The Seanchaí Collection Cat Clutches


Devin wasn't really sure what she had been expecting from a place called The Seanchai Collection, but it definitely hadn't struck her as some sort of historical museum. If it had been Devin's choice, she would have chosen something a bit more poppin, but that was just because she felt the nagging need to keep her voice quiet in places like this. As if raising her voice above a whisper would have some older lady flying around the nearest corner with a finger to her lips.

It made her uncomfortable, and her hands would quickly find themselves in her pockets as she slowly roamed further into the building. It would be the power signature of another vampire that had Devin turned, brows raising a fraction as a friendly smile pulled at her lips.

"Hey, you Catrina?"


There was that sense of someone unfamiliar flitting through the territory that only grew closer and closer as it neared the agreed upon time to meet the rogue Asha had looped her to. Recognizing the presence for what it was with a glance to the clock and noting that the direction didn’t change, Catrina made to finish what she was doing.

When it felt that they were here, she began to make her way towards the front with a pep in her step, highly curious about this stranger. It wouldn’t be long at all until Catrina would notice the vampire just as she did her and a smile of her own bloomed. ”Aye, and you must be Devin. It’s lovely to meet you.” A hand was given out to take for a firm shake if wanted, as she added more to the greetings with the motion. ”Why don’t we find a more private room to talk?”
This was Devin's first time meeting a Domina and the power vibe she was currently getting from her was pretty fucking. Higher than Kaida's which was something she'd expected, but maybe not to this degree. She would never admit it, but it was a bit intimidating at first, her smile tightening a fraction as she took the other woman's hand into her own.

"Likewise." She nodded, "yeah, sure, just lead the way." She didn't really know this place so she was fully placing herself into this new vampires hands.
Letting the hand go, she assessed the new vampire as Devin spoke, the manner that they began to walk, even the way that smile seemed to move as Catrina began to lead them. There was always her office, but maybe it’d be best on a side room that could be closed.

Down the more or less emptied halls they’d go and she’d prompt for conversation. ”So, are you new to Ridgefield?”
Devin would follow easily behind, her gaze roving the halls as her hands found their way into her pockets.

She wasn't really sure what people did at these sorts of meetings, not sure how she was supposed to act when all the other meetings she had ever been in were just people trying to show off just how big their dicks were. It didn't really seem that was sort of shit that went on here though. The atmosphere was a bit too mature for that.

"Yeah, just got the windows fixed in my apartment." She nodded, "only my second time in the city though."
As they walked, it was hard not to look over and see the glances Devin was making towards the halls’ contents. Curiosity was a notable trait, smart for a stranger to a territory as well. She was new enough that windows had just been made to her comfort level and this was only her second time downtown. So she was bound to stay and perhaps had little knowledge in regards to the inhabitants of territories here.

”Was your first when you met Asha,” she asked as they reached a particular door to a study room. Opening it, she’d turn on the light and keep the door open with a wave for the woman to make her way in where chairs and couch stood ready with a backdrop of a shelf of oddities and manuscripts, the window at the end giving a portrait to the fall night allowing streetlights to bathe the room in additional warm glows.
Devin's eyes would widen a fraction as the study was revealed, brows raising as she inspected the ancient-looking knickknacks that lined the shelves. She understood none of it, and probably never would because this sort of shit just wasn't her speed. History, books, learning, just none of it really worked for her, but that wasn't really a requirement for joining up with a group was it?

She sure as hell hoped not, otherwise it was probably best she start making her leave now.

Placing herself onto the couch, Devin's arms would find their way to the back, resting atop the ledge. "Yeah, I had actually been told that you ruled over them so that was a bit awkward, but Asha was cool."
Following inside, she closed the door behind them with a soft click before making her way to the corresponding chair by the couch Devin made herself comfortable on. The ease of that movement had her wondering if that was just how the girl held herself or was it a forced move to steady nerves? There was time to find out.

Hearing that this vampire had thought she ruled over Asha’s jaguar group had her aghast with a smile thoroughly winding itself into a more content amusement with a slight tilt to her head. Wherever, had that been heard? Settling, she regarded the vampire, pleased to hear that in the end Devin found Asha to her liking. ”I’m glad to hear any offense was brushed off, though I must admit that’s the first I’m hearing of that rumor.”
Devin was pretty happy for it too, although more so because she didn't want to go around making enemies with people simply because she had been misinformed. Everything was cleared up now, and even Kaida was up to speed how things were really run in Ridgefield... Or as much up to speed as Devin was.

"Yeah, I guess a friend of mine just misunderstood a situation." Devin waved, "but she's all caught up now as well." She kind of wanted to ask about the whole killing situation that Kaida had mentioned, get an idea of how this Domina felt about it but didn't want to risk putting Kaida in some sort of trouble with it.
A friend of hers had spread it then, though did little to shed light on where to follow that line of gossip towards its source. Patience, of course, would bear fruit in time, if at all, but it was hard not to wonder if it was the alliance itself that had warped into that understanding of thinking or something else entirely.

”Thank you for doing so,” she smiled genuinely. To rectify a rumor of her own volition showed maturity and understanding that it did much better for safety to let others know as well, it was a smart move. ”This alliance is the first of its kind and I hope the start of many more in the future for us, we’re stronger for it I believe.” They were cousins in the family tree magic had built them all into, weaving together her limbs, but all of a similar pool from what she could understand. It was better to make friends than enemies in the end and multiple viewpoints helped insure security for years to come.

”But, I’m sure you have many questions outside of just this as well,” she left open, allowing the vampire before her to direct the conversation for now.
A shrug would be given for the thanks, head giving a shake, it wasn't necessary especially when she hadn't cleared up the misunderstanding for Catrina, but for herself instead. It was better off for her if the single vampire that she had created a friendship with thus far understood the whole situation, especially when that friend was as short-tempered as Kaida. Better to nip the misunderstanding in the bud and prevent any future issues before they could happen.

"You have another group in mind then?" She'd question, the remark of 'many more in the future' instantly catching her attention.

This would do well for the first of the many questions she had.
It seemed they’d remain on the alliance portion of the night for a bit longer. Catrina leaned back, though not at all inattentive for she was too involved in the conversation to do so. ”I do,” she informed, the first thought being towards the raccoons, but then past that too. ”There are a variety of them around the area that might be open to the idea, we just need to warm up to each other.”
Just how many varieties of Were were there though? One, five, or like something for each species of animal in the world? Devin's knowledge of Weres was fairly thin, and what she knew about them had often been passed down from vampires who had little care for them. It was a bit different for her to be dealing with someone that thought of them as something to befriend rather than avoid at all costs.

"I see, that's pretty cool but I've had people tell me that the Were's can be a bit hostile to our kind." The arms would fall from the back of the couch, elbows coming to rest atop her knees. "You aren't worried about them pulling something on you?"
That was a fair assessment and one she’d run across too, even practiced herself. Caution was smart, but if you could think in addition to that and develop that into trust, then what more could be achieved?

”Of course I am, but I’d also feel the same if we were allied with another vampire group.” In the end, any grouping of individuals had the power to follow an agreed upon path or cross it. ”In Ridgefield, we’re mutually helping each other, keeping the peace and unwanted company out, building trust. If something were to be tried, I’m not against tilting the scales as I’m sure Asha isn’t against either. That said, I don’t think either of us want to add to the seeming tumultuous history between our kinds and I can't help, but hope there might be other similar minded shifters that want the same.”
True true, but at least vampires were mostly restricted to the same time periods. There was less a reason to fear a vampire group attacking when everyone was in deadsleep as it were for a Were who could move freely throughout the day.

Catrina's reasoning made sense though, and in the same breath of needing to fear them for their lack of restrictions, they could be just as useful for them as well. A sort of guard for the day crowd while the vampires handled the night. A good system to set up, and it seemed that Catrina was more than confident in the fact that Asha wouldn't go around trying to start shit with any of them.

"I haven't met enough of them to deny any of this." She shrugged, "don't really see how it could be wrong though." They were animals, but not so much so that they couldn't think for themselves... Maybe.

"It's a bit different, but it seems to be working out for you so far."
Devin had little experience with them, giving light to her point earlier as well. There was more weight held to other’s opinions than her own at the moment. What was important though, was that she seemed opened to this turn of the coin.

”It has been,” Catrina agreed to both points, assured for now that that was a fact that if carefully kept would benefit everyone that was a part of it.

”Now that you know about our relations, I hope I haven’t run you off on your initial interest about the clutch.”
It was new, and definitely not something she had ever really heard of before, but she wouldn't really say that it was enough to have her totally turned off from the group. It had been cool to think of them working together when she'd thought that the vampires were ruling over them. There was no reason for her to think it lame now that she knew they were working together, in fact, it was probably safer this way.

It was just a little less badass, but she supposed she could live with that.

"Nah, not running me off." She grinned toothly, "I think it's just making me more interested."

A pause as she considered another question, "so how many you have with you?"
There was a pleased tilt to her lips at the admittance. She didn’t imagine every vampire would agree to their views on wulvers here, but it was refreshing to talk to one so open to it all, not bidding her due after settling initial curiosity. Instead, she wanted to seriously know more about the clutch.

”Six, if you count me. They’re all at different points of their life and strength.”
Six didn't sound like a lot at first, but when Devin thought about it, vampires weren't like the most common thing in the world. Devin had only come across a couple since her coming to Ridgefield, and so six was already starting to sound like a lot.

"That's a good amount." She mused, "everyone decently chill?"
It was gratifying to hear she thought so and considering they were just at the start, Catrina was quite happy with the amount herself as well. Considering their richness of personality, she had nothing to complain about.

The lax diction slowly becoming associated with the vampire before her arrived in a humorous way, using ‘chill’ in regards to her vampires which in fact did make a good label for them all. ”Yes, very. They’re easy to get along with and like to spend time together even outside of group functions.”
ItIt was good to hear that everyone didn't have a stick up their asses, Devin had experience with way too many vampires that liked to take themselves way too seriously. Just being old didn't mean that you had to pretend that you were this all-knowing being, or that you were a million leagues above the average human. It was that haughty attitude that had so many of them becoming loners like the guy that had mentored her.

Fucking square.

"Sweet, I can't fucking stand debbie downers." She chuckled to herself, "I'll be honest, I ain't really sure what else to ask in these sortsa situations. Anything that makes your group special outside the whole Were thing?"
Straight to the point in exactly what Devin didn’t like in someone and the blunt honesty caught Catrina off guard enough enough so she let out a small laugh. You couldn’t fault someone for simply speaking their mind and the colorful language was a bonus.

The vampire wasn’t sure of what else to ask, but Catrina waited to see where the train in thought left before plunging in. It was really, very easy. ”Well, Rhiannon is fairly new so you’ll be able to put your own stake into things and help mold this clutch if you would like. We’re also geared towards knowledge which shouldn’t come as a shocker,” she smiled amusingly, a hand waving around them at the very building they found themselves in. ”The center goal of that being to get a better understanding of magic of all kinds and find new ways of applying our own abilities by ourselves and together.”
Devin definitely preferred the idea of joining a newer clutch rather than something that was already well established. She didn't know what it was, but joining something that had been around for years kinda felt intrusive and it was a lot harder to move up in a place where you were the newer guy by a considerable amount of time.

The concern here was the whole goal thing.

"So if I'm not so keen on the studying and knowledge bit, would this not be the place for me?"
She gave a smile, hands folding on her lap. It was the goal of the clutch, perhaps her own personal preference looped in, but Catrina sincerely didn’t hold every member to that inclination. ”This still could be if you’d like, you don’t need to pursue either of those if you don't want to. Just know you have the resources available if you’d like.”
"Sweet." Devin's grin would return, nose scrunching some as she continued. "Reading gives me a killer headache." A joke! But also kinda sorta not a joke, reading was a huge bummer okay.

"So reading, studying, and Weres." A finger lifting for each subject, "come on there has to be something more interesting than that." Come on you could trust her, she wouldn't go blabbing about the bodies in the basement, she swore!
The joke had her laughing lightly, just glad that it was still seemed favorable. Perhaps, call her old fashioned, sincerely, but knowledge was power and soon enough the vampire in front of her would come to understand that be it in a few months or many, many years.

A prod for some interesting pique had Catrina pausing with a slight tilt of her head. Devin was looking for something else entirely than the track that she had been set on. What would a vampire like herself want to hear? Well, gossip was certainly there, but she needed to be sure this vampire was joining before hearing it outright. Highlighting a different clutch seemed counterproductive at this exact moment. ”Do you count nights out downtown Ridgefield where we have some fun with our powers and feeding or parties as interesting? Or how about magic duel competitions?” A brow lifted at that teasingly, yet seriously wondering.
Sorry did she count what?

"Holy shit dude, magic duels?" Her body burst forward from the back of the couch, elbows coming to rest atop her knees as her body leaned closer to Catrina's in interest. "What the hell is that? It sounds so fucking rad." Devin seriously needed to get in touch with her explosion shit, especially after seeing how flawlessly Kaida could control her levitation.

She wanted to break more than just your typical glass, thanks.
That one had a full smile blooming on her face, teeth and all. The line cast had gotten a bite with more excitement than she could’ve bargained for. Oh, they were definitely moving this event up soon now that things had settled for the clutch. ”Oh, it definitely is.”

Eyes danced as she launched into explanation. ”Your powers are your primary source of combat in them as you face off against another member. The first person to yield loses. Its a test of one’s creativity and quick thinking and sometimes a leader board can be in play for a prize or simply bragging rights.” It was as much fun as it was preparing everyone for an actual real life altercation which sincerely could be left unsaid for all it was implied.
Devin could get behind something like that, and given her power was hella good for combat, she felt she had a pretty good chance of winning something like that. Sure, she was better at dealing with lighter shit, but if she needed to, she was sure she could blow up some denser shit as well.

"And what sort of powers would you bring to the table?" She hummed, a blatant attempt for information.
A hummed soft laugh escaped at such a direct question. Theoretically, two, but she only knew of her one, the other still in hiding it would seem. ”You’ll just have to attend and see for yourself I’m afraid,” she teased, eyes sparkling with a hint of gold flecked mirth. It would be fun to show off, but she hardly knew Devin’s own power and what was the fun in revealing the man behind the curtain before there was an additional vampire within the clutch?
"Oh?" Devin hummed, leaning back into her sweet as her own eyes twinkled with mischievousness.

"And is this your way of inviting me to come? Or do I have to just crash in?"
Well, well, she certainly did like her attitude. ”How about an invitation to crash in? All it takes is one, small smidge of a requirement.” Her right hand’s forefinger and thumb pressed together at this. ”You need to be a member.” Catrina was all but ready to weave this woman into the clutch’s fold if that’s what was decided and so out went the question. ”What do you say?”
Devin couldn't resist an astounded 'keh' as her eyes moved back towards the ceiling, head shaking some.

"I don't know if that requirement is a small as you like to think." She corrected with a chuckle, "groups are a pretty big deal if I recall correctly." She would let that linger for only a moment before quickly continuing with a firm "but-" her body leaning forward once more.

"I can't say I'm uninterested, just have one last question for you." She'd been avoiding the topic for a minute, but if this was legit, she needed to know. "You know this group called Eventide?"
She couldn’t resist, Devin had to understand there. A playful shrug of her shoulders through an exhale was given. What could you do? Groups were a big deal for certain and she wasn’t in the business in forcing the matter, but pushes in the right direction, especially for souls that she liked, was perfectly fine in her opinion.

One last question and Catrina waited, though pursed her lips with a slight laugh escaping all the same. ”Oh yes, I do. The clutch down in Alder Heights,” she nodded, allowing for Devin to continue with the question.
It was hard to pick up on feelings towards the group with the answer she got in return, felt a bit calculated but it made sense. If Catrina really wanted her to join the group, it would only make sense to pick up on her feelings towards possible allies or even enemies. Figure out if the relationship was even going to work out, or pick up on some details that she hadn't known before.

Either way, Devin didn't really care for the reasoning, just as long as Catrina didn't start trying to lie to her.

"Yeah that's them." She nodded, "they the time to throw out death threats often?"
Her expression shifted to one that was heavy and sharp as a smile strayed far from warmth. Death threats to even a rogue such as Devin had been potentially made. Truly, how unwelcoming of them and just another blot in a pattern Catrina didn’t exactly like. It did make her curious as to what had exactly caused it though.

”It seems to be a bad habit of theirs and one that’s made our relationship with them quite frosty.”
Good news, but also bad, because this meant that Kaida's mother dearest hadn't been fucking around when she'd said that Kaida's life had been put in danger.

What a group of fucking bitches, seriously.

"They ever actually follow through with them?'
She exhaled, hands coming out before back to her lap. Of the threats given, Catrina had never exactly witnessed the hellfire descend upon herself, but there were enough subtle hints to not ever chance it if it could be helped.

”I’m not in the habit of finding out, but there’s good reason to think they do. A dominus’ ire isn’t something to test lightly and Beauregard is no different.”
Beauregard must be the name of the Dominus then, she would keep it in mind, but honestly, she didn't really know what else to do with it. She could probably tell Kaida about it, but she was pettily waiting until her friend messaged her first, because the bitch had gone and ditched her at the party.

"Thanks for the honesty." She sighed after a moment, "I'll have to keep it in mind, but I do like to hear you aren't associated with that shit. They sound like a bunch of assholes."
Her lips quirked up to a smile at the thanks, never dreaming of being dishonest in the reply there.

A heavy sigh weary with whatever situation Devin had found herself in, but Catrina wouldn’t pry for such information when sooner or later it might come up anyways.

Still, a slight giggle escaped her at the summation of the other clutch’s character, holding in a snort that threatened to join. No, that would be too unladylike to let loose at the moment. ”They’re certainly not winning many awards.”
The giggle would have a smile pulling at the corners of Devin's mouth once more, as she shoveled all the worry she held for Kaida into a corner. It wouldn't do either of them any good to stress about it right now, and it wasn't like moping about it would accomplish anything either.

"So, just to clarify." She called, gaze raising from her hands back to Catrina. "You don't follow these same methods, right? It's crucial I know before agreeing to join ya."
What a hard line to draw, something best to be approached carefully. The truth of the matter was, even death had its place, but it wasn’t a tool to be waved around like a child.

She met the gaze steadily regardless if Devin would hold it. ”In the way they handle it, no.” But, there was always a clause wasn’t there? ”I won’t lie to you and say that it's something that might not ever happen especially if it's the only way I can protect my clutch, but death and the threats that lead to it are an absolute last resort. I don’t like having blood on my hands, especially a vampire’s. It’s better for all of us if our numbers don’t dwindle because of not seeing eye to eye.” That was for humans to do.
There was a bit of apprehension that came with Catrina's incoming explanation, worry that she was going to twist things around and say that she agreed with the method and just didn't appreciate the execution. Threatening people meaninglessly wasn't something that Devin couldn't really get behind, for while she wasn't particularly worried about the lives of others, she also wasn't looking to fall back into her habits of the past either.

She'd ignored the meaningless deaths that had come from members of the gang, didn't let it bother her, and just kept to her own shit and as a result, it had killed her mother. She wasn't looking to make the same mistake twice, but that also didn't mean that she was going to let others walk all over her either.

It seemed that the same held true for Catrina, if she was picking up on everything right. Death was a last resort so if playing nice, warning, or even beating the shit out of them didn't work then obviously the next step up would be killing. She could deal with this and even support it because already it was more of a courtesy than Kaida was getting from this Beauregard prick. "I think-" she began, purposefully holding out as she returned Catrina's gaze, "you might have just gotten yourself a new member then."
It seemed they could agree on that. A smile wondrously grew at Devin’s comment, a thrill of joy coursing through at having achieved another member. ”I’m beyond delighted to hear we’ll be having you. Welcome to Rhiannon Court, Devin.” And just like that the feeling of magic winding around the very kind that made Devin herself was woven within the fold and an awareness opened up for the vampire in front of her. As for her own, it was one of those moments where control always seemed to slightly slip, a bouquet made of summer’s flowers lightly perfuming the room for a few seconds, fading slowly out.

”I can go over the few rules we have and then show you to the clutch’s side of the Collection if that sounds, alright?”
How would Kaida feel about her joining up with a group?

She'd probably have a few snide thoughts, but hopefully, it wouldn't be anything that broke their friendship completely. She'd seemed pretty impressed by the fact that Catrina had been working with shifters before, maybe that would cause her to be a bit more chill with the whole thing. Hell, maybe she'd want to join herself, although Devin was pretty sure there was a fat chance in hell of that actually happening.

In the end, it was Devin's decision, and if joining up with a Clutch was enough to destroy their friendship then it clearly hadn't been worth anything in the beginning.

"Glad to be apart." She grinned, already starting to feel some strange sensation come over her.

Wasn't quite a fan of it at the moment, but she was sure it was something she'd get used to eventually.

"Lay em on me."
Perfect. The few were easy enough, self explanatory at best.

”Perfect,” And off she’d go. ”We’ve lightly touched on much of this, but firstly, killing is not allowed unless there is no other choice. The safety of yourself and the clutch, as well as secrecy when it comes to vampire information, is very important so you will wipe minds as much as possible and clean up after yourself. If you need help doing any of this, I need you to reach out. Psychics are a tricky bunch when it comes to the above, be careful with them.”

A beat and she would continue to a slightly different area of discussion.

”On the matter of shifters, I expect everyone to find common ground as best you can. When it comes to vampire rogues, they are allowed within the territory and should find time to talk to me. Eventide vampires, however, are not allowed here and know this. As a member of this clutch, you are not allowed in Alder Heights either. Contact me immediately if you run across one in Ridgefield and if you choose to run them off in the meantime, be smart.”
Oh gosh, that first rule was gonna be a bit harder for Devin, mainly because if the suggestion didn't succeed her next route of action was typically just being honest about the whole thing. It had worked out well enough for her in the past, but she supposed she could try and do a better job of suggesting in the future... Surely her past transgressions didn't count here!

The next one was a bit easier for her to agree to because she had already met Asha before this and there hadn't been any issue there. As long as the shifters were cool with her, she'd be cool with them. If they wanted to start shit, however, Devin was more than happy to finish it for them, and that went for the Eventide bastards as well. She had no interest in heading out onto their turf, so it was best that they show the same courtesy and kindly fuck off.

"I'm always smart." She assured with a wink. "Think I handle all that, just got a request of my own in return."
The wink and comment had her letting out a laugh of a breath, delighted that it all seemed agreeable.

A want for a request in return had her curious and she leaned slightly forward in interest. Whatever could the vampire want from her? ”Of course, what is it,” Catrina inquired.
"It's real simple, promise." She prefaced, a single hand coming up as a guarantee.

"If I happen to slip up on a rule, or you hear some shit about me I just ask that you come straight to me about. No bullshit, and no coming to conclusions on your own without hearing my side, ya know?"

It had been a pretty common thing growing up, and she wasn't about to start ruining relationships with it now either. "You don't seem the type, but I'd rather be sure."
Simple didn’t always mean simple, but she’d allow Devin to continue nonetheless. What it all ended up being was entirely that though, not hard at all. And look it, a small bit of praise sandwiched between it all.

”I think that’s a very reasonable request and one I do in fact try my best to uphold. You have my word,” she agreed, sincerely meaning it.
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