She took it in stride, continued to do so. Even in moments like these, Matilda shone and Catrina could not be more proud of her. Strength came in many forms and the girl had grown to be so.
”Of course, dearie. I am here to help however I cant.”
There was an issue to address, however.
”That being said, things are moving very quickly and if the opportunity comes up before I find out, I know it is not reasonable for me to ask you don’t visit.” The last thing Catrina wanted was to cause further stress and, at worst, the thought that she was suffocating Matilda when that was the farthest from her desires.
”Just let me know before you do and understand I cannot help you once you’re inside.” She did not trust sheep that thought themselves as wolves or a wolf who thought he a shepherd. It was not safe.
”Do not mention the clutch or its members to anyone while there, either.” Just small things, but the less knowledge provided to the polis the better.