Permanently Exhausted Pigeon
[Image: AXZC5XW.jpg=1]

Raindrop. Droptop. Stressing over my life like nonstop.

Common → Intermediate

Survive at least 4 full moons — (3/3)

  1. August
  2. September
  3. October
  4. November

4 threads with 4 different Weres[/mdash] (4/4)

  1. [b]I have a basketball game tomorrow — Axel meets Asha.(Complete)
  2. The trail I blaze — Axel meets Mathis and makes a bad impression.(Complete)
  3. Last Hurrah — Axel meets Blaise while standing in the rain.(Complete)
  4. Never really over — Axel meets Ben and thinks the guy is weird.(Complete)

3 threads with a Vampire — (1/3)

  1. A not so secret santa — Axel and Tatiana meet up to exchange gifts and talk
  2. Where art thou Joaquin? — Joaquin comes home a bit different then normal. (Complete)
  3. Charm snaker —Axel meets Mainu by the river during a night out. He ends up helping her pick up trash as they talk about groups.

3 threads with a Psychic or Human — (3/3)

  1. Thistle & Clover — While at work Axel meets Ashley and they talk flowers. (Completed)
  2. Roommate 2.0 — Joaquin moves in with Axel.(Complete)
  3. Paint Me Like One of Your Mermaids —Minerva comes over to help Axel with his makeup for the mermaid show. (Complete)

Have 2 threads where your character utilizes their animal form for a minimum of three posts — (2/2)

  1. Dazzling — Axel and Asha have a grooming session.(Completed)
  2. A cat with a nip and a buz — Axel and Kalypso have some cat nip time in the Cove. (Complete)

Have 1 thread where your character starts to shift and then reverts back before the shift's completion (must be in an urban setting) — (1/1)

  1. Hips Don't Lie — Axel gets some dancing lessons and a bad fall. (Complete)

Have 1 thread where your character struggles to hide what they are from a non-Were — (1/1)

  1. Apologue—After making a comment about vampires Axel decides to come out to Joaquin about being a were.(Complete)

Join a pack (if applicable) — (1/1)

  1. Be the Sky — The Cloud Cove Proud comes into being.

Intermediate → Advanced

Survive at least 6 full moons — (0/6)

  1. Decemeber
  2. January
  3. Febuary
  4. March
  5. April
  6. May

3 threads with 3 different Jaguars— (3/3)

  1. Pool noodle — Axel sees Gabriel at the Cove and shifts. Asha has to intervein.
  2. TCongealed pasta — After the mess at the Cove Axel has to explain himself to Asha and Esfir.
  3. Pamper Day — At the mall Axel and Elena have a great talk and get nails done.

3 threads with 3 different Vampires— (2/3)

  1. This is why you dont drunk call — Axel drunk calls Gabriel and it goes sort of okay.
  2. Gemibra: The story of Craig — During the valentines event Axel meets Craig (Jacky) things go okayish
  3. Title

3 threads with 3 different Humans or Psychics— (3/3)

  1. Runaway — Axel runs into Gabriel, his ex from California in the library. Things dont go well.
  2. It's called an immersive experience — Axel meets Alexis at the pride parade and gets some water.
  3. Infection in kissing — Axel tries to get free drinks from Grace whose got tickets

Have 2 threads where your character utilizes their hybrid form for a minimum of three posts — (0/2)

  1. Title
  2. Title

Have 1 thread where your character is in classic form for three posts — (0/1)

  1. Title

Have 1 thread where your character spars/fights with a were or vampire — (1/1)

  1. Cat and cat — During fight night Axel loses the fight and his lunch to Cam.

Have 1 thread where your character attempts to turn someone — (0/1)

  1. Title

Join a pack — (1/1)

  1. (Prowl Exchange) Our Mom Said We Can Have a Sleepover... — Axel moves to Rose View for what was supposed to be a short stint.

Earn a Rank or a Role — (0/1)

  1. Title

Active with Role/Rank for 3 consecutive months — (0/3)

Have 2 threads where your character participates in a group activity — (2/2)

  1. Fresh Coat of Paint — The prowl thinks about a new home base, there are talks about pizza and Axel doesn't do too well.
  2. Over the hills of snow! — Its a snow day with the prowl
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