and up) to squint at the face of his... accuser?

Dragging his hand down his face, finding it as feverish as ever, his head was spinning too much to build any kind of case for himself. He looked a sight, didn’t he?

"No- I’m not- I’m just sitting a moment." He insisted helplessly. Then with blank mulishness, he waved a hand down the aisle. "Don't make it anything, just step over me."
Noah was prone to taking his bad mood out on those around him, and so as the man offered the same half baked excuse, his lips would tighten, and his eyes would roll.

"Dude, I'm telling you to go home, so do it." He insisted, feet planted to their current spot as he huffed out an irritated breath. "Or go sit outside on a bench or something like the rest of your kind." He'd seen plenty of people high out of their mind, and while there were certainly some differences here, he was pretty sure this was the same shit.
Today of all days, in the height of his fever, he had to contend with this. Mathus wasn’t prone to self-pity but right now, he indulged. Why, God. This wasn’t fair.

Irritation sparking in his chest, the man gripped a shelf and heaved himself to his feet. He wobbled and huffing, straightened his jacket by the lapels with a snap of fabric. "And what, exactly, is my kind?" He challenged thoughtlessly.

He didn’t really want to know, but... He was sick and angry and- God forgive him for taking it out on someone else.
The man rose shakily, using the shelf for support and causing Noah to stiffen in response, back straightening as he remained in place and allowed his height to maintain his previous looming.

Being tall had its disadvantages, but being able to look down at trash like this made them all worth it.

"Trash." He answered confidently. "Worthless excuse of a human that wastes their life away shooting up and getting high every hour of the day. It wouldn't be so bad if you just kept to yourselves and didn't bother everyone else with it."
The stream of indictments made him feel sick but his anger was clarifying. It cut through the fever enough for Mathus to lift his head, expression hard with defiance and rage.

All he did was sit down! Excuse him for not having someone to go out and buy him medicine.

"Sir." He snapped—a term of respect that he managed to make sound like “shut up”. "I am sick. The only trash here is your goddamn attitude."

Oh, God forgive him for blaspheming on top of everything else.
Noah scoffed, eyes rolling upwards as his head shook.

Sick? Ha, sorry Noah didn't see things that way.

"Then go to rehab and get yourself cured." He countered, "but someone needs to tell you how fucking disgusting you look right now."
"What- I-" He sputtered. Rehab! Cured! Disgusting!

The man was easily talking circles around Mathus. "I am here to get better!" In his fury, his accent only got worse and he jabbed a finger at the tall man. "I don’t need a wake up call, you lunatic, I need Tylenol!"
What the fuck???

Noah hadn't ever heard of someone getting high off Tylenol before, was it some new craze? He doubted it would be on the shelves if it were, but he wasn't about to go around questioning a druggy about that.

Nah, they came up with weird ass shit, and so he would simply give his head a shake, disgust pulling at his upper lip. "You are one sick bastard."
Today, Mathus was a beleaguered, angry, sad man. Today, it got the better of him. He saw red. He threw a punch.

big miss

Noah jerked backwards as the fist came, his face scrunching up with rage as he realized just how close he had been to getting fucking hit.

"You son of a bitch." He growled, bursting forward as his fist flew downwards to offer his own punch, eyes flashing a deep red.

Of course he misses.

Red! Red! He-

This man's eyes flashed red! Mathus' heart dropped straight into his stomach and all the fight drained out of him in favor of fear. Even if the hit didn't land, he crashed back against the shelves, plastering himself back against him to put some distance between himself and the red-eyed man. "Your eyes!" He exhaled harshly.

Of course this motherfucker had to notice his fucking eyes!

"Shut the hell up." He growled, taking a threatening step forward. "You're high."

What the fuck else was he supposed to do, okay?!
"I’m not high!" He snapped back, incensed enough to repeat it despite how much it didn’t seem to matter. However as the man took a step forward, the human stumbled back.

Grabbing a value pack box of saline solution, he clumsily tried to lob it at the man’s head. Up. Up at the man’s head.

hahaha hard no

This was the second time that this fucking human had tried to hit him, and Noah was guaranteed to make it his last. The cheetah offered a throaty hiss of agreement, tail thrashing back and forth as it pushed for control.

It was fine, the cat urged, he would take care of this. Let's see how well this human faired against claws, see how willing he was to fight against something higher on the food chain.

Pissed as he was, who was Noah to disagree? They were in a store, sure, but everyone knew about Were's now so fuck it, let them see.

Allowing the shift to happen, bones would begin breaking and shifting. Golden fur would tug from beneath his skin, as his face contorted and pulled outwards. The asshole in front of him had about a minute and half to get the fuck out, but even then Noah couldn't guarantee he wasn't going to chase.
There weren’t really words to describe. The huge man’s body broke, sprouting fur. Bones cracked, muffled under flesh and muscle, and those red, red eyes.

All it really inspired was the static of a lizard brain shrieking in pure panic. It had nothing in all its millions of years of genetic memory for this- this particular scenario.

Maybe he was high! He was high and this was a fever nightmare! He yelled in terror all the same.

At the very least, unlike in nightmares, his legs continued to work. Mathus stumbled back a few paces, a flailing hand knocking things from the shelves before he turned to book it down the aisle. Unfortunately, that sent him to the back of the store, away from the main entrance but! A sign flashed employees only to the back of the store and most assuredly, a back alley exit, and in his panic, he did the only thing he could do.

Ignore it completely because one simply didn’t storm into the employees-only part of the store. He ran, instead, into the greeting cards aisle.
The man ran, and the feral part of Noah found himself giddy for it, claws pushing against the tile beneath him. The shift coming to completion just as Noah darted off after him, only he wasn't quite prepared for just how different running on tile could be compared to grass. Paws slipping out beneath him, Noah stumbled to right himself, slamming right into the smaller medicine shelf and sending it right down to the floor.

Still, he would scramble forward despite this, claws uselessly clacking against the ground in a failed attempt to keep himself steady. Another turn to get him down the same aisle as the man, rushing into yet another shelf with a loud bang. Boxes of some sort toppled down on top of him, but Noah ignored it all in favor of just catching the man putting in double the effort to get him across the floor faster.

The effort worked well enough, for as the man turned to make his way down yet another aisle, Noah would jerk himself into a tight turn and just jump. Body still flying in the opposite direction, the intent was to sideswipe him and drag him right onto the ground beneath him.


It could’ve been a cheetah, he noted distantly through his terror. It was definitely cheetah-shaped, but oh my God, it was huge. The monster swept through the store after him, and Mathus could track its process by the sheer destruction it left behind it. Wasn’t this a dream? It was all too real for a dream!!

As it crashed into view, he uttered a hoarse yell, brain barely able to process anything in the seconds before it leapt. The next was just! Agony!

Huge claws scored right across the meat of his shoulders, the back of his neck, and he hit the ground with a meaty thud. Dragged by the monster’s inertia, he ended up rolling into it and being the quick thinker he was, lashed out a leg to bring down a display of soft pillowy loofas right on top of them.
The cat flew with the power of his jump, his ass slamming hard into the end of the aisle shelf as his back legs splattered out beneath him. Mildly embarrassed by this display, the cat would respond by taking his anger out on the human, a curdled hiss sounding as he flashed his fangs down at the writhing human.

In the same moment, colorful loofas would descend upon him, a bright pink one slapping him right in the nose as his head drew back in surprise. It didn't hurt, and the efforts of the human were amusing, but Noah wouldn't allow it to change his decision on turning this stupid human into a plaything. Paw jerking forward with another hiss, Noah made an attempt to slam the human further down the aisle.

Human sized bottle cap that he needed further away so that he could pounce upon it again.

He miss tho

This would compose every single nightmare for the rest of his life. Dripping jaws, red eyes, his imagination filling in what he couldn’t comprehend with something far worse than reality.

He was too breathless to scream, but at least understood that if that monstrous paw smacked him across the floor, he’d be cat food.

He rolled out of the way, slamming his hip against an end cap and then stumbled to his feet. At least now he could see the exit? He booked it for the street.

attempted FLEEING

The human ran, and the cat would chase for a step or two, but a loofa would send him spiraling back down and knocking some of that sense back into him. There was no point in chasing him further, he'd made his point and there had been plenty enough witnesses to see a cheetah clambering about the inside of the store. No need to draw any more attention by dragging this out to the street where even more eyes and phone cameras could spot him.

A final hiss thrown at the fleeing man, Noah would turn and dash through the Employee's Only door, and slam through the emergency exit from there. He didn't care if people knew what he was, but he at least wasn't going to sit around waiting for them to question him about it either.
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