Starling Hills The fall guy date

Friday evening

Jay was nervous. Excited but nervous. He drove into Starling Hills, making it by 6:00PM on the dot, even with rush hour traffic coming from Alameda. He was thoroughly looking forward to his second date with Natalie. It felt a little more real this time. Not that their first date hadn’t been great, it was just a blind date! He hadn’t known what to expect and now he had a little more idea of where they were both coming from.

He pulled up outside the house and got out to meet her at the front door. It felt like the gentlemanly thing to do rather than text her from his spot in the car.

Knocking softly at the door, Jay stood back to give her and the wolf space, also figuring the jaguar might need to get used to the smell again. No offence, Natalie.


Today had been near impossible to get through in both an anxious and exciting sort of way. She had a date with someone who’d clicked with her and even followed up! That was huge and different. And with everything else happening in her life, it was a nice breath of fresh air, something to focus on other than what she was trying to muddle herself out of. It was fun! Or at least it should be.

She’d let Dakila know Jay would be showing up so it wasn’t a surprise for anyone when he did just in case. That turned out to be for the best considering there were knocks at the door instead of a text.

Moving to open it, she’d offer a wide smile, wolf wiggling forward to get a better look at the cat as the familiar undertone of jaguar spread into the space. He was dressed a lot more casual than when they’d first met, nice and welcoming in the best way. ”You made it!” It was said cheerfully, door wide. ”It’s great to see you again.”
The door opened to reveal Natalie and her wolf, which wasn't something he could really get a good look at without touch but that was fine. He grinned back at her happily and nodded enthusiastically. It was good to see her too, especially after so long. She looked amazing, as well.

Jay laughed a bit.

"I did! It's great to see you, too," He began, feeling a bit like he was already going to bumble his way through the first few interactions until they got comfortable. Or he got comfortable.

"Is a hug okay?"

Felt better to ask first than make any assumptions there.
She shifted at her spot in the entry, not sure really what to do here and oh, thankfully he asked for them both. A hug felt like the right thing to do, but everyone had their own boundaries and you never knew, but still.

”Of course, I was wondering, too,” she agreed with a laugh of her own. Stepping up and into Jay, Natalie was reminded how tall he was as she wrapped arms around him to give a warm hello hug. With that, flashes of spots could be seen more easily and the wolf sniffed along the edges as if the wall might come down that obscured their view.
Natalie agreed, and that was all Jay needed to feel okay enough to wrap his arms around her in a brief but comforting hug. He saw flashes of the canine she housed. Brown, grey and black fur. Green eyes. He stepped back after a moment and grinned, the jaguar curious but unable to interact with this other creature in this form. Too bad, mate.

"Shall we?" He asked with a nod toward the car but waited in case she had anything else she needed to grab from inside before they left.
It was difficult to not creep. Natalie was a matter of special interest to him, of course, and he could not escape the awareness of her date on his doorstep. He liked to think it was more wolf brain than nosy detective brain that had him lurking around in the living room, but...

Well, jury was out. Regardless, Dakila had given them a moment but then decided to call himself out.

"Sorry, don't mind me." While he was very obviously present in this moment, interloping when he knew they had a clear escape window. "Jay, right?"

Not that he was Natalie's dad, and not that he was at all worried about this situation. Or the type to posture even if he was. But it was nice to know people who... might become important to his Second? You just never knew. And he so did like to be informed.

cameo fit, cause why not

Stepping away, she returned the smile and was just about to agree and follow him out the door when the sudden approach from Dakila had her slightly startled despite the wolf cluing in. He’d been close by, so Natalie should’ve expected, but still.

Turning towards Dakila, she stepped to the side, giving the two enough room to introduce themselves. Seeing how Dakila hadn’t said his name, Natalie waited till Jay answered the question before maybe hopefully filling in the missing piece there, or maybe her friend would do it after.
Jay was not ignorant of the larger presence in the room, even before he appeared to greet him. This was Dakila? Had to be, but he felt like... well, he felt like Frank honestly. Except not. A wolfy version of Frank.

It clicked for him and the realization showed clearly on his face as he outstretched a hand in greeting.

"Yes-" He cut himself off from saying sir. He was not meeting Natalie's father. "-that's me. Dakila?" He gave a small glance to Natalie and grinned before looking back at the wolf king of Starling Hills.
Dakila took that hand, glad for it. Jaguars were not at all unfamiliar to him, even if this one was new, and the wolf mere sniffed curiously at the spotted feline, unfussed. They'd done much more than shake hands with a jaguar before. Though that was definitely not a thing to think about right now.

Warm, firm shake, but didn't hold him for longer than it took to get a proper greeting in--between them as men and animals alike.

"That's me. I just wanted to say hi real quick. Won't tell you to take care of her, cause she can take care of herself--and me, at that. But I hope you two have fun."
Natalie worried a tad as understanding seemed to grace Jay’s face, and maybe she was overanalyzing, but it didn’t seem bad especially as the name was placed right. The glance and smile helped assuage the tightening there and she gave a small nod of her own, relaxing again.

They shook hands and Natalie almost felt like lightly interrupting until Dakila changed course in a way that was unexpected and really, honestly nice. She could take care of herself and Natalie certainly did try very hard in helping Dakila and the others even if it didn’t feel like it was enough.

”Oh my gosh,” she breathed with a bit of a laugh. He sounded like her dad just a bit in summary, honestly.
Jay saw flashes of a white wolf, and the jaguar was once again frustrated he couldn't interact. For such a standoffish animal, he did seem to like to connect with other weres. Jay found it all amusing, of course. He let his hand drop and grinned. Dakila was not here to ask for Jay's intentions, which was good for all of them, but especially for Natalie's sake. He glanced at Natalie again then back at Dakila and nodded.

"Thank you. Nice to meet you." Don't say 'sir'. He chuckled at Natalie's laugh, ready to take his leave when she was!
Dakila smiled at Jay, then fairly beamed at Natalie, and he turned away with tapped her on the shoulder with what might have been a wink.

Was it possible he was messing with her? Even a little? Was he capable of these things?

"Don't do anything I wouldn't." And he was disappearing back into the house.

Definitely, definitely messing with her.
Everyone was getting along though which was great and assuaged all worries and it was fine. As it looked like they were about to go their separate ways, Dakila tapped her shoulder, grabbing Natalie’s attention towards him. There was a wink before the drop of the most devastating blow she should’ve seen coming.

She sucked in a breath, cheeks reddening and surprise written fully there before hands came up over her mouth. ”Dakilaaa, you’re awful.”
Jay withheld a chuckle for Natalie's sake as she protested Dakila's teasing. He did throw her a knowing smile and gently nudged her shoulder with his.

"C'mon," He grinned before leading them to the car.

"Dakila seems nice," He added. Okay, one tease. He did seem nice though.
But off he went anyways, leaving Natalie with Jay, positively dying at the teasing, but feeling loved for it all the same.

The light shoulder from her date had Natalie looking up to him with some apology, but only saw amusement, but also understanding in a way that made it easier to shake off the way she was currently dying.

Taking his lead, she’d close the door, making sure it was locked before following towards his car. Jay’s comment though had her letting out a soft laugh. ”Yeah, he’s a good friend.” One of her best, honestly. ”I hope it wasn’t weird meeting him.” Because he was a leader and, oh, uh, also the chief of police now, too. That was a lot.
Jay raised an eyebrow as he led them back to the curb and around one side of the car. He paused to look over at her and smiled.

"Not at all. He seems pretty cool." Jaden had finally met the wolf king and he did seem genuinely pretty great. Had to be, if he was a good friend of Natalie's.

He ducked into the car and waited for her to join him before buckling his seatbelt.

"It's nice to finally put a face to the name." Wasn't he the out werewolf cop guy as well?
He was cool, mini worry crisis averted.

She went to her own door of his red car, letting herself in and being hit with a much more potent jaguar smell considering the small space. It was something to get used to; it wasn’t bad, just different.

Her own seatbelt clicking into place, Natalie nodded. ”I’m glad you like him.”

Trying to take her mind off the fact the car was about to start moving, she pushed out the first question that came to mind.

”So, have you managed to avoid spoilers at all?”

He grinned.

"I watched the trailer which had some spoilers in it, probably," He laughed and started to drive away from the curb.

"Have you?"
The trailer did have spoilers, but that wasn’t what she meant. Natalie shook her head at that, but then gave a smiling guilty expression at the question.

”Kind offff. It’s hard to avoid gif sets, but I scrolled really fast and don’t have any context. So, those don’t count.”

Her hands balled up into fists in her lap as they started moving.
Ahhh, online. No, that made more sense. Jay probably just didn't follow a lot of accounts that offered spoilers for this particular movie. Didn't have Twitter either. So that helped.

"Ahh," He chuckled but his eyes remained calmly on the road and his mirrors.

"Yeah, I'd say those don't count." He grinned sideways at her. "Do you think it's going to be good? I've avoided reviews too, so I don't know what to expect." Maybe he should have read some reviews. Made sure it would be a good movie for a second date. Dang.
See, all good! Speedy gifsets didn’t count.

”I think so,” Natalie answered thoughtfully. ”I haven’t heard anything bad, just that it was fun and the stunts are cool to watch. I know the original used to be a series in the 80’s, but that’s about it.”
Natalie thought so, which was enough for Jaden to relax a bit as he focused back on the road. He slowed down to a stop at a stop sign and waited for someone to cross the street before continuing.

His eyebrows raised.

"There's an original series?" Apparently, he knew less about the movie than he thought!
She smiled over, nodding. ”Including a theme song which I wonder if they’ll use somewhere as a homage or something.” It was something Natalie wouldn’t put past them.
"Have you listened to it already?"

He side-eyed her with a grin then glanced back at the road, turning right at the next intersection.
”Nope, but I bet it's really catchy.” It’d been a theme song after all.

”Or really ridiculous… both, maybe.”
Jay grinned over at her and reached for the cable connected to the car to hold out to her.

"Here. Let's listen to it."

Had to be good either way, right?
She looked towards where he was grabbing a cable before taking it when offered, already guessing where Jay was going with this without needing to be asked. It had a laughing smile show up.

”Oh gosh, okay.”

Taking her phone out of a pocket, she plugged it in, soon scrolling through Youtube to find it. And, well, there it was, not that hard to find at all.

”Here it is.” Tapping on play, the speakers would soon fill with the sound of a guitar.
Jay listened to it and immediately, it felt like they were thrown back in some time capsule of the eighties. He laughed, unable to help it and shook his head.

"Oh no, this is amazing!" Like in a bad kind of way.
It sure was a song that had her feeling directly inside the show it entailed. A few beats and she was grinning, Jay’s laugh soon having her own coming out. It was just so ridiculous.

”It’s going to be stuck in my head forever.” She started swaying to it.
"Definitely!" Jay continued to listen, chuckling as the song continued.

"How long is it?" It felt like it was going on for a while. Not that he minded. It was very funny. Very endearing.
It could be stuck in both their heads then, the curse of a theme song.

At the question, she tapped the screen, the timeline showing up. ”Oh nooo, it’s literally over five minutes. How?”
"Five minutes?!" He exclaimed with a laugh. "That's incredible. How is a theme song five minutes?!" Jaden turned right into the movie theatre parking lot and started looking for a spot to park.

"They've gotta put this in the movie," He decided as he parked.
It was ridiculous and the way Jay reacted had her laughing, feeling it right alongside him. It was a crazy amount of time for a theme song of all things, but there it was, playing between them with the washed out shots of characters following alongside.

”Even better if it’s the same amount of time or longer or maybe a montage.” It had to be in it!
Jay was so excited about it, honestly. The whole night. Not just silly five-minute theme songs from the 80s and action movies but just to spend time with Natalie. Get to know her more. What made her laugh. It felt good.

"Totally!" He grinned as he turned off the car and got out, waiting for her first of course before moving toward the cinema.

"Are you a popcorn lover?" He asked with a grin.
They’d made it! With the car turning off that small part of her was able to relax as she swiped out of Youtube and unplugged the phone. That hadn’t taken long at all and the conversation had super helped even in general too.

Up and out, she was soon joining Jay on the walk across the parking lot.

”Of course, it's one of my favorite things, especially when it’s fresh.” What theater experience was complete without at least a bag hold onto through the previews? ”I’m guessinggg you like it, too? Do you have a favorite topping?”
Good, good. They could get a large popcorn for sure then. Maybe two?

"Yeah, definitely. I think, uh, I’m pretty boring. Just butter for me." He laughed, having never really ventured far into popcorn toppings.

"What’s yours? I’d be happy to try it. Change things up for once."
It was something to note, along with the topping of choice. And maybe… this was maybe thinking too far ahead, but if they did a movie night at home it was something good to know. Something about having Jay join in on the festivities felt right, or at least she hoped that ended up being the case. Think about now!

”Unfortunately, I think you’re the more adventurous person there. I usually don’t put anything on it.” She looked to him with a laugh at herself. ”The wildest I’ve ever gotten is just pouring Reese’s Pieces into the same bowl to save on dishes.”
Jay grinned, finding her answer endearing.

"Maybe we just get a butterless popcorn and some Reese's Pieces then?" A beat. "We'll keep 'em separate though." Jay paid for the tickets already so it was easy to pull them up on his phone to be scanned.
She hadn’t expected that to be honest? It had her shocked enough to look to him just to make sure. He seemed serious enough.

”You sure? I can get my own if you really want.”
Tickets: scanned!

Jaden looked at her and gave a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Maybe we just get a large or something though?" He chuckled.
Scanned in, she walked with him past the entrance and more into the concession area. The smell of fresh popcorn and sweets filling the air.

”That works for sure.” A large was more than enough. Even if the wolf could convince her to eat an entire bucket once in a while, didn’t mean they should especially at the price point.

”It looks like we don’t have a huge line to battle either.”
Great! It felt like things were going really well so far!

"Amazing." Jay grinned, letting her lead the way if she desired.

"What's your favourite movie?"
Popping into the smaller of the lines queuing up for snacks, she didn’t have to think hard about his question. Okay, a bit!

”That’s sooo hard,” she laughed. ”If I had to choose one, James Whale’s Frankenstein. It’s a really good classic adaptation of the novel.”
Frankenstein! For the record, Jaden hadn't seen it.

"That's the, uh, original right?" Correct. "From the 1940s?" Wrong. It was a surprise for a favourite movie but maybe it made sense. Maybe Natalie was big into old horror films?
Oh! ”So close! You’re halfway right, but it’s from the nineteen-thirtees in all its black and white monster film glory.” And she could definitely gush about it, but was that Jay’s thing? ”My dad introduced it to me when I was really little.”
Oh. 1930s. Whoops! Jay chuckled a bit, not that bothered by his blunder. Apparently, Natalie's dad introduced Frankenstein to her when she was little which was pretty sweet.

"Cool as," He smiled. "Are you big into those movies? Like old horror films?" Too bad they weren't seeing one of those tonight!
She beamed, nodded. ”I’m super into them even before, you know? Which is probably super ironic thinking back.” There was a laugh at herself here. ”What about you?” They moved up a few spaces in line.
Jay chuckled, genuinely enjoying getting to know her tastes.

"Do I like horror movies? Uhhhh." He laughed, a bit embarrassed. "Can't say I've seen many of them. But I'm open to it, definitely. I saw, uhhh. The Ring. But only the American version. Final Destination." He chuckled. "Plus a few from Australia I saw growing up when I was probably too young. But I haven't seen many older ones."
He hadn’t seen a lot, but definitely the ones that’d been super important to early 2000s popculture. It totally counted. And then even as a kid which had her laughing some. Seeing movies that were way above your age level was definitely a shared experience.

”Those ones are great, though.” And if he was open to it as Jay was saying, she didn’t mind showing him some. ”I think the Ring one had me sleeping with the light on for months.”
He grinned, feeling better about his entry point into pop culture in the early 2000s.

"Same!" Jay tilted his head back to laugh a bit louder at their shared experience. "That fucked me up completely when I was a kid. I think I saw it at some sleepover for a birthday party." Sounded like a rite of passage almost.
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