Today had been near impossible to get through in both an anxious and exciting sort of way. She had a date with someone who’d clicked with her and even followed up! That was huge and different. And with everything else happening in her life, it was a nice breath of fresh air, something to focus on other than what she was trying to muddle herself out of. It was fun! Or at least it should be.
She’d let Dakila know Jay would be showing up so it wasn’t a surprise for anyone when he did just in case. That turned out to be for the best considering there were knocks at the door instead of a text.
Moving to open it, she’d offer a wide smile, wolf wiggling forward to get a better look at the cat as the familiar undertone of jaguar spread into the space. He was dressed a lot more casual than when they’d first met, nice and welcoming in the best way.
”You made it!” It was said cheerfully, door wide.
”It’s great to see you again.”