Alameda trash puppy
Full tummy and kind of stressed, she was ready to take a nap. But she didn't want an audience and also definitely wanted to find somewhere a little more secluded.

The coyote was aware of the big cat following her and tried to pick up the pace towards a fallen tree being supported by another tree. She ducked under the small gap into a tangle of brush and viney roots. Dropping into a crouch, she watched for the cat.
Not really in any rush, he followed along at a distance, feeling her moving just a bit faster even if it wasn’t seen. That was fine. If he really wanted to bully her there really wouldn’t be anywhere to hide. They could throw their weight around though, right? They’d already done that, so no.

Grumbling, he swiveled his head around, theoretically on top of her, but not in sight. Whelp.
She seemed to have evaded him for now. Hopefully indefinitely. The coyote pulled her front legs under her and hunched her shoulders forward a little. Her eyes fluttered shut. Fed, safe, sleepy. She'd seen a lot. Very exciting. And she'd handled it with ease, if she could say so herself.

The gangly goblin creature huffed and fell asleep.
Breathing out a big cat breath, he moved off to his own corner of the area, back up against a tree that hid his form well enough. She was staying still and eventually time moved more than the coyote. Sleep, maybe? Good.

Big paw licked, he tried to clean at the wound, the bite tingling painfully while assessing where they were. It wasn’t super far from where his clothes were… his car. Or would it be safer to just take them back home and figure it out from there, hope that he could run fast enough?

Human thoughts were tiring.

Blinking long, eventually, the cat would fall to its own slumber, but Frank would be up long before the coyote.

When he did, the night air greeted him. It was cold. The prowl weren’t close, neither were his clothes. A hand went to his face and he winced, looking at skin coming away with blood, fingers moving against each other to confirm. Ugh, what a souvenir. Sighing, he’d get up and try not to feel awkward about walking around naked at an extended length. Somethings you just couldn’t avoid. Sometimes you had to follow an innate feeling of stranger to hunt around brush and logs and bushes to figure out where a coyote had holed itself up, where a girl might be. It was weird, but it was were life.

Lmk if you’re okay with me time melding next post <3

It would be painful on the way out, too. But that was for the coyote. Rude.

The lanky coyote body stretched and morphed yuckily back into a human-shape. Pale and, well, in worse shape than when she'd left the world. Part of her ear was torn, which looked kind of cool when you were canid and absolutely awful when you were human. And, gross either way, a gnarly near-hole in her cheek.

But, the woman slept.

time meld away!

Fumbling around, eventually he found her. It was a hell of a lot easier when there wasn’t fur blending into the area. Grabbing her arms, Frank would drag her out, wincing at the signs of injury. It would have to wait.

Being as careful as possible, he’d lift her and make the way to his things, his car, grateful for the additional up in strength. Keys found, she was placed in the back with a blanket over her before he quickly threw on some clothes from the trunk. When all was said and done, they were soon on the road.

The most awkward part of it all was doing his best to get an unconscious girl through his door once at the house without any early rising neighbors seeing. Coast gratefully cleared, he’d set her up in the guest room. Despite very much wanting to get back to sleep himself, Frank took the time to clean and bandage the bite he’d given her on the ear with guilt eating him up, before doing much the same with the cheek, even putting in a necessary stitch to help it out.

With sweats and an oversized shirt at the foot of the bed for her, a note saying he’d found her passed out and to come out when ready :-) on top, he’d let her be.

Not sure when she’d wake, Frank would piddle around to take a shower before setting up on the couch.

Morning. I’ve got someone you might want to meet at my house today when you’re bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Eli, having inevitably dealt with his own coyote shenanigans during the night, was nonetheless up. Trying to finish of a carafe of coffee all on his own, but awake.

What kind of someone?
A text came back sooner than he thought.

New coyote
Surprise! This seemed impossible. Had he accidentally prayed at some point and God had decided to exist and forgive him?

A rogue?

Obviously, Eli. Obviously. Forgive him, he was still working on being fully cognizant.
Pretty sure. She shifted in Alameda best as I can tell. I felt her right before I left and went to round her up.
Well, I guess in that case I'll be over. When do you think she'll be up?

Another coyote!
He did the mental math with some guesstimation thrown in.

You probably have an hour or two.
Want me to bring like 45 egg mcmuffins?

Eli offered this because it was exactly how much he currently believed he could eat by himself, but bringing it to share with a friend and an inevitably confused puppy would probably work out. Spare Frank from playing host too hard after he'd played dog catcher instead.
You heard my prayers
A lovely response.

I'll be there in like fifty minutes.

There were a lot of questions still. Like... where'd she come from? Had Kai decided it was still open season and wanted a puppy after all? Or...

Well, no reason to dwell. A coyote was a coyote, and what a treat it was.
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