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Subject recommendation: Passing Strange: a lively modern supernatural RPG!

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[url=]Getting Started[/url] • [url=]Adoptables[/url] • [url=]Handbook[/url][/align]
[url=]Passing Strange[/url] is a 3-3-3 modern supernatural RP set in the fictional Ridgefield County, Colorado. Among a healthy population of humans lurk psychics, weres, and vampires, each with unique (and sometimes troublesome) powers. Our cast of characters is diverse, and our writers embrace both the darker consequences of supernatural life and the lighter moments of humanity.

If you're looking for an immediately welcoming writing community with no word count, a straightforward rule-set, and an organic play style, we encourage you to come meet our strangers!

Some of our perks include:

[list][*]Were-creatures, vampires, psychics, and humans (oh my!) with easy to understand lore/mechanics
[*]An active forum and ravenously welcoming Discord
[*]An easy to navigate and 100% mobile friendly layout (with light and dark skins!)
[*]A straightforward, fun, and optional character leveling system
[*]A very simple application process (just fill out your character profile!)[/list]
[align=center]We'd love to meet you! Check out [url=][/url] to learn more and join today![/align]

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<p style="text-align:center"><a href=""><img src=""></a></p>

<p style="text-align:center"><a href="">Getting Started</a> • <a href="">Adoptables</a> • <a href="">Handbook</a></p>

<a href="">Passing Strange</a> is a 3-3-3 modern supernatural RP set in the fictional Ridgefield County, Colorado. Among a healthy population of humans lurk psychics, weres, and vampires, each with unique (and sometimes troublesome) powers. Our cast of characters is diverse, and our writers embrace both the darker consequences of supernatural life and the lighter moments of humanity.

If you're looking for an immediately welcoming writing community with no word count, a straightforward rule-set, and an organic play style, we encourage you to come meet our strangers!

Some of our perks include:

<ul><li>Were-creatures, vampires, psychics, and humans (oh my!) with easy to understand lore/mechanics</li>
<li>An active forum and ravenously welcoming Discord</li>
<li>An easy to navigate and 100% mobile friendly layout (with light and dark skins!)</li>
<li>A straightforward, fun. and optional character leveling system</li>
<li>A very simple application process (just fill out your character profile!)</li></ul>

<p style="text-align:center">We'd love to meet you! Check out <a href=""></a> to learn more and join today.</p>


Passing Strange is a 3-3-3 modern supernatural RP set in the fictional Ridgefield County, Colorado. Among a healthy population of humans lurk psychics, weres, and vampires, each with unique (and sometimes troublesome) powers. Our cast of characters is diverse, and our writers embrace both the darker consequences of supernatural life and the lighter moments of humanity.

If you're looking for an immediately welcoming writing community with no word count, a straightforward rule-set, and an organic play style, we encourage you to come meet our strangers!

Some of our perks include:

  • Were-creatures, vampires, psychics, and humans (oh my!) with easy to understand lore/mechanics
  • An active forum and ravenously welcoming Discord
  • An easy to navigate and 100% mobile friendly layout (with light and dark skins!)
  • A straightforward and fun character leveling system
  • A very simple application process (just fill out your character profile!)

We'd love to meet you! Check out to learn more and join today!
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