Davis Zoo The Midnight Report
It didn't really feel like much was gleaned from the call with who Matilda realized was the werewolf STF Chief. Right? Hard to miss that news clip, even if she hadn't seen it the moment it happened.

Matilda stood, waiting for Catrina to get off the phone, wondering if next steps were just - go home, go to sleep, and deal with it the next night.
And with that the line would cut and her phone was blessedly free of the wolf having an identity crisis.

Taking the phone away from her ear to join her pocket once more, Catrina turned to Matilda again. It was unfortunate not much else had been gained for her sake at the very least.

“Daniella is being charged with assault, but as for the rest of what that means, we will learn more with time as its an unfortunate catch all.” She held her hands together in front, letting arms hang.
Charged with assault. Yeah. Matilda sighed heavily, trying to wrap her mind around it. Dani had just gone to work and now this? Tilda didn't blame her partner. Sometimes, shit just happened. Bloodlust just happened.

"I guess I should get back then. Thank you Catrina, and I'm sorry about all of this."
She took it in stride, continued to do so. Even in moments like these, Matilda shone and Catrina could not be more proud of her. Strength came in many forms and the girl had grown to be so.

”Of course, dearie. I am here to help however I cant.”

There was an issue to address, however.

”That being said, things are moving very quickly and if the opportunity comes up before I find out, I know it is not reasonable for me to ask you don’t visit.” The last thing Catrina wanted was to cause further stress and, at worst, the thought that she was suffocating Matilda when that was the farthest from her desires.

”Just let me know before you do and understand I cannot help you once you’re inside.” She did not trust sheep that thought themselves as wolves or a wolf who thought he a shepherd. It was not safe.

”Do not mention the clutch or its members to anyone while there, either.” Just small things, but the less knowledge provided to the polis the better.
Matilda was relieved Catrina wouldn't stop her from visiting Daniella. It was good to hear she could. She listened to the stipulations for it, which were reasonable and Tilda nodded.

"I won't. And I'll of course let you know. Thank you, Catrina." She gave a small, sombre smile to the woman.
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